Tougeki SBO 2011 - ST

I mean if there is no reversal at that distance the jab wont reach

I think ur right

So you’re saying the reversal Jab Shoryu can beat Hawk’s stand Jab? It can’t. Hawk is safe at the Jab’s max range. Dude, not even reversal Fierce or Strong Shoryu can beat it.

You really miss the point. He’s saying if the shoto hadn’t done a reversal SRK, that Hawk’s standing jab wouldn’t have ticked as a meaty at that distance. How true that is, I’m unsure…but that’s what I read and not sure how you keep missing things like this.


Just tested this myself. Blitzfu is correct. Hawk can st. jab tick ken at a max distance of 107. That’s the farthest he can be to have his standing jab tick ken. Ken’s LP and MP SRK will whiff at this range, if ken uses fierce, if T.Hawk times the meaty correctly it will actually stuff the fierce dp! If Ken does a LP SRK, hawk has plenty of time to SPD the whiffed LP SRK on recovery.

Not only that, but at this range, T.Hawk is still comfortably within throw distance even if he starts the 360 walking backwards.

ST Jab Meaty:



LP SPD throw distance (Notice the distance is 109, I started the spd with a backwards motion so hawk took a step back and is still in throw range, ideally hawks will start with a forward motion to option select a negative edge to block):

HP SRK Stuffed:

So I was wrong. I asked Damdai about this he said Ryu’s SRK will whiff, but this doesn’t work for Ken which is what I was basing this off of. I guess even a great T.Hawk player can be incorrect at times haha.

Papasi was correct however, the distance portrayed in Blitzfu’s screen capture…hawk is very far from tick range.

Thanks for doing the test pasky. The reason I put Hawk so far away in my image was cuz I wanted to see the max range of the Typhoon vs a Jab Shoryuken. Obviously Hawk can still come close enough for the neutral Jab to connect and still be safe from the Shoryuken’s red hitbox. I knew I was right, but it’s good to have it verified with the HUD lol.

Nice posts. However, you guys just need to recall that if Ken uses a Fierce or Strong Shoryuken, Hawk’s st.Jab will not touch them because it will not be active anymore by the time Ken is vulnerable. If you try the Sako Special and Ken uses one of those moves, odds are Hawk will get hit. I just find that this does not explain the whole match-up: Hawk has an easier time getting in on Ken and stuffing his projectiles.

I hit some Ken out of his Fierce Shoryuken with a st.Fierce FTW, recently. Funny in itself, and cos the far Fierce was a mistake.

Edit: I watched those SBO matches yesterday. Yuuvega managed to impress me, again, even after all the stuff I have already watched from him. People talk about his precise combos, but I have seen him perfect ordinary players with just kicks and stomps, alone.

Right, it won’t touch them, but hawk will have so much time to spd the recovery on the SRK. You can visually confirm that you whiffed and have time to react to a LP SRK whiff on your st. jab. My opinion on this match-up has changed after learning hawk’s option select meaty works on ken.

Hawk is still stupid.

-trolls suck-

You use claw…shut your filthy whore mouth.

Pasky, how did you activate that yellow box for hawk? I need that. Also, the version of your HUD program I downloaded has this weird aspect ratio. Horizontally, its too small. Anyway to fix it so that its the same as ggpo?

PS, that move you guys are talking about is why I rate hawk as a bad match up for shotos. 6 hawk vs 4 ryu, and 5.5 hawk vs 4.5 ken.

Hawk has no SPD, dumbass:clapdos:

If you’re talking about mame, hit Tab, click on “Video Options”, and then double click “Pixel Aspect (12:7)”.

For the yellow throw boxes, you have to set the Lua hotkeys. Click on Tab, then:

Input (general) / User Interface / Lua Custom Hotkey

-there are 5 lua hotkeys, one of them will activate the throw boxes (you’ll know you did it right when you see the white box). And when you do a throw, the yellow hitbox will appear.

Also, if you want to capture images, hit F12, and then go into the mame folder, and you will find your screenshot in the snaps folder.

I SPD’d your mom. 3/10

lol ok :tup:


Lol I only really use claw against guile and sim mostly. I think ill ask for a joystick for christmas.

-trolls suck-

Of coz I’m right. WTF?

Also, notice the 2nd to last image from pasky. Although it barely touches n ken’s throw box. When ticked, it will push him back out of 360 range.

And then like freeholes said, you need to use sako special to move into range, neg edge 360 ending in down back in case another reversal dp comes out. That shit is not easy to do correctly.

You’ll see people who do this but their 360 might not be safe, it’s just that the other guy didn’t reversal. Or their 360 piano release timing is off (ie no reversal at frame 0, but dp at frame 1, yet no 360)

frijole is the later camp. I did jab dp 4 times in a row after his st jab tick, my reversal timing sucks so those 4 weren’t reversal. But he didn’t lift me up 4 times in a row. But he did the neg edge alright.

You’re wrong about that tick being easy (spacing or execution)

You cannot move 1 pixel at a time with a pad or a stick.
Try it with HUD. Just slightly tapping left or right will move 3-7 pixels at a time.
There isn’t a lot of margin for error in a match.

Yes, T.Hawk will be pushed back, but t.hawk has a pretty hefty buffer on a 360 and MIGHT be able to walk forward and be in spd range right when ken comes out of block stun, something DNGR and DJ can do consistently. The dreaded tick walk forward 360.

I’m unsure and can’t test right now.

Pasky, do you recall the wake-up throw invulnerability thing? Is it constant or not, and if not, how random is it? I am almost sure I was thrown almost instantly after waking up, and some vids show it. NH2 has also posted vids of this happening in WW (it is in some of those Nagoyan videos which are full of amazing stuff).

It actually is not very comfortable at all against ken. That’s the only reason I don’t always go for it. It is only wise to go for it when you get a knock down on the other guy in a way that gives you a LOT of time to get into the right spacing. Try it out with that trust program. You don’t need to be able to sako tick, just setup the dummy to constantly DP. Knock him down and see how consistently you can walk up to safely st jab tick him.