Tougeki SBO 2011 - ST

I believe dammit stated wakeup throw invuln is random and can be anywhere from 1 to 29 frames.

Thanks! I’ve put them all in order:

First line: 1 1 11 11 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 17 17 17 19 19 19 21 21 21 23 23 23 25 25 25 27 29

So, this gives:
1: 1/16
11: 1/16
12: 1/16
13: 3/32
14: 3/32
15: 3/32
17: 3/32
19: 3/32
21: 3/32
23: 3/32
25: 3/32
27: 1/32

Impact freeze does not get ignored, right? This means a weak attack into a throw should fail with a probability of 1/32, as the character being hit recovers at the 27th or 28th frame (link). And 1/16 of eating a complete BS instant SPD.

damn this game is completely broken.

i hope HDR already fixed this? if not, the next version should.

we need a rom hack cheat so 1: 1/16 becomes 1: 16/16
i want a babyzone gief in ST!

Amazing, this explains somethings. HDR didn’t fix this, and I’m sure no one knew enough about it then to have it changed. So that’s how some Honda and Gief players do a kara-cancelled Short into command throw on wakeup. They just got randomly lucky.

Without a doubt, throw invincibility should be constant not random.

I love this game, but lol some of the findings lately are kind of dumb.

Personally, I love the random aspect, it’s what makes this game so manly.

Now I neg edge spd EVERY wakeup. Thanks for the more retarded shit I have to put up with using hawk.

LOL pasky, I was pretty sure my [sarcastic/] tag was detected. Apparently not.
Rarely it is wise to mess with the engine without understanding why it’s there in the first place.
I totally agree with you that’s what makes ST such a manly game.

I detected it just fine. I was referring to Blitzfu saying it should be constant…if you were also…carry on :smokin:

I guess papasi’s pissed that I made him look bad about Hawk’s neutral Jab. LOL Just admit you were wrong, everybody else already knows it.

What are you talking about?
Did you actually READ what I said about Hawk’s neutral Jab??

You seem to misread everything I said in the last 2 pages… -_-
You keep talking like hawk’s throw setup are babyzone, which I said they aren’t.

I can count with one hand people from N/S america that have a hawk good enough to use it in tourney. Or even online hawk players.

I guess if VF4 still post here he would not be as polite as me and quick to point out the problems in your posts.


so Ryu can option select an instant wakeup throw attempt, and if it doesn’t happen get an overhead? lol. That’s retarded.

But geiz, Hawk’s throw loop is broken and easy to pull off, unlike Ryu. You know how hard it is to zone with a fake fireball?

Backpedalling on your own words.

Even a 100% reversal is not going to save a Ryu or Ken player. They will have to hope that their opponent screws up his own execution. Or else, they will have to make sure they never get knocked down vs Hawk. Easier said than done, even for top JP players.

LOL why u mad bro?

Can you tell me that list? I’m curious who the good hawk players are.

Did you actually read everything?
I suck at reversal and even djfrijole can’t tick me consistently. I did shitty non reversal dp to avoid his tick and he failed 4 times in a row. I was out of the trap.

You always assume in theory hawk can do 100% lock down on his opponent, but in reality, it’s not.

Have you tried to apply the hawk setup yourself? How good are you with that?

You keep saying hawk’s setup is broken and people here are telling you that it’s not. Because it isn’t even EASY to do, let alone do it correctly many times in a match.

DSP: online, maybe damdai, djf, psycho, you. offline damdai (last year), and you have leveled up a lot now so you should show that hawk this coming SCR

moocus showed that t hawk magic against voltech’s chun in one game, and that was awesome. I wish you guys could show that off again.

In case you thought I didn’t know about st jab is safe from reversal DP, I posted quite a bit when djf showed us the sako tick video.

And yeah, I ripped the whole hitbox and throwbox and have seen them long time ago.

Its broken more mostly from safe jump into safe throw attempt. Even if they dont get it 100 percent of the time.

Also it is broken, regardless of its difficulty. Simply because in theory it could be inescapable.

However, practically speaking. . .

-trolls suck-

I never said it was easy. I know it’s DIFFICULT to do. But with some practice of the sako technique, Hawk players like moocus and gamble are getting really good at it. I haven’t played moocus, but his performance was excellent in the last tourney, even spacing the neutral Jab perfectly against Chun (she has a much harder time than either Ryu or Ken). Good job to moocus.

And I never said it was broken. I said it was SOMEWHAT BROKEN. I can’t call it broken, becuase the Typhoon is escapable, but I can’t call it not broken either cuz every reversal is either easily punished (except for a few like Cammy, Honda, etc) or every reversal is stuffed by DP install. If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose one, I would say it’s not broken, simply cuz there is a chance to escape the loop, however minor.

But yeah, it’s a difficult tactic to do, and I got nothing but admiration for all the current US Hawk players who have levelled up in the past year. If I am facing one of these players with my Ryu or Ken, you best believe I’m gonna reversal every tick, fuck it if I get punished. = J (And I got a couple of new tricks too, so fuck you Hawk players too) :lovin:

Hawk is nowhere near broken. Even the greatest hawk players get creamed during tournaments and I’m talking about Totanki and K, not American Hawks. The fact that he can be zoned pretty hard and has bad matchups vs non-fireball characters like blanka, honda, cammy, and fei long make him fair to use. Yes he has a unstoppable corner lock down, but if you fucked up and got cornered by hawk, he deserves it 100%. It doesn’t work on all of the cast either, it’s like saying dictator is broken because if you corner him with gief, it’s inescapable unless he has super. He doesn’t even have the same armor rating as Gief. This coming from Cloth…the same guy who whined about one of the worst supers in the game…Guile’s :P.

You know what’s broken? Chun stored super. Honda stored Oichio. Claw stored flipkick. Can you imagine if guile could walk up with a stored fucken super? Deejay? Even blanka’s could be useful. Guile could sonic boom just like Chun li and have a sonic condom, and if you jump BAM DOUBLE FLASH.

Claw is the only charge character that can block high and still reversal a tick throw because he can store his gay flip kick. But everyone is talking about who the Japanese rank as the lowest character in the game as being broken…they even ranked Cammy higher than T.Hawk

Now that’s retarded. Honda gets a pass on his super because it sucks so bad that him having it stored still doesn’t make it better, but Honda is one of those characters who doesn’t even need a super to win.

Everyone knows short hurricane makes hawks st jab whiff. But if he option selects a DP…you eat it and with a trade at best for you (if hawk does jab DP) and you eat it if he does fierce DP…Nothing really new to discover about this matchup that the Japanese probably didn’t already know. There is no escape…just hope your opponent fucks up.

sonic condoms and blitzALWAYS ANGRYFU is Lo0L
Neo told me you cant tack on a DP to sakos like a typhoon/tomahawk 2 in one. What you do is cr strongs right after to beat reversal tatsus and hit dp’s on then way down. I can put up a match later tonight of yaki tori T Hawk doing this in all it’s glory.