Tiers for non-fighting games?

Halo 2

Top Tier = Spartan
Low Tier = Elite

On Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, I would counter your post, but itā€™s almost unnecessary. What do you want me to do? Time every individual attack and tell you how quickly they get it out? Just use the characters! When you actually work with them and NOT try to play them as if they had lighter weapons (just treat them as heavy hitters), youā€™d realize they are not NEARLY bottom tier bad. Specially not as bad as Diao Chan.

And about Zhuge Liangā€¦ this is where experience comes to play. You clearly havenā€™t used the characters as much as I have, and when it comes to Zhuge, itā€™s actually very obvious. Him (and Sima Yi) have the most destructive musous in the game. By FAR! Damage-wise, and crowd clearing-wise. Donā€™t believe me? Test it, and then retract your statement.

And also, whatā€™s with getting all fucking defensive for? Like I had said, I wasnā€™t trying to be offensive. And also, in a fighting game board, I would think that itā€™s obvious that experience in a game leads to better understanding of a game. Guess not huh?

Someone needs to do one for ragnarok online, Iā€™m thinking about getting an accountā€¦ again

Not crowd clearing wise. Considering that Zhuge shoots them out 1 at a time, and almost always straight in front of him, he isnā€™t going to be hitting too many opponents (1 or 2 with each laser), even with the mobility he is allowed. The ones he hits with the start of the musou will be recovering while he is still shooting out the last batch of lasers, unless you specifically target that enemy to hit with all the lasers, in which case you ignore the guys behind you and the guys at your sides. For it to even be remotely good at crowd control, it has to be the true musou which shoots out the bigass laser.

Comparing that to someone like Zhen Ji or Pang Tong (neither of which are top, and are also pretty musou reliant), whose musous, do less damage but hit a huge radius with each hit, he pales very much in comparison.

I have backed my statements with gameplay facts, indicating that I have played with the characters. I took offense to your comment because it seems you implied that I had barely played the game and was talking out of my ass.

PvM or PvP?

PvM itā€™d probably be like

Top: Paladin (hammerdin)

ā€¦the rest. :lol:

I donno with so many immunities in the newer versions of d2 the sorc has a really fucking tough time soloing. Yeah I put pally as #1 in PvM. In PvP Iā€™d go:


Hereā€™s a rough one through experience.

Iā€™m basing this towards PvP. Tiers would be obviously different for PvM and WoE. RO is a bit hard to tier, because certain equipment counters certain classes and even from that certain classes counter eachother.

God Tier:
Lord Knight

Top Tier:
Assassin Cross
High Priest
High Wizard

Mid Tier:

Low Tier:

I havenā€™t played in a while, so probably things would have changed by now due to patches and whatnot. I seriously think that Snipers are broken in many ways imaginable, with super high damage with accuracy plus their bird ignores DEF. Lord Knightā€™s Spiral Pierce skill does bullshit damage.

There was a time where Paladins and Assassin Crosses were beyond broken. Paladinā€™s Pressure skill does 2k damage with uncancelable casting and ignores dodge. Sounds shitty doesnā€™t it, but it also stuns you and takes your SP down to zero. Assassin Crossā€™s Breaker skill back then even in kRO it did like 10k+ damage, with no casting time. Also itā€™s the only skill that can hit an emperium, so WoE was a breeze.

Ok, sorry that you took offense, but I clearly stated I wasnā€™t trying to offend. Either way, I donā€™t want to get into any non-game related arguments, so forget it ā€œ:^)ā€

But anyways, with Zhuge, true, the musou itself is fairly linear, but it doesnā€™t matter too much because the thing itself is INSANELY strong. You can just turn in circles during the musous and enemies drop like flies. Or, for indirect crowd clearing, catch the officer with the musou, finish him off, and the crowd will be severely dropped because the general dies. Trust me, there is no way either Zhuge or Sima Yi are bottom tier. Those musous are the best in the game.

And with Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, all I can suggest is to solo with them using their fourthsā€¦ and then use Diao Chan. Then notice how much worse Diao Chan is because sheā€™s a WHOLE lot worse. Then, youā€™ll realize that they truly do NOT belong in the same tier. Just try it. Trust me.

I had a feeling that my hunter kid had a decent potentialā€¦ I like how Dancers are better than Champion, a frickin rebirth class. Interesting shit. Tell me what sucks so bad about creator?

Can you do a tier for MVP?

^Woops, I mean Clown and Gypsy.

Well Creator has no serious skills that can deal quick damage. Homonculus arenā€™t even 100% implented and from that I bet it canā€™t even do much damage. Throwing those pots at people ainā€™t going to help either, since Sins can Cloak around you, Snipers shoot you, and Lord Knights rushing your ass with spears, and etc.

I donā€™t really know much about MVP, because I donā€™t usually solo, since I always make Sin Cross. Seriously, some of the classes canā€™t solo for shit during MVP, ie Champs, Sin Cross, Stalkers, etc. So Iā€™ll base this MVP tier on mainly usefullness during a party situation, because if you want to know about soloing, then itā€™s all about Snipers, High Priest, High Wizards, and Lord Knights.

Top Tier:
High Wizard
High Priest

Mid Tier:
Lord Knight
Whitesmith (Mainly for support, but if you have a bitch load of moneyā€¦Mammonite)
Stalker (Bow)
Assassin Cross (Full Crits)

Low Tier:

Hereā€™s a tier for WoE. This is based on their usefullness during WoE.

Top Tier:
Assassin Cross
High Priest
High Wizard

Mid Tier:
Lord Knight

Low Tier:

I kinda placed the Whitesmith above Lord Knights and Paladins, mainly because of Hammerfall. Hammerfall can beat our SinX and Stalkers quite well, because it stuns them even during cloak and chase walk.

Streets of Rage 2

Me and my brother have been playing this game alot lately. I always use Axel or I canā€™t beat the game while he always uses Skates (Sammy) and the same goes for him usually.

  1. Skates
  2. Axel
  3. Blaze
  4. Max

Skates & Axel are definetly imo maybe Axel as 1 not sure. But Skates is the fast, the only one who can run and his :r: + A move. You need this move to beat the wrestler since he canā€™t knock you out of it, plus itā€™s good for the kickboxers and Barbon (the 1st boss) since this move is quick & deals out damage quickly. Just like Bisonā€™s CE Psycho Crusher, it will still do alot of damage if blocked.

Axel of course is just your basic average character liek the Ryu of the game lol.

I never even play Blaze so I canā€™t say.

Maxx is horrible, no range, too slow, he can only do damage if close plus itā€™s pretty easy for the enemies to tag team his big ass.

Hammer Bros. Suit Mario is God Tier. Hammer that shit down!

I quite concur about Max; I always use him relatively well. Heā€™s slow, sure, but he can take a beating, and his specials are great. ā€œHUN-DAAH!ā€ For tiers, Iā€™d have to say:

  1. Max
  2. Blaze
  3. Axel
  4. Skate

Max is probably the best for going through the game quickly, because he deals the most damage. He requires skill to avoid hits though.

Blaze is an average character as is Axel; in fact I think Blaze and Axel should be tied.

Skateā€¦sure, Skate has the dash, but he doesnā€™t deal enough damage to be effective on his own.

Iā€™m full of it and you probably shouldnā€™t listen to me.

I think that list is right.
Blaze is better than Axel because sheā€™s faster, she has a very simple pattern that she could repeat over and over, canā€™t say exactly how because my friend played her ^^ she was also very good with knives iirc.
Iā€™m a Skate user, and i love playing him, but he IS the worst character ;/ fast but way too weak, he can effectively be played like a grappler though.
Fun combo to usewith Skate: jumpin d Attack (you can combo after that), Punch-Punch-Kick, front grab -> headbutt-headbutt, overhead flip (press jump button), back grab (NICE damage, in fast the best he can do, try to abuse where you can, sadly it can be interrupted :/)

Damn all you guys are way off on the Streets of Rage 2 tiers.

First of all, skate is bottom fucking tier. Letā€™s all agree on that.


Axel is hella better than Blaze. He does more damage than her, and he has got better range. But that is all irrelevant to two words: Grand Upper. Axelā€™s grand upper (f.f.p) is the best move in the game. It beats everything, and does insane damage-more so than even his f.+A special move (which sucks). Grand upper can just blow through a wave of enemys in front of you. It also knocks alot of bosses out of their special moves. Itā€™s rediculously good.

Blaze is ok. Sheā€™s a bit quicker than Axel, and her C+B move is pretty decent as it hits both sides, as are her jumping moves, and her f.+A special. Also, sheā€™s good w/ a knife, but the lag of her knife attack can get you in trouble if youā€™re not careful.

Her biggest downfall though is when there are a ton of enemies around, thatā€™s when Blaze runs into trouble. Alex can just Grand Upper his way out, and Max can muscle his way out, but Blaze and Skate have to resort to runaway tactics. And forget about Blazes f.f.Punch, it sucks ass.

Max deals the most damage and has the best specials in the game. F.+A can just DESTROY some bosses due to a block-damage glitch. His normals have good range, and of course up close and in grabs he can fuck people up. His f.f.Punch slide easily makes up for his lack of speed, His jumping moves are good too.

IMO Alex is better in a crowd of thugs than Max is, but against bosses Iā€™d much rather have Max. OVerall itā€™s close but Max inches out Alex as best character in the game.

Megaman X8 Tiers?

What do you guys think? I find it hard to rate the tiers, mostly cos thereā€™s a few different ways you could do it, plus I have bias towards X (as in, I like him the best). There are three different ways you could rate the tiers that I think would change things drastically:

  1. Barebones - no powerups, no armors, no special weapons and nothing from the R&D labā€¦justā€¦nothing.

  2. Normal - able to use anything

  3. Post game - with special armors, and Zeroā€™s Sigma Blade.

For post game, itā€™s pretty easy, I thinkā€¦


I say this cos with Zeroā€™s Black Armor and Sigma Blade, he tears everything up; what the hell can handle him at full power? :stuck_out_tongue: Axl Iā€™d say is better than X when he can take hits, because the only thing that really puts Axl at a disadvantage over X is that he takes 1.5X damageā€¦but with high life, does it really matter? :stuck_out_tongue:

I have no idea about the other two. I have beat the game with nothing with everyone, but it seems like no one is at too great an advantage. What do you guys think?

Advance Wars 2 tiers: (I am doing this from memory so I might be incorrect)

DGR Colin, Sturm

Star (Top):
Hawke, Lash, Nell, Kanbei, Hachi

Colin, Grit, Eagle, Jess, Sensei, Sami

Andy, Olaf, Drake, Adder, Max

Flak, Sonja

Once again, I am doing this COMPLETELY FROM MEMORY. Please correct me if I am wrong.

Speed is really nothinā€™ in side-scrollers. Look at Final Fight, Guy is the fastest but he still sucks.

Guy doesnā€™t suck in FF. Him and Cody are top 2. Haggar is last. Reason being that Haggar doesnā€™t have an infinite. Cody and Guy do.

And youā€™re contradicting yourself. You said speed isnā€™t a factor in side-scrollers, yet you mentioned Skate was #1 in Streets of Rage 2 because heā€™s ā€œfastā€ among other things. And you mentioned that Max is last because heā€™s ā€œslowā€ among other things.