LOL make up your mind, will you? So infinites suck because they don’t work on bosses. And being able to infinite normal enemies doesn’t mean jack… You made it seem like the normal enemies are worthless so infinites are pointless, and you can’t use infinites on bosses, so what’s the point, right?
Then in your next post, you say that being able to infinite bosses is shit (seeing as how you thought that you couldn’t infinite bosses in the first place, how would you know? . and that getting through the normal enemies is what’s hard? Uhh don’t infinites figure into the picture there somehow? Your second post contradicts what you were implying in your previous post.
So Uhh… make up your f-ing mind? pls?
infinites are more CONSISTENT and effective than most anything else against bosses and all enemies but fabios. The fact that you have to do all that shit with Blaze to be effective, yet with Shiva you need A LOT LESS EFFORT (understatement of the century) to get similar but faster and more consistent results should prove something.
ephidel, Mona Lisa aren’t even hard, and even on higher difficulty levels they have few lifebars. you can even herd them together to flurry both of them simultaneously. Infinites DO work on jet, you just have to start it right; and with the right placement, his cronies can’t touch you (easier said than done, admittedly). The only thing Blaze does more efficiently and consistently is killing Fabios. So… … if Fabios are the dealmaker for you guys, then have it your way. (PS everything I’ve posted refers to single-player mode…)