Toon Link (and maybe Link too)

OK, please someone clarify this because the Smash Wiki is acting stupid and changes its information every other day. Is regular Link faster or slower than he was in Melee?

^ he seems to run slower but everything else feels the same.

Camping under the check points with regular Link is even more retarded than TL.

Zelda camping:
even if you manage to get around din’s fire you have to deal with the checkpoint and Naryu’s love…at once. But, yeah, I think that EL is overating this strat. For one, the checkpoint moves, two she can be stopped by alot of different projectile types.

its kinda weird i just learned how to do it, just tap z right as ur hitting the ground. it almost looks like u just landed, its kinda hard to do at first but get the hang of it.

now doing this with lag… impossible.

No. She can’t be stopped by alot of different projectiles since the checkpioint stops alot of them.

And yeah the checkpoint moves. So what?

Din’s fire lets her hit the checkpoit and her opponent and the same time.

tigerboi: You need to play opponents who do nothing, but play gay and camp you. It’s alot of fun. Trust me.

Me and about five friends played Brawl for like 6 straight hours today. I thoroughly tested out the Zelda idea on Green Hill Zone and it was incredibly effective. I won like 8 straight matches without losing a life. But my friends found ways around it. They just picked other projectile characters and tried to beat me to the check points. I may not know how to play Zelda well but I don’t consider this strategy on the level of brokeness to be banned. I think some people are just over hyping it.


Emblemlord: I seriously don’t understand why the whole damn smash community is against camping.

It’s not.

But as of right now it’s the only viable strat.

Which is kinda silly don’t you think.

Well if it’s not broken then the stage should be viable. And honestly it isn’t the only viable strategy. Sure the most important part of the stage is to control the checkpoints, but it isn’t like Zelda is the only character in the game who can do it effectively.

No. I meant camping in general is the only viable strat.

In Itemless Brawl anyway.

kizzu’s toon link combo is dope
bairs to the edge, footstool jump off them then dair spike = dead

Are there any situations/matchups in which regular Link fares better than Toon Link, or is Toon Link just unanimously better in every aspect? I know that both can camp their asses off, and that Toon Link is faster/more nimble than regular Link, but can they both compete at a high level, or is Toon Link the one to use (kinda like how Roy was mostly inferior to Marth in just about every way in SSBM)?

I haven’t had a chance to use TL much, but I the big thing I noticed with him VS Link is his ups. Link’s 2 jumps + upspin are complete garbage compared to TL. Was Link’s jump power always that bad? I don’t remember it being so bad in Melee.

It’s Marth nad Roy all over again.

The only think Link really has is raw strength.

Link has better range and priority (due that range) too.

Link’s aerial clawshot is awesome. Good 10 damage (if you hit with both parts), fair range, pretty safe. Best of all, it’s got no landing lag! So if you hit them right before landing, you can naturally combo into a dash attack, usmash, or fsmash. :open_mouth:

It works with Toon Link too, but not as well, since his is much shorter and poopier.

I’ve messed more with this tactic ever since my last post…

…still don’t agree. The checkpoint only covers the top portion of her hit box, that and explosions negate it anyway. Seriously.

…this thread sucks. I’m so going to have to start my own links thread.

Or not.

I’ll just do this:

When comparing them side by side, each one fairs better in certain matches than the other because they both have key advantages and disadvantages.

This is NOT marth and roy all over again. Roy did everything marth did, just alot worse. that isn’t the case here. While, I’m not going to begin to say which one is better, I’m definatly not going to make that horrible comparison. So as far as differences go:

-Link’s keepaway is ALOT bettter than TLinks’s. Why? His projectiles hit harder and have more range. Also, he has a better anti-projectile game. simply crouching stops space animal lasers. Also his n-air has a longer reach than all of TLink’s air moves and comes oput really fast and has great knockback. It is a little laggy however, but seriously, it can be used like fox’s n-air.

-Tlink’s jumping is miles ahead of Link’s, but his hookshot is awful. Really, isn’t even worth using for a tether recovery simply because it comes out close to sweetspot range anyway.

-Link is to be played using his priority (he has plenty) and knockback outside of his zoning. If you’re trying to be cute and play him like TL you’re using him wrong.

-Tlink get’s completely raped by meta from what I see. To win he has be basically played like Link. Which…isn’t good.

-Tlink takes hits like a small child (lol), but he’s not as light as characters like Fox.

their air games are what really set them apart. Break down:


F+air: ALot like his b+air actually. But a little more laggy. Meaning he can’t short hop and do two or three of these like he can with b+air. Meaning it leaves him open more. Use b+air. basically the same move but better.

u+air: I LOVE this move. Yes it’s laggy as fuck, but the risk vs. reward is worth it imo. In every matchup as far as I can see, if Tl launches with this move he has the position advantage. If the character can’t stop TL from below he can chase and do another toss a bom straight up, move to the other side of it and start zoning.

d+air: Yeah, Yeah, we all know it meteors. Very risky if not comboed into however. Which kizzu’s combo only works at certain percentages (at high percentages, the B+air knocks back really far). Short hopping it at low percentages will cause it to hit twice. From there can start b+airing if you want as TL will have frame advantage.

b+air: Beastly. After many hours of using TL I can say it’s easily his best move besides his up-smash. (which is SLEPT ON so hard). Good wall of pain move, almost no lag, knocks back pretty good. (it’ll ko if you’re near a wall). RAR all day.

Link’s aerials:

n-air: seriously, this move is really good. It can be used to edgegaurd enemies who are coming from below. knockback is great fro such a fast move. Easily his best air move.

up-air: alot like TL’s, but reaches farther, has more priority and hits harder. nuff said.

b-air: meh. It’s…ok. I mean, fuck, it damages. but it doesn’t knock back on the first hit. Just not worth using imo.
N-air does the same thing but so much better.

f-air: this move. THIS MOVE…is slept sends enemies in a curved ark like Ganon’s f+tilt. whenever I hit someone out of thier third jump with this while edgegaurding, they die. Every single time. (given the percentage is right, of course)

I don’t think Link sucks. I think he sucks for alot people because they get gay and try to ruch down with him. cut that out.


Link sucks.

Toon Link rocks.

You make very terrible posts.


I have noticed that your comments about Brawl reek of…optimism.

Everything you say is so positive and unrealistic. You also sleep on alot of really good characters and overhype bad ones.

“No one is truly bad in this game.”

“I don’t see why insert really awesome character that is great for obvious reasons is so good.”

“Link and Toon Link are just different, but I can’t say which one is better.”

Stuff like this. I mean really…come on now.

Be serious.

TI would say “you dun know me” right about now if he were me.

I’m simply not going to say any character sucks this early on. And this is honestly based on my play experience. (Which is what keeps people from talking out their asses)

For the record, if you’re going to start pulling my past statements out, you might want to consider that I called meta a cheap asshole, Snake a monster and dedede is retarded.

I mean…that’s cool and all.

I just don’t like it when intelligent posters say stuff like balance and how they won’t judge a character and such and such in regards to fighting games.

Fighting game aren’t balanced and honestly you aren’t judging anything by saying which character is better or w/e. All you are is acknowledging something that was already there.

The fact that some characters are lame as in broken and others are lame as in they suck ass.

And yeah I seem to remember you saying that those characters are broken in one way or another.

Kudos to you. It doesn’t do you any good to deny the brokeness. Only sets you up for dissappointment when you can’t deny that a fat ass food grubbing penguin rapes like 85% of the cast or some shit.