Tiers for non-fighting games?

Defense of the Ancients!!! (Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne map)

Godlike Tier
Skeleton King

Top Tier:
Shadow Shaman
Lord of Avernus
Stealth Assassin
Priestess of the Moon
Phantom Lancer

Mid Tier:
Phantom Assassin
Bone Clinkz
Dragon Knight
Demon Witch

Low Tier:
Witch Doctor
Goblin Techies
Shadow Priest
Twin-Head Dragon

This is based on the skills they have… Any player with the right items and skillscan dominate with any of these heroes.

I don’t know about this, because DoTA is very hard to tier. But I’ll fill you in on extremely popular picks during league tourmanets. Lich, Crystal Maiden, Queen of Pain, and Clinkz are some of the first picks, can’t think up anymore at the moment.

From personal experience I’d rank it:

S Tier
Wesker- Sniper + Thrust punch = Too good
Krauser- The bow needs some practice, but once you get it, it is waaay over powered

A Tier
Hunk (personal favorite)- Simple setup, but somehow it just works. Head shot> neck break <3
Ada- Other than the sniper rifle, the rest of her shit kinda fart

C, maybe D Tier
Leon- Fun to use at Water World (well in general), but yeah, his range sucks ass. I have an easier time “sniping” with the pistol on the double chainsaw guys.

But then again…

I got the highest score on Village with Ada (somehow), Wesker on Castle (not surprising), Hunk at Military Base (the highest score of them all), Krauser at Water World.

not really exploit,the knife is just useful unlike all the other REs. thanks anyway…
you know you don’t have to pick up items that are dropped,its up to you to pick them up! and no killing? wtf your a US agent! you have a license to kill!:wgrin:

Well, I’ve playing Dynasty Warriors gundam. Here’s one for the character that I’ve used so far.

this list is VERY premature.

s class: Heero yuuy and Wing Gundam Zero.

-The most stupid super I’ve ever seen in any game. EVER.
-Isn’t really bad at anything. Has great defense, range power and speed. Is above average in all these areas.
-Has great crowd clearing combos as well as great single person use combos.
-Flight mode is just silly. Goes really far and has a really powerful shot.

Cons: I guess melee could be a little better but it’s still great. Shot is a little meh.

Domon Kashu and Burning Gundam.

-Has the most vertile crowd control I’ve seen so far. Burning slash is INSANELY good and standard combos ends with a great projectile tht further adds to cword clearing.
-super is good if aimed properly. Does alot of damage and lasts a really long time.
-dash attack is awesome and OTGs enemies.

cons: Has a TERRIBLE shot.
suoer can be a little inaccurate making it not so ideal for bosses. But that be worked around with a little skill.

A: class. ZZ gundam
Gundam MkII

B class:
Master gundam.
Gundam Epyon.

More later.

Good because I loved Heero and Domon. :slight_smile:

dude, seriously, Heero’s super is INSANE at level 3. I’ve never seen a move like this before in any game. It’s just retarded.

first he fires a decently sized beam from the double barrel buster rifle that the player can rotate.

He then hover in the air and does an Endless Waltz stye buster shot that’s like, twice as big as the last one. Again, can be rotated.

Then finally, he lands, pulls the barrels apart, and does that spin of death and Zero is famous for. By this point most of the mobile suites around you are dead. but if you’re doing a double super, HE DOES ANOTHER SPIN THAT COVERS MORE AREA THAN THE LAST ONE.

I’ve just started on this game, but I think i’ll be hard pressed to discover that one of the mobile suits has a super stronger than that.

Dude its the Wing Zero Custom.

No mobile suit is gonna beat that thing.

It’s like gundanium allloy fused with steroids and crack.

well, it’s actually not the OAV version of Wing zero. It’s the design that appeared in the anime after the orginal wing gundam…not the one with the angel wings.

…There were three designs right?

Oh, and I think this is the start of a franchise. The game sold like hotcakes (especailly in japan) and it lacks alot of potentail characters. (i.E., characters that they’re saving for later.)

Wing Zero and Wing are two different models. Wing Zero was supposed to be the ultimate Gundam made by all the scientists.

So I guess its the regular wing zero in this.

Still busted.

Ok, yeah, and Wing Gundam was created based on the design of Wing Gundam Zero. Dr. J’s toned down version of Wing Gundam Zero beacause “It was too powerful for the pilot to handle”.

But yeah, basically, from a art and production standpoint, Wing Gundam Zero is a redesign of Wing Gundam. Just not according to the story, which in that case, it’s the other way around.


you seriously put thd and wd on bottom and naix anything but dead bottom?

morphling and sk arent even that great, sven is way better than sk and does the exact same thing.

Henaki: You live in bloomfield? You go to college there?

i go to ecc, take it to the nj thread~

Age of Empires 2:

  • Chineses
  • Vikings
  • Franks

Age of Empires 2: Age of Conquerous (expansion)

  • Aztecs
  • Huns
  • Vikings (water only)
  • rest

Age of Mythology

  • Odin

Age of Empires 3
-Spanish :smiley:

  • Russians
  • French
  • Germans :frowning: (used to be top tier :’( )

Age of Empires 3: The Warchifes (expansion)

  • Iroquois
  • Dutch
  • Spanish
  • Germans :S

Wave Race 64

  • the second guy
  • the fat guy ( D. Mariner), but I’m still no sure if he’s middle or top…
  • the other guy
  • the girl

**Soldat Weapons (as of 1.4.2) **

S Tier:

A Tier:

B Tier:

F- Tier:

S Tier:

B Tier:


Remember me? The hot black guy from the hotel in Balitmore. Alex Strife’s friend?

How old are?


So how old are you again?

Actually,Bowman is the best offensive character in the game.Ashton is lower because of such a bad luck rating.He can be stoned by lesser enemies quite easily.

sucktacular equipment though

same her and not that good lockdown

sworddance+mirror slash+teargas ggpo boss but his luck is really shitty

eternal sphere ,2 atlas rings, pallas athena and he is an absolute beast

really should be lowtier

paired with good lockdown characters shes a beast

He is an one man army, you can almost beat the game with only using him(at some points you have to have rena too )

broken heart

high motormouth and that spell she gets in the special dungeon make her beastly plus she can cast angel wing

Atelier Iris 3 Tiers:

Top Tier:
Normal Edge
Plua Edge
Normal Nell

Middle Tier:
Everything else except

Bottom Tier:
Jiptus Edge
Faustus Nell
Diemia Nell

As for my rationale, I personally believe that the best way to handle combat is to fill the burst gauge early and keep it from draining as long as possible. The non-mana party, I believe, is the best at doing this. Note that having low speed vs average speed is much more detrimental than average speed vs high speed.

Iris doesn’t inflict a lot of damage without burning a decent amount of skill gauge, but Mana Storm basically handles almost all non-boss monsters throughout the entire game. Anything it doesn’t kill suffers knockback, so it’ll probably die before it’s turn comes up. Elemental conversion gives you the money you need early in the game, and Luplus summon is quite possibly the best spell in the entire game.

Normal Edge has both Windmill and Cross Rain to keep the burst gauge from draining and since this form’s ultimate weapon has 7 hits on it, you don’t need to waste one of his three attributes on hit plus, but can use it for quick and blessed weapon or attack [L] instead.

Plua Edge has a wider array of attacks than Normal Edge, but lacks in damage just a little bit. However, a bursted Blink x3, Illusion Edge combo does significant damage to any enemy until the middle of the game. Illusion Edge also does lots of hits, so this form isn’t too much of a drain on the burst meter.

Normal Nell has a nice array of skills even if she doesn’t have good AoE skills. Break Slash is one of the better skills in the game as it knocks back for only 1 skill charge and still hits 3 times. Eins Zecksclaw is a decent attack versus 1 enemy that does a good number of hits and damage.

As for the bottom tier, Juptus Edge and Diemia Nell are just too slow and inflict too few hits to be good. Faustus Nell blows because she is supposed to be a hybrid character, but her ultimate weapon sucks at magic and her skills are all magic based. Faustus Nell is also slow as tar.