Thank you so much, good sir.
Awesome, thank you for that. (Wow, Aniken’s Super completely passes through Yuuvega’s Psycho Crusher, unbelievable!)
Gief is not broken, and neither is any other tick throw setup. The only throw setups that could be somewhat broken are Honda and Hawk’s negative-edge command throws (esp Hawk since he can option select his DP, which can beat the majority of other DPs).
… I guess my only defense is that hawk has some of the worse match ups in the game.
That doesn’t matter if you are using a character that hawk can get in on.
I told you to stop playing N.Ken.
It’s not broken unless anyone can do it consistently during a tournament.
We’ve seen the two man hawk team showing off once at xmania 11 but that’s it.
Stop talking like everyone can do that shit.
Similarly, gief can use safe meaty into tick setup, and gief is not broken.
N Ken doesn’t lose to hawk, wtf?
I don’t know, but I know Hawk can approach him.
Only thing making honda’s somewhat broken is that you can store it. Hawk’s is fine, if you’re dumb enough to get a cornered knockdown vs him, you’re dead. Also, ken does better against hawk than ryu because hawk’s st. jab wont get hit by ryu’s reversal srks. Doesnt’ work that way for Ken.
One of the reasons I hate Honda over all the other grapplers.
I thought ken’s fierce and medium dp always whiffed after the first hit.
PAPERCUT, damdai and djfrijoles can do it, thanks to the sako technique (which speeds up the 360 motion, leaving a good player with enough time to tack on a DP). If they can do it, then anyone can do it (with practice of course).
If the opponent is close enough, then Ken’s Strong and Fierce SRK will knock down. But no, Ken doesn’t have an easier time vs Hawk, and Hawk’s neutral Jab works the same way vs Ken as it does vs Ryu (Hawk players correct me if I’m wrong). The only advantage Ken has is Hawk cannot safejump him.
Both shotos make it really hard to T.Hawk to apply the loop if they have the timing for single-button reversals. Jab SRK has good priority, and the distance needs to be quite accurate.
I ain’t sure Ken does better than Ryu against Hawk. Ryu has many things going, specially with good reflexes, like SRK and diagonal Strong for jumps and the Hadou that knocks down. Ken does have a sick damage on his Jab SRK.
Not on big characters. Yes it doesn’t work if not point blank on some chars, NEVER WORKS ON CHUN.
-trolls suck-
Ken’s reversal Jab Shoryu doesn’t beat Hawk’s meaty neutral Jab. Hawk does need to be accurate, but he doesn’t need to be surgical. He’s got a comfortable margin of error (even against O.Ken).
heh, that ken is about to get raped. =)
you probably wouldn’t believe it without seeing it but, Ive stuffed fierce Ken DP with st n. jab. I dont agree with the comfertable margin of error. I might be slow but it took me 5 almost 6 months to learn that in hard core training mode everyday and I still mess it up.
I’m not saying some casual player can come in and start spacing Hawk’s Jab perfectly against reversal Shoryus. Of course, it takes practice, maybe months and months of it. What I’m saying is look at the distance between Hawk’s blue box and Ken’s red box. It’s huge, relatively speaking.
looking at it and doing it is like the dif between straight and gay lol. Im not being confrontational or anything but just try it. just saying. to be honest, I havent even been following the conversation lol. I just liked the image you posted.
pretty sure at that distance the st jab won’t tick on shoto.
also, some hawk players like dsp can do it. but can they loop until the other guy is dead? against good shotos with 99% reversal? dont think so.
see thats the hard part. jab is supposed to whiff if they reversal, then you walk up and cr jab cr jab 720/360. it either whiffs or you do it untill they get typhooned or the jab hits you walk forward and 360 or they get reversal there and whiff again lol. Thats the correct way to do it.