Tiers for non-fighting games?

I’m not sure if you’ve ever played Bare Knuckle 3, but if you have, where would Ash rank?

Whoever makes his/her tier list decides the standard to which that tier list is based on. I justified why I chose not to tier the game at a point when nothing matters anymore. I explained why I thought a tier list of Level 99 characters is a rather moot point; as practically speaking, there is never any need to have to level that far. I explained why I thought Esper stat bonus manipulation would be rather pointless as well. I went into detail over the misconception that Locke’s speed somehow gave him the ability to do more damage in battle by acting more times than other characters.

If you can’t handle a thought-out opinion on why Locke isn’t as great as you have made him out to be, then don’t read my posts. I already agree with everyone that a Level 99 Locke provides the most overkill damage in the game. It’s just it seems hard for your side to see why I chose not to tier the game when everything has become effortlessly easy.

I just wanted to add that lowering your characters faith down to the lowest level, maxing out brave + blade grasp makes them GODS. Time mages, Summoners, Mages, all of that is worthless. The best summons do about 50 points of damage (at max). So now you can beast for free. I used worker 8 like an archer, and thats where I got the idea to lower faith because a spell was cast on him and did no damage. But yeah, I usually sent him off to kill time mages and summoners.

Look, there’s a TON of ways to make characters gods in FFT. There are WAY too many damn options in this game, and that’s really the beauty of it. However, having minimum faith, maximum brave, and blade grasp doesn’t make those mages worthless. A Math-Skilling 90 + Faith mage is STILL better than anything out there.

Despite his looks, Ash is up there with the Super characters IMO because while he lacks jumping attacks (IIRC) and can’t use weapons he’s insanely strong. He doesn’t have much reach but he’s also very fast.

What about tiers for WCW World Tour thru No Mercy how would u guys rate those games if u played them. HCTP and Raw/Smackdown already have their rating for each character already so i assume those would be the correct tiers for those two games :karate:

Anybody know the race tiers for Starcraft, SC: Brood War, WarCraft III, and WCIII: The Frozen Throne? I’m thinking about getting back into them. Or are they actually balanced these days?

Um well you see for a question like that its comes down to counter strating and good micro control, nothing more nothing less.

I can vouch that theyre all pretty balanced except Reign of Chaos had horrid balance before FT came out. even it may be balanced through patching now, i wouldn’t know because i moved onto FT and forgot RoC existed.

Dude your in Mesa too, sweet!

Are you talking about 1.10 or 1.11? And PvP or PvM, because honestly who gives a shit about PvM.

DW5 tiers

God Tier:
Ma Chao and Lu Bu

Top Tier:
Cao Cao, Gan Ning, Guan Ping, Jiang Wei, Pang De, Wei Yan, Xu Huang, Zuo Ci

Past this it really doesn’t matter. Ma Chao really needs the Shadow saddle before he becomes God tier and Lu Bu always owns since he can max all of his stats and gets the best crowd control ground move in the game. Ma Chao has the best mounted charge move and his final weapon is really good.

Ling Tong is also top-tier without a doubt. His 4th charge is the most broken move in the game. That move alone makes him tops.

Yeah forgot him from the top tier but Lu Bu’s crowd clearing charge is by far the most broken in the game.

I’m not TOO sure on that. Ling Tong’s 4th Charge has almost NO recovery time, and it has a huge hit range. This means he can use it over and over and over again with no drawbacks. I’ve gone through entire levels without getting touched once many, many times with him. You can probably do the same with any of the top/god tier, but the thing is, I wasn’t even really trying “:^)” The problem with Ling Tong is, all of his other moves aren’t really too hot. However, that one move (and his attack and walking speed) automatically put him in the top tier.

Bubble Bobble tiers

Player 2 dino - top tier
Player 1 dino - bottom tier

Uh, Zuo Ci not god? His charge on a horse is better than Ma Chao’s (it’s mobile) and he’s more versatile on the ground than Ma Chao. I also can’t agree with all the officers you put in top. Can you justify why Cao Cao, Gan Ning and Pang De are there?

On a side note, no one character can max all stats due to the way the weapon system works. Lu Bu comes closest in terms of the 4 base stats due to having +20 attack and defense, and +19 to life and musou on his ultimate.

bottom tier is also: Sun Shang Xiang, Da Qiao, Xiao Qiao and Diao Chan simply because their ultimate weapons are heavy whereas everyone else’s is either medium or light weight.

Heh yeah, just moved here recently, sup.

what’s the difference?

PSO (phantasy star online) v1 tiers

God - HUmar : he had as high max atp has hucast, could use all techs, as much ata as you would ever need, and extremely high atp. as a male character, he had excellent weapon animations as well.

top - HUnewarl many of the same reasons humar is top: high atp and can use all techs. slightly lower ata/atp than humar in exchange for the practically useless mst stat.

high-mid - RAmar only ranger who can use techs, and had just as much ata/atp as the robot rangers too…

mid - HUcast : high atp/ata/hp good stat growth, just no techs…

low-mid - RAcast/RAcaseal they both suck pretty bad, but at least they have good ata and decent atp.

Bottom - all forces…mainly because techs sucked in v1, and barely did any damage, at least they can usually hit every enemy, but in a team full of humars using spread needles, they’ll have to hurry

v1 weapon tiers

GOD - Spread Needle. this weapon was rediculous. hunters could use it, so it did sick damage. it shoots out about 6 needles, like a shot, but it shoots as fast as a handgun. also had rediculous range, spread needles got hella nerfed in the gc version though.

who cares about every other weapon? lol…

PSO v2 tiers - pretty much the same, except forces dont suck as much now, but they still suck.

v2 was also the beginning of battle/challenge modes.

v2 battle tiers:

top - HUmar: humars were really good in battle. they had alot of atp/ata and were able to use techs pretty well too. ice gifoie trick + brand from a humar=dead you. they also had male tech animations (which are the fastest in the game using no weapons)

FOnewms were also top because they had TONS of tp, and techs were really good in battle. they could use like 2 rafoies to take out your entire team pretty quickly, they could also resta alot because of their high tp, and they had the super fast tech animation of wepless males, so they would never equip weps.

high-mid - HUnewarls, hunes had good evp/dfp/mst and decent enough atp to use weps. the only thing that really hurt them was sub par tech casting animations and their saber animation sucked kinda.

FOnewarls were also pretty good, although again…slow tech animation.

mid - HUcast, hucs did alot of damage & high hp, but no techs…

FOmarls could be mid too, while they had more hp than the other forces, her techs did less damage, and she had less tp.

low-mid - RAmars just dont do enough damage, and they have very little hp. their tp was even lower than HUmar’s, non existent atp too, but at least they had techs.

Bottom - Android Rangers…no redeeming qualities. no damage…no techs…no nothing.

ba tiers were pretty much the same as in v2 in the GC version, but RAmar/RAmarl become mid because techs knock down now. HUnewarl moves up even more because techs in general are stronger. FOnewarl also moves up because her simple tech boost allows her to do rediculous damage with 1 foie/zonde.

More notes about FF6:

I’m not going to enter the debate about what level a tiering “makes sense” for this game, mostly because I haven’t formulated an argument one way or the other. I’m going to focus on the Gem Box vs. the Genji combo.

With Gem Box, you can actually do 9999x5 damage a turn, not just 9999x2: Ultima-Quick, Ultima-Ultima, Ultima-Ultima. For your first X-magic turn you MUST cast Quick 2nd… for some reason, if you cast Quick first (for example, Quick-Ultima), time will start again after your 4th spell instead of your 6th. Of course, without the Economizer, this is a huge drain on MP. Then again, you can always stick in an Osmose in place of one of those Ultimas and refill your MP after every go, in essence paring your damage down to 9999x4 per turn but allowing you to free one of your relic slots from the Economizer.

In general, I think Gem Box + whatever (usually Economizer, but not necessary if the enemies have tons of osmosable MP) is better than Genji combo. Sure, 9999x5 is still less than 9999x8, but:

(1) If you’re facing more than 1 enemy, suddenly 9999x5 turns into (9999x5)x2 or more, while 9999x8 stays 9999x8.

(2) Gem Box is more versatile than Offering+Genji, which really doesn’t offer anything other than attack (at godly levels, I admit). Whereas with Gem Box, using Quick, you can Life 3 your whole party AND heal your whole party in a single turn; or if only one character is left alive, you can Life 2 your entire party, and still have enough time in your turn for 2 Ultimas.

(3) Offering+Genji isn’t really that hot unless you’re also equipped with top tier weapons (Illumina, Atma Weapon, Valiant Knife, etc.). By contrast, most of the high level spells still kick ass even if you’re wearing a tattered shirt and wielding a pointy stick, so a Gem Box user can be godly without hogging all the good weapons.