Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume aka Eternal Sonata tiers:
Falsetto - Super fast, super high attack and health, really strong harmony chains and some of the best weapons for building a ton of echoes. Best character.
Viola - Arrows are rediculously strong, you get her early on, her attack and health are huge, and arrows from far away do devastating damage. She even has the best healing move through about 2/3 through the game. Granted, the more the game progresses, the less useful she gets (as the other characters all start to become better but she peaks early on) but she’s still super important for the early/mid stages through the game as she makes beating certain bosses and stuff POSSIBLE…She’s also your fastest character until Falsetto comes along.
Salsa - Super fast, does 2 hits with like, every normal attack, her dark special skill increases the power of her (and anyone near her) next special attack. She also gets the dead orbit skill which is like, 12 hits, which gives 12 echoes instantly just for doing it. High attack and very strong.
Upper mid:
March - Kinda like Salsa, but her dark special skill increases defense, not attack, making it not as useful. Still really good, and similar in that she has a 13 hit skill, which is massive echoes.
Jitterbug/Jazz - Depending on what name you want to call him. He has huge range, a ton of damage, huge health. Granted he’s slow as hell, but he does 2 hits with every swing and he’s really good at hitting multiple enemies.
You only use her for a short time, and in that short time, she’s terrible. Very few skills and weak overall. Especially since you get Jitterbug and Falsetto at the same time, it makes her look that much worse. However, after she gets owned and comes back to life, she gets really really good weapons, and some decent skills that make her a pretty good character. The thing is, the fact that you can only use her for the short period where she’s useless, and in the bonus dungeon where she’s a really low level makes her kinda useless. By the time she gets leveled up to a decent level, you either already beat the dungeon or you’re close to beating it to the point that you don’t need her anyways and you have to go out of your way to use her. And since the last boss battle is the only one you’ll need after the dungeon, you dont even need her for the real game. The last boss is a joke compared to the bonus dungeon battles and bosses.
Chopin - The most average character there is. Nothing stands out about him that makes him super good, but he’s solid, no doubt.
Allegretto - Ditto as above. Decent skills, but nothing THAT great. Not bad, but not good.
Polka - She’s weak, slow, doesnt do much damage, doesn’t have specials that are THAT great. She’s really bad as a healer, even though thats her main job until she gets her level 48 healing skill, which is pretty late in the game. But once you get that skill, i think she gets better, but overall she’s kinda weak.
Beat - Low low low damage, slow, girly defense etc. If all characters were about Beats strength, the game would have been much more challenging. But all the other characters overpower him so much that using him is almost like handicapping yourself. He’s really good for making lots of money fast with pictures, and not having to worry about having enough money to buy armor and weapons and stuff is REALLLLLY nice.