Toon Link (and maybe Link too)

You’re getting really zealous about making your point it seems, but uh…really dude.

Who do you think you’re talking to when it comes to balance? Nigga, I play marvel and 3S. This game has 35 characters in it; I.E. there’s no way in hell it’s going to balanced.

But I’m not going to say a characters sucks and not try to explore them for myself first. Tiers overall only end up having most people GENERALLY agree on how they should look.

And this is only comong from fighting game tier history and my own play experience. I’ll never forget the crowd of people saying that Sent won’t make it to MvC2 competitive play. Now it doesn’t exsist without his broken ass. Oh, and how the hailstorm is slow and shitty…and how headcrush was the best super in the game.

Nigga, shit changes. The tiers lists you see in just about every big fighting game out there weren’t established in a month.

But…MvC2 is a deep game.

Brawl is…is…UGH!!!

*runs out of the thread crying.

If you’re not going to counterpoint, why post? it’s like you’re childishly trying to get the last word in.

shit doa4 isn’t a deep game, but the tier list for that game has changed drastically and plenty of times ever since it’s release. I said just about EVERY big fighting game.

hey tigerboi…this doesn’t really have to do with brawl but i figured you might wanna see this possible april fools joke…

Legend of Zelda movie:


Chill out.

I’m messing around. Can no one have fun here?


Anyway, TLs edgegaurding is just too good. The fucking bair+dair bullshit is just nuts. It’s like marth only with great horizontal recovery.

Whoo, when I heard Toon Link was gonna be in (I love teh linkz and seldaz!) I knew I wanted to main him…but it sounds like he’s top-tier now…hmm…awesome I guess :smiley:

yeah, Link is not as fun to play with as Melee…le sigh

I’m pretty inconsistent with my RAR bairs for TL. Any tips? I run towards, short hop towards and hold back to turn in the air, then bair. That right?

You have to turn before you jump. Pretty sure about that but I could be wrong. :razz:

That’s how I’ve been doing it. I’m not pro though, so I could be all n00b and doing something wrong.

I don’t want to diss Link at all, but Toon Link is just amazing compared to the big guy. The lack of knockback is totally made up for by the priority. Plus, TLink’s boomerang give hims such great mindgames. Throwing the boomerang downward from a short hop, then going into a guessing game with your opponent just gets too good.

Yea, he’s pretty beastly; I throw the boomerang over the opponent and start attacking. By the time they try to attack back they have to block, dodge, or keep attacking which would be disrupted by my boomerang.

  1. Run forward
  2. Hit back (like a pivot)
  3. Jump
  4. Do a Bair

Pretty simple, I love spamming the hell out of it.

Against heavy characters, RAR with TL is just nuts. He can combo d3 off the stage using it alone.

It’s even useful agianst light characters like Shiek for edgegaurds and shit. Plus setting it up is real easy. Just down throw or start it off of a two hit dair and low percentages.

Fudge it, I got it wrong…but T.Link got a weird weight about him…like floating and shit…

I never played Smash Brawl. First time player… played for 6 hours straight last night. Loved it. TOON LINK is mad easy for me to play with. I feel in control.

Never played any of the Smash games because I could not find a character I was comfortable with.

Playing Toon Link feels like I am playing Ninja Gaiden.:cool::rock: (the Demon color with the pink eyes.)

I am hardcore CVS2 player. But I am having a blast with Smash. I want in on the Smash community. Cvs2 is still crazy… But will trade it all to play with toon link.:nunchuck:

I want to learn Toon Link.

Make a your own thread some day.:woot:

I just learned how to play him today. It’s strange, he’s like Jigglypuff with a sword

I think he’s better than Link, but people are taking things WAY out of proportion. For one he is NOT legions greater than Link. They both have their advantages and disadvantages. Toon Link stays more in the air I think… Link has more to gain by being grounded. They fight differently, so trying to compare them is weird… kinda like comparing Donkey and Diddy. His extreme floatiness put me off at first but as I got better in SSBB, I learned how to handle it.

edit: i notice people refer to TL and camping a lot. by camping, do you mean the spamming of arrows, boomerang, bombs, etc.? if that’s the case, why not just go Link for that? His spam is much more effecient, plus he has moves that punish you for trying to punish him. I’d rather use TL for his sword than his B moves.

I disagree. I think Link is really fun to play in brawl. I actually like him better in this game. Spacing with his projectiles is fun and useful, his airs is too good, and he has good edge guarding. Plus TP link is bomb:hitit:

@Emblemlord: plz hop off linkz dik kthx

TL’s arrows can be used like Falco’s SHDL (Short Hop Double Laser) since uncharged arrows go farther for him than they do for Link. He can spam them much more effectively

TL’s bombs have a bigger blast radius despite lower damage/knockback.

TL’s boomerang hits on the way back unlike Link’s. Makes it easier to control spacing and can aid in combos.

the arrows… they’re extremely slow though. I prefer Link’s arrows and bombs, but I wouldn’t mind Toon Link’s boomerang. Link’s can set up for some interesting situations, but Toon Link’s boomerang is a savior even if it does take a while to throw