Top Tier causes Guilt?

I don’t feel bad when I pick upper tier characters, but it does irk me a little if I’ve picked someone who’s considered “brainless.” This happened to me with blazblue. I immediately picked up noel because i genuinely liked the character, and she fit with my preference for a rush down style, so it was a little bit of a bummer being told she was considered a “brainless” character. I still use her, but not exclusively anymore (which I guess is for the better)

Otherwise, I just pick who based on looks good and seems fun to play (and other completely superfluous criteria), tiers be damned (especially considering I don’t play at a high enough level for tiers to become a significant factor)

Lilith has no cleavage though. :razzy:

Actually, Lilith is a flat-chest borderline loli that has super where she gets naked.

You should rephrase what you said. You said low tier could win easily in Vsav. When in fact that is not true especially with a character like Lilith where she only has frame advantage. She can’t deal any damage unless it is a Luminous Illusion. Her dp sucks can easily get baited and countered even in as a gc or reversal her air fireball is a better AA tool. Her other specials and supers(EXs) are just down right gimmicks.

All this Lilith talk reminded me of this

Also, my friend tried to call me a tier whore the other day because all the characters I play in fighting games turn out to be good and give him a hard time. I don’t even play top tiers, he just needs to step up his game. >:(

I don’t hate tiers. I hate crutches. Me using crutches and other people using crutches because everybody wants to win.

That’s why I have mad respect for people who stick to their guns.

Edit: Yeah I think people who goes back to their crutches feel guilty not people who tier whore.

don’t worry… SFxT has a feature to solve all your tier whoring worries

Play whoever you like, if the person you are playing against is using “Low-Tier” and is serious about learning that character or team it well only make that person a stronger player in the long run.

It’s a matter of relativity. Compare VSav to most other Capcom games, and then you realize low tiers have it easier there compared to others. I mean, compare Lilith vs. Saquatch to say, Sean vs. Chun in 3S or any team of random low tiers vs Santhrax or MSP in MvC2 and you’ll see what I mean.

Wow, what a shitty fucking website.

But I don’t want AIDS man, that shit sucks it killed Freddy Mercury. :sad:

Match ups are not relative saying one easier then the other is just stupid. Match ups are different per game where there is different mechanics, different characters,and different arenas. I have an easier time winning with Dan in Alpha 2 against Rose which means with your logic a2 has better balance then Vsav1.

You see characters like lilith winning in vsav in japan because the game is over a decade old and some people are just that good now, the majority of tournaments are still won by Zabel and crew.

Yeah, with an average matchup of 3.5, lilith is a great character with a fair shot of beating sasquatch who has a 7-3 matchup and infinitely better tools for mixup, poking, zoning, and rushdown. Zabel totally doesn’t have an unfair advantage on the cast with his worst matchup being himself, that’s just silly.

Comparing a game to stuff like 3S or Marvel 2 balance is just silly, it’s like saying that “Gaddaffi wasn’t that bad of a leader because he was better than Mussolini or Stalin.”

Vsav is a great game and more people should play such a timeless classic (rather than just pretend they do like with ST), but balanced it is not.


It should not. In fact, in games with any tiers at all you’re better off just picking the best and easiest char and going from there, since that basically gives you a leg up from the get go, if your priority is winning tournies and beating other players. And there is nothing wrong with that, either. They’re just globs of pixels on a TV, after all. Everyone who plays is solely responsible for how they feel and react to the game.

To be honest i think the fighting game community should be beyond tier when it comes to competitions as tiers are all subjective most of the time, and match up types can be seen the same as tiers. Personally tiers are more popularity than anything. I’m more frighten of fighting a low tier character than high tier because 90% of the time I’m aware of high tier character capability rather than a low ones.

Personally I low teir whore to find a character to learned the game from and then move on from their.

I really dislike people
who pick low tier characters
and lose to someone with high tier
and then proceed to spew bullshit

its your fault
you have the choice who to pick at the select screen

and to be honest i like top tier
cause they usually have options
they have more advanced setups/moves

my criteria is very simple
pick who i like personally then out of those choices pick who has the the best performance/ highest ceiling for potential

besides noone actually likes low tier anymore
i remeber back in the days there were no patches or any of that stuff
you picked who you picked and if they were low tier or high i was what it was
nowadays if your character sucks you just bitch a moan until a patch comes
so really noone should talk about pride anymore when talking about low tier cause you only gonna have to wait a few weeks until your character gets some arbitrary bullshit to make them high and watch you fellow people who were once with you turn against your main to nerf them or give another character more

I don’t feel any guilt playing Top Tier Characters.

I mean, look at every one of my teams. They got Dark Wesker sitting in the back waiting to do his douchebaggery. Do I ever feel bad for losing matches with Dark Wesker? Not one damn bit.

Yeah I hate Makoto, picking her up when she was bad was just to stick it to all the people that dropped her because of that.

It was that “I can play your character better than you” syndrome even though she was a ton worse than ever before. She goes back to normal and I’m like
"Screw that, NEXT."

I still would’ve been that guy talking about " this shit is bogus, such and such is too good/ gay/ annoying" It’s just a good way to vent. I always know I can do better I never look away from that fact. But people just have to deal with it and move on. The public eye won’t appreciate it, but it’s on the player themselves to make the decision.

However even now I’m not above using someones character against them if it’s what I REALLY believe is the driving force of my losses to them.

Yeah your right there are certain circumstances where you can really see the limitations of your character and it’s a tad frustrating to deal with something that really stuffs the majority of your actions
It just irritates me that people who stake so much pride in saying
" I play a low tier character look at me I have skill"
Are the same ones a lot of the time complaining about a patch to make their character better/top tier
Idk it would seem to me that the whole point in having that pride would be because you are playing with less/more of a limit

The snowflake thing is fine with low tier players but they’ve really gotta work at it and re-align their priorities toward improving their game and not always being able to pull off the victory due to the developer’s design flaws. The martyrdom that comes with it is really tiresome since they assume people who pick top tier are taking shortcuts (objectively false unless you’re deaing with Ivan Ooze or something) or they are just trying to score a moral victory when they get destroyed. Americans as a whole are also uniquely awful about dealing with defeat or admitting fault in anything. It happens elsewhere but familiarity and contempt and all that.