Tiers for non-fighting games?

Saying that FPS games have no strategy or depth and that their mechanics are unbalanced is like saying the same about fighters, shmups or RPGs. Seriously, this thread doesn’t need to degenerate into a thread designed just to bash on other genres than the one the site’s based around.

More to the point though, in FPS games there’s always gonna be some weapons with abusable characteristics ( for instance, Half-Life 2’s Gravity Gun has some disturbing usages I hear, I haven’t played the game personally, but that’s what I hear ). I mean hell, the Turok series has some weapons that pretty much break the game ( behold the Cerebral Bore that combos with any other weapon for instant death from 2… and the razor-boomerang-thingy ) , but it all boils down to player choice. You can play for fun or you can play to win without moral consequence, bottom line of any video game where more than one player is involved.

The top 3 chars in Shining Force 1 on the Genesis in my opinion:

Musashi (incredible power and great defence, the umatched tank in the game I just recently played)

Domingo (best HP, MP and great defence, + he is the only flying spellcaster!)

Zylo/Arthur (Zylo has fantastic movement for a strong fighter and his attacks do on critical extreme damage, just promote him as late as possibile, Arthur is up with him, because he learns some magic as a Knight! gets the best centour stats in the end after a late promotion and he has a very good movement rate)

sonic 3 & knuckles

sonic = top tier
tails and knuckles = second

Share your knowledge. I like that game and would like to hear who’s good and why.

Hmm, I would put Zan with Blaze on bottom tier, and you forgot the other scret character Shiva! He’s definetly top (kinda cheap)

read my two reponses in this thread to phipsi (page 2 and page 6), i already summed it up. I’ve talked to “ryuu” about Metal Wars and also played him a lot. so we have pretty much identical knowledge/views.

I never realized Ball-boy was so good. I’m amazed his ball attack is worth anything, much less what makes him #1.

What’s the rocket glitch?

Hmm, maybe I’ll record a replay of me and “ryuu” or someone else whos good playing. Everything would be clear then! I didnt say Ballistic was #1 though, I’d probably give the nod to Spider. Although I am much better with Ballistic.

The rocket glitch… it basically a way to turn your regular damage, blockable rockets into mega powered (will kill full health bots in 3-4 shots), unblockable rockets. Spider makes the bset use of it by FAR, raising his stock even higher and just pushing him over the top. Havoc and Drache can also use it effectively. It’s not very important for other bots though. Prometheus is almost defenseless against it, becaus the best counter is to run away =(. I’m the one who discovered the glitch, but I don’t use it as effectively as this one guy I know, whos the best Spider player EVER. Fighting against a Spider with glitched rockets is the hardest thing in the game.

Tiers for Super Metroid tricks:

  1. Murder Beam
  2. infinite bomb jump
  3. gravity suit shinespark

go to metroid2002.com and peep some of the other tricks, nasty stuff. :tup:

re: Dynasty Warriors

In Dynasty Warriors 4, a few select characters were given an alternate mounted moveset. Instead of only being able to swing left to right, these characters only swing to the right with S chains and musous and have improved horse charges.

Thus in DW4 and particularly 5, which allows bonuses from 4th weapons to stack with items, Ma Chao went from a pretty average spear user with an awkward Musou to a mounted monstrosity. I would argue that on a horse he easily surpasses Lu Bu, Zuo Ci, and the like. He is able to benefit from stat boosts from his 4th weapon, which has both +Attack and +Mounted stats, on top of the Horned Helm which further boosts Attack. His horse makes him extremely mobile and in the hands of a good player, almost invincible because his mobiility makes him hard to hit, even in a swarm of spear wielding peons. So he can use a Green Scroll to further increase his already insane attack with little adverse effect. His mounted attack and defense is godly, the fact that he is a spear user makes his reach incredible, his horse charge is 360 degree devastation, and his mounted musou juggles like nobody’s business.

Not arguing that Ma Chao is one of the best characters in DW4 or 5, but Zuo Ci’s horse charge is better due to the fact that Ma Chao has to stop to do his. This wouldn’t be a big deal if both are using Shadow Harnesses since they can’t be knocked off, but before you have one, Zuo Ci’s charge is better because he can run guys over and still hit with his charge. Either the AI is smarter in DW5 or Ma Chao’s horse charge range has been reduced because you can’t sit and spam his horse charge in DW5 without using a shadow harness. The AI is now smart enough to knock you off your horse without getting hit by the charge (something is wasn’t able to do in DW 4). Ma Chao is still the better overall rider, but Zuo Ci on a horse is braindead easy.

DW5 top tier is: Zuo Ci, Lu Bu, Ma Chao (with shadow harness)

DW5 mid tier is: everyone else except those below (too lazy to discriminate between characters right now)

DW5 ass tier is: Sun Shang Xiang, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao, Diao Chan

^strongly agreed

Sorry, but the bottom tier is just straight up off. Only Diao Chan deserves to be in the bottom tier. The other girls’ movesets are SO good, that their slow attack speed doesn’t make the characters that much worse. Also, don’t forget to take into account that Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao have very naturally fast attack speed, meaning if the speed was decreased, they still attack at a decent speed. And how is Zhang Jiao not in the bottome tier?

BTW, the top tier is right “:^)”

You don’t seem to realize just how slow their attacks are now that they have to use heavy weapons. They do not attack at decent speeds anymore. Charge moves are almost completely out of the question because of how slow they come out (only exception is 4C for both Qiao sisters) or they suck (3C for Da Qiao is pretty bad, it’s ok for Xiao Qiao). Da Qiao’s and Sun Shang Xiang’s S chains no longer combo due to the slower attack speed. Being dependent on S chains also means you can’t fight musou raged opponents. You might be able to make a case for Da Qiao not being ass, because her musou is quite good, but that’s pretty much all she has going for her.

I only put in the obvious characters for the ass tier. There may be other candidates as well (possibly Zhuge Liang), and I almost never play Zhang Jiao. I’m trying to come up with a complete tier list that breaks down the middle tier right now, but it’ll take a bit of time.

Shining Force II

God Tier:


(they can hit level 99 no problem)

top tier
Tyrin (wiz)

Mid Tier:
Everyone else

Shit Tier:

Alien vs Predator arcade

P. Hunter
P. Warrior

Alien vs Predator PC
Alien, Marine

Alien vs Predator 2
Alien, Predator

Alien vs Predator 2 Primal Hunt
Alien, Predator with Disc
Predator without Disc

Um, I actually understand how slow their attacks are. I play with all the characters and I’ve put in a LOT of time into this game, so I think I can comment on a total tier list a little more effectively than you can, no offense. Though they are certainly much slower attacking, it’s still not THAT bad. It’s manageable. They’re attacks are naturally really good, so it makes up for it. Sort of. They’re still crap, but all I’m saying is they shouldn’t be in the same tier list as Zhang Jiao, Diao Chan, etc. Also, there is NO WAY that Zhuge Liang is in the bottom tier. You clearly haven’t played enough if you’re going to say that. If not first tier, he’s in the second tier for sure, without a doubt.

If you’re going to attempt to counter my post, at least back up what you’re saying with some sort of evidence other than you played the game a lot. I’ve also played the game a lot as well, so don’t assume that you’re automatically more knowledgeable than someone else based solely on the time that you alone played the game.

As for Zhuge Liang, if you can explain where a 1 on 1 specialist with no good crowd control moves is in either the first or second tier in a game where the most important trait in a character is crowd control, I’ll retract my statement. Otherwise, it still stands.

Magic Sword

  1. Knight - This guy rocks. Good coverage. Great damage. And he’s got a lot of stamina as well. Good firing rate.

  2. Lizardman - Tough ally. Needs better coverage. But really good damage. Good firing rate

  3. Ninja - Really good coverage. Good firing rate. Stamina isn’t too great. Not so good at higher levels.

  4. Thief - Good at higher levels. Bombs do really good damage. Ability to see hidden treasure chests/traps is useful as well. Stamina not too good.

  5. Wizard - Pretty powerful but slow recharge rate. Crappy stamina.

  6. Priest - same as Wizard except he only has 3 orbs and they home in on people. Quite slow recharge rate.

  7. Big Man - Strongest attack in game, but crappiest recharge rate. Good stamina. Really bad coverage/range.

  8. Archer - I hate this chick. Crap damage.

Diablo 2 tiers?
Broodwar tiers?

My broodwar tiers definitely go Terran Protoss Zerg.