Hmm, actually, taking a closer look at the list…
Killey seems like a really mediocre average character. He seems to have a highest score because he has B’s in every stat, just decent in everything. And 3 rune slots. Riou has 3 rune slots also but only included 2 due to one of them having one of the best runes in the game, his bright shield rune. Riou’s stats completely nerf Killey’s stats big time. Probably the most obvious discrepency in the chart. One character completely has much higher stats in every area and has 3 rune slots himself. But because one rune slot is not custom, he gets a lower score. Even though its a great rune, he loses points for it…
And really so do other people’s best stats. Like while Killey is just decent in everything but has 3 rune slots. Many characters with much better stats in their specific areas like Luc, Mazus, Valeria, Oulan, but weaknesses in other areas and most importantly have less rune slots have TREMENDOUSLY lower scores because of that.
In fact, the characters with the highest scores tend to be the ones with the most average/ decent stats that excel in no area and most rune slots.
So, I don’t know about this list man…
But again, I do appreciate the work you put into it and its interesting read. I just don’t know how much of it I’d use in my next playthrough. I might test out Bob but, for people who just look at the “overall score” and nothing else, it might be rough on them trying to play the game without knowing how the score really worked. Like, possibly put a complete explanation at the top of the chart of how many points you were given for each stat and which stats are most important.
For me, I always look at lists like this with open-mindedness and only take it with a certain judgement knowing its another way one person looked at things. But, tons of people, when they look at that list, they are not gonna look past the overall score and take it as concrete fact and that could lead to a rough game for them.
I mean, if the party of Hai Yo, Chaco, Killey, and such work great for you, then thats fabulous. I’d love for that to work. But, looking at the list with more attention to detail, it doesn’t make me wanna use those characters…
Heh, and I went to gamefaqs doing a tier list and people were getting pissed off at me pointing to this list calling me a newb and exclusively looking at the overall score and nobody really gave me any reason to me anything else but the overall score. But, thats their fault and another story. So, people do trust that list though, I’m jealous.
I definitely don’t mean this insulting you by any means by the way. I only commented on the list and thats it. I’m a critic only.