Tiers for non-fighting games?

If you’re going to tier Shiva, then he belongs in god tier. infinite, anyone? furthermore his regular combo just owns.

skate is not shit. if you’re playing bare knuckle 3, yeah, he’s shite cause the first few frames of his blitz don’t hit, so he can’t combo with it meaning his damage output sucks till he gets 2/3 stars (why the fuck they do that for??), but he rocks in SoR3.

after shiva, roo is the second best. in bare knuckle 3 , he’s still pretty good. but in SoR3 the first two jabs of his combo hits twice. plus, his specials are excellent; his blitz being equal to a 2-star from the start.

-shiva - fucking infinite. enough said. if you’r etiering BK3 then Ash belongs here too. but then if you’re tiering the secret characters then you might as well include Super Skate and Super Axel (or whatever you wanna call them) in god tier. I’m not going to bother deciding who’s godlier among shiva, ash, super skate, and super axel.

top tier
-Roo - great specials. blitz is already pretty-much a two star. in SoR3 mad combo damage.

middle tier (in no particular order.)
-Skate - belongs in Low tier in jap version

I might’ve said something differently months ago on this same thread, but this is my opinion NOW. The tiering isn’t cut n dry like in SoR2 where it’s pretty fuggin obvious that MAX and Axel just rape blaze and skate. The damage output is so similar in SoR3 among the four main chars that you can consider them to be the same damn character with just different sprites. if i HAD to rank the four, it’d go something like this 1) blaze 2) axel and zan tied 3) skate.

Apart from the ones that can block and Jet, yes the infinite is deadly on Shiva. However, that doesn’t make him godlike in most particular cases later in the game (when most enemies are fucking Robots and Fabios) Unlike SoR2, the AI is actually smart in this game (and it has to be, because most levels consist on where even the environment can hurt you) so infinite or not enemies still can crowd Shiva and punish him if your not good with measuring his grapples/attacks. Plus he can’t hold weapons, and trust me…that bat or 2x4 really comes in handy at times. Everybody knows his SoR2 counterpart was way better (though unselectable)

Skate just doesn’t dish enough damage to be effective at all. He depends on his special way to much and has the worse reach of the bunch. He’ll excel on easier modes yeah, but on normal and hard when there are more enemies that crowd him…not being able to reach really takes its toll so he must special or constantly use his speed to adjust.

You guys forgot Super Skate and Super Axel.

Epdidel your SoR3 list is exactly like mine no lie.

Shiva isn’t as good as Blaze.

Blazes upgraded blitz attacks are too fucking good.


Bah. He has no upgraded blitz and his normal blitz sometimes passes thorugh enemies when he is too close. Also his normal strings lack range.

Blaze rapes with swords. Massive damage from katana blitz that doesn’t drain alot from the weapons life bar and leads to free grabs whenever it doesn’t knockdown.

Also her Somersualt to power slide just wrecks the field. Also her jump kick has a continous hitbox and so does her powerslide. Think about Maxes Shoulder tackle special in SoR2 and you get the idea. Blaze can do repeated chip damage and I’m fairly certian no one else can abuse blocking enemies liike she can.

And Shiva and Roo are better then her?


No, they are not.

Edit: Also throws play a huge role in raw damage output without leaving yourself vulnerable. Roo’s repeating kicks can sometimes be blocked which is lame. Blazes throws are some of the strongest in the game and her grapple attacks are good too. Hit for hit she is basically the strongest out of Axel, Zan Skate and herself.

Well I didn’t rate Super Axel and Super Skate because they are really uber like. Especially Super Axel, just his special alone not only stuns every enemy visable, but ggpo’s anything upon contact. Thing is, you can do it over and over without waiting on the charge meter.

Roo struggles later on the game no doubt. He’s REALLY good early on, but on harder settings he must be with another player in order to be effective. It’s possible to beat this game with any character alone, but having reach is essential for conserving lives and continues, and unfortunately Roo lacks in that area.

Also being able to infinite NORMAL enemies doesn’t mean jack shit.

Bosses are immune to inifinites since they suffer from hit push back.

So who cares about infinites?

Double post FTW.

Custom Robo model type tiers. No illegal models.


Strike Vanisher


Lightning Sky
Trick Flyer


Shining Fighter
Aerial Beauty
Little Raider


Funky Big head


Metal Grappler

This list is tentative. I have beaten the game and have all the parts and have gold medals on all the Grand Battle tournament fights.

Some models I’m unsure about are Funky Big head (could be lower or mid tier), Lightning Sky (could be top tier), and Strike Vanisher (could be high tier).

I wouldn’t agree with you on that Custom Robo tier list.
Strike Vanishers are godly, true, but Little Raiders are not mid-tier. They’re low at best. Metal Grapplers are GOOD. Takes fucking forever to knock those bad boys down. And NO WAY IN HELL are Trick Flyers better than Aerial Beauty models.
Btw, I’m going to post my ideal robo now.
Straight T
Long Thrust

Like I said.



Hell, I wouldn’t mind moving Shining Fighters to high tier. Good in all stats and no weaknesses and good with all set-ups pretty much.

Metal Grapplers problem is that you can camp them to hell. Too slow. Mobility is every thing in this game. Also using a weapon with high DWN means their resistance dont mean shit.

Little Raiders could definitely move down now that I think about it. The fact that they get dwned by anything is just a huge weakness.

Aerial Beauties are decent. Very evasive in the air. Trick flyers are also solid. Good mobility and attack, but then again their running speed is ass and aerial beauties can cover more of the field with thier jumps. I could make them mid tier actually.

But Metal Grapplers ain’t going no where. Thier mobility is ass. And they have one fucking dash. I’m not saying they suck. All models are good in this game. Just that Metal Grapplers aren’t as good as the rest.

Revised list is as follows


Strike Vanisher


Lightning Sky
Aerial Beauty
Shining Fighter


Trick Flyer


Little Raider
Funky Big Head


Metal Grappler

I moved Shining Fighters up since I see no reason why they shouldn’t be high tier and they are definitely better then Trick Flyers. Two long dashes and solid stats. Good all around with no weaknesses.

Anyone got Tiers for G. Saiban 1-3 and Okami?





Anyways people plz comment on my Custom Robo tiers plz. I got work so I need something to look forward to reading when I get back hom. lol.

i will agree with you guys that blaze is better than roo.

now that that’s out of the way.

who cares about infinites? lol. maybe you should try mixing in regular jabs with the elbows on bosses (ie. hold forward, jab,jab,elbow,elbow,jab,jab, etc). By the time they get pushed back to the edge of the screen, you’ve taken two lifebars or more off them. uhh, i’d say his infinites help quite a bit on the harder difficulties where the later bosses have 4-6 lifebars…

Depends on the boss, my tiers are based the most out of single player only. Getting the infinite to work on Mona/Lisa/Jet types can be quite a pain.

Super Mario World (YOSHI TIERS)


Blue Yoshi - Simply the best yoshi. Can shoot fireballs, and fly with any shell. Wheeeeee.


Yellow Yoshi - Stuns nerby enemies no matter the shell. Can still shoot fireballs, however, he’s more boring than anything next to green.


Red Yoshi - Can shoot fireballs no matter the shell, can still fly…but most of the time you won’t encounter many shells that allow you too. Kinda average, but more fun to play with out of all the yoshi’s.


Green Yoshi - Your average yoshi. Nothing special, must eat red for fire and blue for flying. Kinda runs faster, but that’s really it. When you unlock the other yoshi’s you will be dodging this guy straight up.

Infinites don’t mean shit cuz bosses aren’t even what make SoR3 hard.

Blaze can just spam jump kicks, upgraded Blitz attacks, or flying chop to jab jab elbow then grab and knee knee body slam or suplex. If she is fighting an enemy that doesn’t tech then she can just keep back throwing them to keep them in the middle of the stage. Then recover before they do and comein witha flying chop and repeat the combo and just make sure she keeps them on screen with her throws.

This is also a kind of infinite.

Only works on certain bosses though.

Either way though, bosses are easy.

It’s getting through the stage that is tough.

And that is where Blaze out classes everyone else.

Ok, I’m bored so I will explain my tier list for Custom Robo.


Strike Vanisher - Stat wise these guys aren’t all that much to right home about. Solid in thier down resistance and defense, they are lacking in speed and most of all, attack strength. According to the stat screen they also lack in in the sky stat. I take that to mean that they can’t jump very high which is true, but thier aerial abilities are pretty much the main thing that makes them top tier. Their air dash is actually a teleport that they can use up to 3 times and not only does their teleport cover considerable distance, but it also allows them to turn invisible and invincible upon activation. So an opponent will never know when or where a Strike Vanisher will appear. They excel at dodging enemy fire while closing in for the kill. And since they can teleport 3 times while also invincible, they have a much easier time getting out of lockdowns/ traps that thier opponents might try against them. Thanks to decent stats and thier teleportation abilities, Strike Vanishers are no less than top tier.


Lightning Sky - This model has excellent attack power as well as great aerial prowess. They are weak in down resistance, defense and running speed in order to compensate. Thier aerial ability is being able to fly for a short period of time. This allows them to do flying strafes while attacking an enemy with bombs and gun fire and also drop pods across the field. They are also good at using guns that have alternative aerial fire that is useful for traps, set-ups or mindgames such as the Eagle or guns that allow them to rain down heavy firepower from above such as the Sniper. They can’t make sharp turns while in the air and are slow on the ground, so using thier flight ability will be thier main means of getting around, attacking, positioning or evading. Thier great aerial mobility that lends itself well to offensive strategy as well as evasion makes them high tier.

Shining Fighter - These models are solid in all stats. They are the well- balanced models of the game. They have two air dashes that cover good distance. And they have good speed as well as a decent jump so they aren’t limited to just using dashing or running in order to attack/evade/defend. They work well with all part set-ups and have no weaknesses. Not much else to say about them. Shining Fighter is a good model worthy of high tier.

Aerial Beauty - Similar to Shining Fighters in stats, but with lower down resistance, defense, and slightly lower attack. They have a good sky stat and good speed. They can do 2 continuous jumps in the air. This is great for evasion and then a counter attack, but not so good for staging an offense. That’s ok, since they have solid speed so they can use that to close in for an attack if needed. Overall they are another fairly balanced type, but they trade in air dashes for continuous jumps. They are good with set-ups that use guns that have alternate aerial fire so they can set-up a(n) trap/offense and then close in on the ground. Aerial Beauties are high tier because they have solid stats overall, but trade in 2 air dashes for 2 continuous jumps, which gives them better evasion.


Trick Flyer - This model is a hybrid of the Shining Fighter and the Strike Vanisher. They have balanced stats and have a normal air dash which is reminiscent of the Shining Fighter, although they are very slow on the ground. They are similar to Strike Vanishers because they too have 3 air dashes. But what is unique about the Trick Model is the fact that thier air dashes are shorter then a normal air dash. One of thier air dashes about half the distance of a Shining Fighters. The shortness of their air dashes makes it ideal for quick evasion, great aerial mobility, and fast mid-air turns. Thier air dashes aren’t that great at being used to dash right into an oppnent’s face for a direct confrontation, although they can be used for that purpose. Thier slow speed means that have to rely almost exclusively on air dashing which does limit them somewhat. They are excellent at evading and circling in when there is an opening. Thier slow speed and short air dash is mitigated by the fact that they have 3 air dashes. They are a balanced mid tier model type.


Little Raiders - This model has incredible speed and a good sky stat, but it’s lacking in other areas. It’s defense and down resistance is the lowest out of all models and it has fairly low attack power as well. It can be down in one hit by any weapon and takes more damage then other models. Normally ebing down quickly would be good since a robo takes 30% less damage when they are downed and from there is even further damage buffering from any consecutive hits. But since Little Raiders have low defense, being downed so quickly doesn’t mean anything at all in terms of the damage they receive. And it’s a large detriment since if they get hit they will get overloaded and all of thier gun shots will dissappear. They also have 3 continuous jumps which is great for dodging in the air, but running on the ground will be their main form of movement thanks to thier great speed. In the end thier defense and low down resistance is a little too much for thier speed and aerial jumps to compensate for so they end up as low tier.

Funky Big Head - This model puts an interesting spin on an old character cliche. Looking at thier stats it can be seen that they have high down resistance as well as high defence. Combine that with low speed and decent attack and one can make the accurate assumption of calling this type a tank. But they also have a very high sky stat. They have 2 continuous jumps which gives them great aerial mobility and evasive capabilities. using thier jumps they can dodge and counter attack with ease, but on the ground they are extremely slow. Overall they are pretty cut and dry. They are tanks, but with the ability to evade as well as a take a hit thanks to their great defensive stats and down resistance. They end up as low tier since they are limited in how they can approach and because continuous jumps alone aren’t enough to be able to stage an effective offense and take control of a match.


Metal Grappler - Now this type is the traditional tank that the Funky Big Head model expanded upon. They have high defense, offense, and down resistance, but low speed and sky. They only have one single air dash. Combine that with thier low speed and they have very little mobility. Being able to approach and apply pressure with this model is very difficult and because of thier low mobility they can easily be camped and they can’t do much about it.
They can take alot of punishment and dish it right back out, but having one air dash and no running speed to compensate is too much of a weakness. Metal Grapplers aren’t a terrible model type, but their lack of mobility hurts their offense and ability to get out of danger. Metal Grapplers are bottom tier for this reason.

Mass Effect tiers (I’ll explain why later. The game is pretty balanced, anyways)

For Shepard (no prestige classes yet, they are quite complicated and harder to tier):

Top: Soldier, Adept, Vanguard
Mid: Infiltrator, Sentinel, Engineer


Top: Wrex, Tali
Mid: Garrus, Liara
Low: Kaidan, Ashley

Sorry man, but your Mass Effect tiers are incorrect at places.

Commander Shepard Classes
God Tier

  • Vanguard: Starts weak, but has a lot of Shield boosting skills and all of the good Biotic skills except Singularity, has access to Adrenaline Burst, the most broken move in the game

Top Tier

  • Soldier (after beating the game): Soldiers take very little time to build up to combat perfection since some of their skills aren’t necessary, so you’d have extra points for Spectre Training, negotiation skills, or an extra Talent from Achievements
  • Adept: The Singularity skill is king with powerful combatant teammates, plus they have access to some “instant death” moves when near a huge drop. They have the best set of Prestige Classes because neither would be a bad choice with any build

Mid Tier

  • Engineer: They have the best natural Shield points of all the base classes for Shepard, but crappy weapons and armor. They are the ultimate buff/debuffers. Tali is more useful due to having a better “class skill” and access to Shotguns.
  • Soldier (before beating the game): Not bad, but a bit of a co-dependent on one’s allies due to being the least versatile class in the game.

Low Tier

  • Sentinel: A poor man’s Engineer, straight up. You may as well pick the Engineer unless you REALLY want Biotics and Tech skills on your Shepard
  • Infiltrator: This class just sucks, its useless without the Sniper Rifle, which has the scope bouncing around like Shepard is drunk unless you have high Kinetic Stabilizers or a Spectre Sniper Rifle.

Teammate Tiers

  • Wrex: He’s basically unstoppable with all of the damage reduction talents he has access to, plus the Assault Rifle talent. He’s probably the best combat character in the whole game.
  • Garrus: Garrus is the most versatile character in the game due to the Turian Agent talent making him the only person who can really use a Sniper Rifle effectively and having all of the good Tech talents (except AI Hacking)

Mid Tier

  • Tali: She will have the highest Shield rating of your teammates and she has every Tech talent and the unlockable Shotgun talent to boot. Her class talent is nice too. She’s just not as versatile as Garrus; shitty armor
  • Liara: No real combat advanced training that’s worth it, but her class talent is awesome as is her access to Singularity

Low Tier

  • Ashley: She’s useful ONLY for battle, like Wrex, but Wrex is better due to having the natural healing and toughness of a Krogan
  • Kaidan: He’s only worth using if you’re pursuing a romance with him. Kaidan is unfortunately saddled with arguably the worst Human class in the game.

Really though, Mass Effect is easy enough on Normal and Easy mode that the game is beatable with any combination of classes as long as you have at least one Technician character and the game is unplayable on Insane difficulty. Nothing says fun like having a room full of people spam Immunity (a common event on Insane Mode).

X-men GEN Tiers


Nightcrawler - Solid character. Has great reach and jump, and takes little mutant power to get going. Almost broken to a fault, since he can beast just about everything.


Wolverine - Great strength and reach, MP kinda runs fast but recovers rapidly. Can’t jump particulary better than Cyke/Nightcrawler - but for the most part he can hold his own in battle. Not a safe character to use, meaning he isn’t newb friendly.


Cyclops - A “safe” character to use. Jumps very well and REALLY good MP that shockingly doesn’t take that much to use. Has terrible reach though, can’t fight close range. Only really great in 2 player mode.


Gambit - Gambit isn’t really good in this game. His MP takes A LOT, and it charges slow as hell. Pretty good reach and jump, not particulary good at damaging bosses. So many cons drop him to low…

How about Bioshock plasmids? Weapons?

X-Men 2: Clone Wars (Genesis)

His ranged abilities make him a devastator on almost every level. Certain mobility-heavy levels are difficult for him, but he makes Apocalypse the easiest boss fight in video game history, among other things.
Ho shit. Where do I begin. There isn’t a single level that Nightcrawler can’t dominate. He’s hands-down the best character in the game. Fast as hell, a very varied moveset, and a teleport which helps more than you’d think. There’s no problem that Kurt Vognurrrrr can’t solve. End thread.

His super move allows him to keep his momentum going, which is critical for him, since his speed and strength are his only fortes. Logan doesn’t have any range, and his moveset is not the best of all time, so the way to beat a level with him is to never, EVER stop moving. That said, this isn’t hard most of the time.
His cards, when powered up, are very versatile, and the fact that his staff gives him enough range to attack through walls in some levels is a HUGE plus. Add to that his flying kick, and in X-Men 2: Clone Wars, we actually have a game where Remy is high-tier.

Bitches don’t know about her. People are all…“lol her super power sucks.” And yeah, the psionic blade is weaksauce, for true. But Psylocke more than makes up for this with her amazing normals. Chief among them is her universal somersault jump attack. Add to that her wall jump and cling techniques, and Psy’s not bad at all.
If it weren’t for the speed of his OPTIC BLAST and the fact that his jumping up attack, aka GENE SPLICER, beats out a lot of enemy shit, he’d be garbage. But this shit alone makes him an excellent choice for a few levels.

Fuck it. He’s too fucking big and too fucking slow. There’s just no reason to use him. Ever. End.

that xmen 2 list is spot on.

i totaly agree w/ the mass effect teammate tiers…
wrex is a tank, and i never dont have a need to use him
i was using tali until i realized garrus’s versatility in attacking and equips, though i miss the hacking ability

i didnt know vanguard was the best though im glad i lucked out, unfortunately i didnt level up in the right places and at like 25 i still dont have throw