Wht About Ragnarok battle Offiline? I didn’t played that much, but due to some reserches, Female Archers seems preety dirty, mage look that way as well… someone get more solid ideas?
I thought Ryu and Chun were both low in there? The game definitely isn’t that balanced. I also remember that Ken was clearly in a league of his own.
RBO, not a tier list but…
Easy way to coast through the game with the following classes-
Swordsman(F) - 236A any time it looks halfway dangerous
Thief(F) - get above boss, spam poison blow
Archer(F) - float at the top of the screen with arrow attacks (have to block against some bosses). Actually male archers can do this as well, IIRC.
Mage- Safety Wall, spam Thunderstorm
Cleric(F)- that super punch she gets with high STR
Most of the other classes have to work a bit more. Thief(M) can hide -> poison blow I guess. Forget what Swordsmen(M) do, they have to work harder than female swordies haha. Novices have to do weird crazy combos.
IMHO swordsman(F) takes the least effort to beat the game with, if you aren’t looking to make a combo video or something.
lol I saw some combos… NOvice and thiefs looks like they have infinites or somethingt (air dash cancel?) but with that could make a Tier couldnt? like… Swordman (F) top then XDDD
Well, if you want to just do combos, everybody has infinites on anything you can juggle. Like Swordsman(F) can do j6Bx2-3 JC j6BxN, land, repeat. Doesn’t look good at all, but it gets the job done… in fact the j6B also launches them IIRC so you can pretty much just do that for most of the game, using 236A to get yourself out of trouble when necessary.
You can play the game pretty fancy if you want, but that’s an entirely different beast. In terms of just beating the game, the tactics I listed are the simplest ones overall. Swordy(F) 236A is too good, full invul the entire way through, hits a huge radius, big damage, spammable until you run out of MP. It’s so good that people call it “cheap” despite this being a single player game so who really cares?
Hm…well, I might as well take a shot.
Yu-gi-Oh! TCG (Advanced Format)
Top Tier Decks
Monarchs/Destiny Draw
Mid Tier Decks
Machine (Future Fusion/Overload Fusion/Return)
Gladiator Beasts
Low Tier Decks
Garbage Tier Decks
Gate Guardian
Random Beatdown
I would like to revive the Job Class Tier list of Final Fantasy Tatics (FFT) for PSX…
Yun/KGO/A-groove Sagat, Sakura, Bison/2k3 Duo Lon tier:
Calculator. Free magic and damage split.
Upper tier:
Geomancer. 100% accuracy and innate 4 move, well-rounded stats and good equipment options.
Monks. Solid all-around, good abilities, good stats.
Mid tier:
Chemist. Kind of obsolete later in the game, but auto potion is a fantastic reactionary ability and guns make them very versatile from a range.
Mid-low tier:
Knight. Great early on, but like so many other classes, eventually just make a good secondary skillset.
Dancer: sure, rugs have a great evade %, but they’re like bards: the stats are so horrible that dance is better off as a secondary ability.
Low tier:
Bard. Move+3 is nice, and they have some nifty songs and equipment, but their stats are so painfully bad that the best course of action is to just get their nifty abilities and switch classes.
Archer. Terrible skillset, and arrow guard makes them useless.
All I can think of at the moment.[]quote]
God Tier:
Calculator - Der can rape all the board in first turn…
High Tier - This one I think need some changes
Dancer - Many ppl say “Why Dancer, she doen’t do any damage or any shit”… but her Nameless Dance is insane… I mean… in 90% of the time, when she does that dance one time, the enemy is in shit… with mimic, and 2 or 3 more turns… it’s an really really easy win (many frogs, many confused, many stoped, many don’t act…)… it just too good… u dont need to kill with her… just to make the enemy do nothing =)… I Put that high cause in early game she is indeed Godly… But always need someone to finish the job right?
Geomancer and Monk I say the same
Ninja: Too High speed and attack make him a deadly weapon, he MUST be remembered… of course, low defence makes he a gird to die… BUT if that s the problem, his 2 sword style ability R too good as well (for geomancer for example).
Squire(Ranzas): yeah u heard me right… of course is char specific (but since is your main char, I think u can remember that one) But has an insane potential. The stats r really great, and the skill scream r rnough to make Guts a really stat skill to have. If your hanza is a melle char, he HAVE to have it =)
Mid Tier:
Mimic - I think he deservs to be here cause He can garantee that the board will die (calculator) or can garantee the board will be a easy win (with Dancer. ). He still can be a good damage copying some double style swords. he isn’t higher cause of low life and no equips at all…
Black Mage: The fact is all the magics r usefull… but once u got Calculator, all of these become useless. But the Black Mage can be used as maybe the best math skill user, cause of High magic attack and good speed
Lancer: Probably the best inate attack power and defence combined. Would be higher if Jump skill wasn’t that useless…
Chemist: the Iten ability is something u will use in later game, early and so… but the class itself is weak…
White Mage, Time Mage and Summoner: Once u get Calculator, these 3 become useless, but early game r strong classes.
Low Tier
Archer: Good early Game, but later becames toooooooooo weak…CHemists become much better snipers in middle game … and skill Charge… well… no coments at least better then jump lol
Rest: the rest r like only pre requisites… no goos thing to remember
Ok.l. it’s a little noobish, but I wiant to discuss that again cause I got some different ideas of the previuslly posted ones =))))
[quote=“Shin-Chan, post:867, topic:12973”]
I would like to revive the Job Class Tier list of Final Fantasy Tatics (FFT) for PSX…
Man, been so long since I’ve played this game. Its really hard for me to say something about another person’s list since the game is so deep. Its easier if I just do my own tier list and compare. I plan to play the game again.
I agree about Zombies being high however you completely forgot about Heroes. Personally, I hate Heroes, but some are stupid good. You also forgot dragons, which are top tier in YGO no matter what.
Structure deck tiers are something like:
Advent of the Monarch
Revival of Great Dragon
Curse of Darkness
Top High
Zombie Madness
Surge of Radiance
Spellcaster’s Judgement
Top low
Fury from the deep
Blaze of Destruction
Warrior’s Triumph
Invincible Fortress
Dinosaur’s rage
Machine revolt
Lord of the Storm
Low top
New starter decks
Low bottom
Old starter decks
Man, been so long since I’ve played this game. Its really hard for me to say something about another person’s list since the game is so deep. Its easier if I just do my own tier list and compare. I plan to play the game again.
I am playing again lol… I did play this years ago… but the nostalgic feeling when I remembered the game… was too much
Tiering Yu-gi-oh decks is useless.
Just take the best cookie cutter cards and make a broken deck like you should be doing.
Also unless dragons got a huge boost in the last few sets then they are still garbage.
I want to post a SmackDown one , but it’ll take forever.
SmackDown vs. RAW 2006:
God Tier: Andre the Giant, Big Show
Shit Tier: Everyone else
SmackDown vs. RAW 2007:
God Tier: The Great Khali
Shit Tier: Everyone Else
Has anyone done a Tales of Symphonia one yet??
Pretty much, except it’s more like:
Top Tier: Biggest heavywight (Andre,Kali, etc.)
Low Tier: Almost everyone else
Gimped Luchador Tier: Rey Mysterio
I guess I could but I haven’t played that game in over 2 years. I can’t go in-depth with it but this is what I remember from the style I played the game.
High Tier
Mid Tier
I controlled Lloyd just about the entire time and I’m the type that rather have a pure magician or pure fighter rather than a half magician half fighter like Kratos and Zelos. Plus, Kratos and Zelos, you have to level up their magic too which I never really bothered doing since Genis had the same magic AND you’d have to level up all of Zelos and Kratos special attacks also. Colette is clearly the worst character in the game, but she’s definitely a good character and I’ve emphasized a few times that the way I do tiers, if I don’t think theres a bad character in the game, theres no such thing as a low tier in the game for me
Just saying, if you wanna tier CLASSES, Calculator is a pretty fucking shit class. Goddamned speed and pitiful stats. =\
Course, they make the absolute greatest secondary skillset, especially, if you’re playing something with high mag, like, say, a Black Mage and add to that awesomeness with, say, a couple of Mimes.
Lloyd was ok, he just burned through tp really quick. Colette deals massive amounts of damage against big enemies. As for Kratos and Zelos, they have subtle difference from what I remembered.
I didn’t forget about Heroes. Destiny Draw involves a lot of them (namely, Destiny Hero- Disk Commander, Elemental Hero Stratos, Destiny Hero- Malicious and Destiny Hero Fear Monger). The reason I put them right on par with Monarchs is that it can pretty much go either way…Monarchs for power and D Heroes for their insane drawing power.
As for Dragons…Dragon’s Mirror is a severe pain in the behind, but it’s not necessarily faster than Monarchs or Zombies can be, at times, especially now that people are side-decking Dark Bribe to prevent cards like Future Fusion and said Dragon’s Mirror from happening. At most, I’d place Dragons -just- below them and above Gadgets in the tier list. Mind you, they can be devastating, but it’s all a matter of drawing the right cards for that deck.
Now, for the actual sets that came out: (Advanced Format)
Top Tier
Cybernetic Revolution (the set that changed the whole damn game with Cyber Dragons, next to Invasion of Chaos)
Tactical Evolution - (Brought a whole lot of Zombie support, including the broken Il Blud and Zombie Master)
Force of Breaker - (Raiza the Wind Monarch. Nuff Said.)
Middle Tier
Shadow of Infinity - (Treeborn Frog, Advanced Ritual Art and Demise- King of Armageddon)
Gladiator’s Assault (for now, anyway)
Invasion of Chaos - (Still a good set. DMoC, Berserk Gorilla, Sakuretsu Armor, Smashing Ground, and more.)
Elemental Energy (Dark World cards. I’d say Pot of Avarice, too, but where can you not get one nowadays?)
Power of the Duelist
Rise of Destiny - (Gain Train and Thestalos)
Soul of the Duelist - (Mobius and the Horus set)
The Lost Millenium - (But only just for Brain Control)
Low Tier
Virtually everything older than Invasion of Chaos. Most of the good cards are either banned or limited beyond being useful. And, whatever’s left is available somewhere else in some form or fashion.
Garbage Tier
Cyberdark Impact - UGH. Can’t think of one person down here who didn’t hate this set. The rares are crap, and the only card worth at least two cents here, Snipe Hunter, is not only a common but also a gamble as well. Don’t waste your money on this.
Fuck it, I’ll do SoR3 again (just got done playing :D)
Blaze - Unlike 2, Blaze is really well rounded in this game. She gains a bit more strength and technique, and she doesn’t really lack in any areas. Can hold her own against just about everything the game tosses her way…
Zan - Zan is pretty good. He’s slow as hell, and not much technique going his way - but incredible power and reach makes up for all that. Together with Blaze makes a pretty damn good team no doubt.
Shiva - Yeah they nerfed him since SoR2, but he’s still a force to be reckon with. Doesn’t grapple very well and can’t hold weapons, but other than that a solid choice to choose from.
Roo - Basically an improved skate. Terrible reach causes him to get surrounded very easily, kinda lacks in strength. Only great in two player mode…
Axel - He’s good, just not great. Tons of power and technique, but his speed got nerfed kinda. Still can’t jump, there’s just better characters to choose from.
Skate - Just sucks lol.