Toon Link (and maybe Link too)

The slow arrows make his SHDA into a wall, similar to SHDHM for Samus. It makes his arrows great for zoning and spacing and makes his ability to camp that much better than Link’s.

I got a question, though…in regards to tether recovery, I think TL’s hookshot sweetspots ledges while Link’s clawshot doesn’t BUT I don’t use either enough to be completely sure. Can someone enlighten me?

Also, do their pivot grabs offer ANY kind of usefulness? I tried it and didn’t see a difference. Lucas, Samus and Yoshi’s PGs have less lag than normal but TL’s and Link’s seem just as laggy and slow.

My friend tells me there’s a way you can cancel out of Toon Link’s down + A in mid air so you don’t always go shooting off to your death if you miss. Is this true? If so, how do you do it?

I don’t know how to do that, but I also have another question regarding that. How do you make it so that dair+A goes slow instead of going really fast. Do you have to tilt it? I’ve done this a couple of times and I could never pull it off. It would only come out on accident.

no idea how to do either thing you two are talking about.

At first I stopped playing Link because I thought he sucked at building up damage, but he’s actually an alright fighter. Bombs, if you use them well, can be used to combo with. That and his jab will devestate anything it outranges (and doesn’t clash with). Link makes it hell for chars like Ice Climbers for instance because of his jab alone.

On a side note, anyone got a weight chart? I’m thinking Toon Link’s bomb handling can be used in a similar manner, and if he’s not as light as I think then I wouldn’t mind using him.

LOL tl’s arrow do have knockback.

His arrows are kinda slow you don’t know what you’re talking about, yeah he’s a good camper but with how good rolling, shielding, n airdodging is it’s not that hard to get close to him or any character…cept snake.

LOL you couldn’t be more wrong. TL has shitty range and it’s a pretty damn noticeable weakness in competitive play.

I agree with all of this cept you forgot fair is one of his kill moves too, he doesn’t have a hard time against mk actually he has a very slight advantage against him, and his keepaway game is really good but it takes good mixup skills to use it.

Throws don’t suck it’s just that tl has a terrible one. If you think tl’s only combo potential is with utilt you don’t know how to play him.

That is a beastly tl I think i’m getting that good with tl though online it’s hard to see that lol stupid input lag.

LOL emblem lord and his silly incorrect posts so entertaining.

LOL ladies and gentlemen this is the talk of a scrub.

Yeah if you press down on the smash stick while ascending in the air in your jump then he does a dair but doesnt go down fast it’s useless though. You can infinitely cancel his dair into another dair though assuming you’re good enough to predict where your opponent will go. I’ve hit people with dair 6 times before touching the ground lol.

Metaknight: Uair, jump, Uair, jump, Uair, jump, Uair, jump, Uair, jump, Uair, shuttle loop = dead
Dair sweet spot, rather, rinse, repeat, = death. Usually only need about 3.
Those are just two of many many combo’s meta knight has that kill people.

You must be very close for it to spike. If TL travels too far downward this will pop them upward and wont spike.
Dair is a pretty bad move that should be avoided because it has so much lag when you miss.
Dair is useful when you’re getting knocked off the stage at a high enough damage. It will make you float and slow the speed you’re flying away at, just make sure you only do it once, the second time you’ll fall like normal.

D-Air = down air. D,U,B,F,N =Down, Up, Back, Front, Neutral.

There’s so much wrong with this post.
Frame data says that ALL moves put you at disadvantage when you hit someone. There are True combos and combos. TL doesn’t have many true combo’s [if you’re wondering, in terms of streetfighter a true combo would be counted as a combo ALWAYS and a combo wouldn’t and would have a way out, but usually works anyway].

Down throw, Utilt, Bair, Bair, land, jump, Bair, bair, land, jump, bair, bair, repeat, is a true combo that will take most of the cast from one end of the stage to the other on final Destination [FD] and set you up for a Dair to spike and kill them. If you mess up the combo by jumping too high you can fast fall and uair.

Short hop arrows…great.
Quick draw arrows, wonderful. [pull out an arrow so the animation starts just before you’re going to land. When you land you’ll immediately be in the final frames of the animation and shoot an arrow much quicker than normal].
Short hop, Arrow on the way up, you’ll fire at the peak of the short hop, then press B again, and you’ll do a quick draw and fire another arrow when you land.

There are many applications for this, like grabbing a bomb on the way up, then quick drawing, and going back to spamming arrows. or neutral air, quick draw. bomb toss, etc…

Twink can’t attach arrows to bombs. Don’t believe in this.

Lots of characters can get around arrow spam, very easy too.
Meta Knight’s tornado wont be interupted by arrows unless they’re fully charged, for example. Meta knight can fly over them as well. Ness can hit then with his bat. Pit’s arrows are superior. They travel fast and take less time to fire. snake can use nikita, etc. etc. etc…
Arrow spam is useful but shouldn’t be relied on.

Pit and mario have reflectors also. When your arrows are reflected you can stop all action and use your shield [the shiny sparkly one, not the bubble] and then proceed.
Falco’s laser spam beats twink’s arrow spam.

short hop arrow, to quick draw arrow [double arrow] places two arrows on the screen at once. if you do it fast enough there will be four.
His Zoning is good, for mid range combat. He also has a sword and his bair is great for zoning.

Other things.
Invicibombs: While holding a bomb tap shield, then A [without moving in a direction] quickly after. You’ll Air dodge and drop a bomb. If you’re near someone you’ll hit them with the bomb and wont be hit because you’re air dodging. very useful.

bomb drop: While in the air tap z or Shield and attack without moving and you’ll drop the bomb instead of throwing it. If you’re low enough to the ground you’ll even place the bomb on the ground [your down airs will cause it to slide if you do it near the bomb].

double bomb toss. Throw a bomb in the air [the higher toss], then grab a bomb, jump and throw it. the first bomb should be falling near you at this point. Press shield, A, and a direction [in that order very quickly] and you’ll grab it, then throw it to follow the other bomb. People will think twice about trying to catch it. This is a toss and a quick toss. Use quick toss for things like throwing a bomb up, double arrow spamming, then quick tossing, more arrow spam and other things.

Direction change. Press a direction and b [while in the air], then the opposite direction, while you’re in the air traveling in any direction. The time window in very small for this. In most situations you change the direction you were going and throw a boomerang. Try it out.

Phantom boomerange. Only works when facing left. Throw a boomerang so that the lower part of it is inside a platfort when it’s coming out. It wont return. Easiest places to do this are stages with slopes. Stand on the slope and throw the boomerang. You can do it on final D, but it’s pretty impractical and also difficult.

keep in mind that you get lagged when you catch your boomerange. If you do anything [more then just moving or standing] the moment it comes back this lag will not happen. So, shoot an arrow, throw a bomb, swing your sword, whatever.

Double arrow was explained earlier as well as quick draw.
you can direction change with arrows as well as with the boomerangs. While traveling in the air, press b, then the opposite direction you’re facing. You’ll change momentum. [you can do this with most characters].

There is a technique that’s near impossible to do, but worth mastering where you land, shoot an arrow the opposite way you’re facing, then face the way you were originally. You land and press b, then Back, then forward [but it must be done so quickly it’s very hard to get to work. If you buffer with an air attack you can start pressing the command earlier and it’ll be easier.

Also, with every character [most anyway], if you do a neutral B and press the opposite direction you’re facing you’ll do it in the opposite direction [very useful faking people out with a falcon punch, but we’re not talking about him are we].

Sword techs.
Boost smash/Dacus. Not worth doing with Twink. It’s better with characters like Sheik and Snake. Twink’s is worthless. To do it you do a dash attack, then cancel it with an upsmash, which causes you to slide at the same speed as the dash attack. Twink’s is worthless because running forward and doing an upsmash causes you to slide JUST AS FAR and JUST AS FAST.