Tiers for non-fighting games?

(Sorry if this has been posted but I don’t really want to read through everything)

Terran Units:

Top tier:
Siege Tank
High Tier:
Science Vessel
Mid Tier:
Low tier:

Don’t really know enough about the other races to make full tier lists, but it would look something like this:
Top tier:

Top tier:

I guess I’ll make House M.D. tiers too.
God tier:
Gregory House
Top tier:
High tier:
Low tier:

Trusty Bell: Chopin no Yume aka Eternal Sonata tiers:
Falsetto - Super fast, super high attack and health, really strong harmony chains and some of the best weapons for building a ton of echoes. Best character.

Viola - Arrows are rediculously strong, you get her early on, her attack and health are huge, and arrows from far away do devastating damage. She even has the best healing move through about 2/3 through the game. Granted, the more the game progresses, the less useful she gets (as the other characters all start to become better but she peaks early on) but she’s still super important for the early/mid stages through the game as she makes beating certain bosses and stuff POSSIBLE…She’s also your fastest character until Falsetto comes along.

Salsa - Super fast, does 2 hits with like, every normal attack, her dark special skill increases the power of her (and anyone near her) next special attack. She also gets the dead orbit skill which is like, 12 hits, which gives 12 echoes instantly just for doing it. High attack and very strong.

Upper mid:
March - Kinda like Salsa, but her dark special skill increases defense, not attack, making it not as useful. Still really good, and similar in that she has a 13 hit skill, which is massive echoes.

Jitterbug/Jazz - Depending on what name you want to call him. He has huge range, a ton of damage, huge health. Granted he’s slow as hell, but he does 2 hits with every swing and he’s really good at hitting multiple enemies.




You only use her for a short time, and in that short time, she’s terrible. Very few skills and weak overall. Especially since you get Jitterbug and Falsetto at the same time, it makes her look that much worse. However, after she gets owned and comes back to life, she gets really really good weapons, and some decent skills that make her a pretty good character. The thing is, the fact that you can only use her for the short period where she’s useless, and in the bonus dungeon where she’s a really low level makes her kinda useless. By the time she gets leveled up to a decent level, you either already beat the dungeon or you’re close to beating it to the point that you don’t need her anyways and you have to go out of your way to use her. And since the last boss battle is the only one you’ll need after the dungeon, you dont even need her for the real game. The last boss is a joke compared to the bonus dungeon battles and bosses.

Chopin - The most average character there is. Nothing stands out about him that makes him super good, but he’s solid, no doubt.

Allegretto - Ditto as above. Decent skills, but nothing THAT great. Not bad, but not good.

Polka - She’s weak, slow, doesnt do much damage, doesn’t have specials that are THAT great. She’s really bad as a healer, even though thats her main job until she gets her level 48 healing skill, which is pretty late in the game. But once you get that skill, i think she gets better, but overall she’s kinda weak.

Beat - Low low low damage, slow, girly defense etc. If all characters were about Beats strength, the game would have been much more challenging. But all the other characters overpower him so much that using him is almost like handicapping yourself. He’s really good for making lots of money fast with pictures, and not having to worry about having enough money to buy armor and weapons and stuff is REALLLLLY nice. :slight_smile:

I don’t know if tiering in the traditional sense would apply to SC. A lot of synergy is involved.

But, top tier for Zerg would have to include Defiler. Dark Swarm is broken, it can be used offensively and defensively. It rapes the Terrans because they have no good melee units (the only combat damage that can hurt critters in a Swarm) and it give the Protoss grief as well.

By this token, Lurkers should be at the top tier as well, they work so well on offense and defense especially in Conjunction with the DS.

Vultures and Gols are underrated, IMO they are really good units. Scouts and Valks in general are fairly useless, though.

I’d like to know why Iceman isn’t god/high tier on the Marvel: UA list. In his original costume (+ 50% dmg to enemies w/in 8 feet or something) + his personal area attack (the rain of ice) he flattens bads and bosses retarded quick on his own. Plus his cold attacks slow or stop bad guys, a rare skill. He’s def 100 times better than Spidey.

I mean I know I’m arguing against a gameFAQs list (an act simultaneously obvious and futile) but still.

Storm is nice w/ Asgardian Armor (+50% elec attacks).

Also pisses me off the other versions apparently have so many more chars than the Wii one.

Yeah, I’d like to get this game, but a lot of characters are 360 download only.

I agree that Iceman is underrated. Why is Mr. Fantastic good? I never tried him out.

I think it’s some glitch involving his stretchy attacks. I forget. :sweat:

The gamefaqs tier list for Marvel Ultimate Alliance is mostly spot on, although it is debatable in some areas and flat out incorrect in other spaces. I’ll do my own tier list after I playtest everyone fully.

Iceman has one of the best Radial moves in the game, plus he has a very easy time with inflicting frozen or slow status on normal enemies, which complements many heroes. Iceman’s biggest weakness is that he is a great mook killer, but he suffers greatly against bosses.

Mr. Fantastic should be God Tier, but he’s that powerful because of his insanely broken Fantastic Fists boost. That move increases his critical rate and damage of everything he does, including his powers (might be a bug). Hell, Mr. Fantastic can take a lot of hits and he should never have any energy problems, unless the player wastes energy unnecessarily.

Thor actually should be the best. But thanks to glitches Silver Surfer is better and Mr. Fantastic is probably better too.

Thor doesn’t have blatantly busted crap like Silver Surfer and Mr. Fantastic does. Thor is the master of soloing though because all of his good powers have some sort of status or disabling effect to them. Thor barely falls behind SS and Mr. F due to his costumes being lackluster compared to SS and Mr. F and Thor does have energy management issues in the early game.

SS is busted cuz of his molecular mix-up glitch and he can heal. Mr.Fantastic is just stupidly good in melee. Thor has pretty much the best powers in the game overall. Also Asgard’s blessing, North Winds, and God speed are damn good. Wrath of the gods is one of the best Xtreme skills.

Agreed, but what I meant was that Thor’s powers defeat foes in a more subtle manner. Most of his powers, like North Winds and Hammer Toss do average DPS, but he disables many foes quickly whether through stunning or being knocked into the air. God Speed is an absolute beast against bosses because he can smack them around quickly enough to raise his momentum and smack health and energy orbs out of the bosses. Thor can fit well in any team because many XTreme skills have a bonus against people with a status condition or do extra to airborne foes. Thor also has no obviously “best” costume. His costumes are more about individual playstyle than about being an obvious match.

EmblemLord, since we both agree that Thor, Silver Surfer, and Mr. Fantastic are the 3 best characters, who do you think is worse between Blade and Elektra?

Elektra I guess. Bear in mind I haven’t played the game. I just love Marvel and have researched this game. I’m a big fan of alot of Marvel comics as well.

Back to Blade and Elektra. Blade is usable for his melee with the right set-up. Seems to me like nothing actually makes Elektra decent.

do tell…

Legend of the Five Rings CCG

Wins Every Game Tier
Scorpion Clan
Lion Clan

Top Tier
Mantis Clan
Dragon Clan

Mid Tier
Unicorn Clan
Crane Clan

Low Tier
Phoenix Clan
Spider Clan

Crap Tier
Crab Clan

Easy. Here is the technique I started using in “normal” and perfected in “professional.” (so much so that I beat the game with just the knife with the only exceptions being bosses (except Krauser), dogs, blind-slasher-guys, suits of armor, chaingunners, crossbow (that are unreachable), shield fuckers, and the parasites (except for the face-hugger kind) This means you’ll be using the knife against 80-90% of your enemies.

Enemy has no weapon: this is the riskiest opponent by far as their movements are hard to counter at times, but once you see them lunge, step back and evade it.

Enemy has an axe/sickle: as they strike just back pedal. Same goes for opponents with the flail (they’re riskier though).

Enemy has a pitch-fork: side step.

Once the enemy misses his strike you rush up to them and slash them in the face (or legs if they have a helmet [at the castle]). This staggers them, and from there you can perform an action which knocks them to the floor and any others in the way. From there you slash as they try to stand up.

Knife vs. Chainsaw: get a fence between you and the chainsaw guy; he’ll try to climb the fence as you knock him down (with the knife) until he dies.

Doing this the first time through on professional resulted in my inventory being too full to carry anymore pistol/shotgun ammo, and I had tons of money (bought RPG for bosses but no body armor).

Knife= God/Top Tier; it has unlimited ammo, decent range, staggers opponents which leads to roundhouses (which in part, knock down several opponents), takes no space in the inventory, decent damage (it isn’t that bad), stylish (as you’re now inventive), and improves your mobility (which improves you abilities with the knife, this cycle continues until you get bored with the game)

RE4= too easy, too linear, mediocre at best (as it does nothing new, I know because I beat it 13 times [8 on professional])

I wish the game had a harder mode where ammo/money is never dropped and there is no weapon guy. Weapons and ammo are only found in the environment (i.e. hunter’s house/guard’s hall/etc.), so ammo is scare but does more damage, less enemies, and the ability to play the game without killing (i.e. Dues Ex).

You know… break convention. I think the game would have lasting appeal with gamers who are tired of the same repackaged shit.

/repeating self

Goddamn, that’s a lot of time spent on a mediocre game.

I think maybe Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma or DMC may be more up your alley difficulty-wise, even though the camera in Ninja Gaiden does kind of suck.

Well, it depends if we’re tiering for lines/time or for score. If we’re tiering for score, the fact that the straight piece is the only piece that allows tetris is godly.

Well, at first I was hyped because it was a game worth playing on my Gamecube.

It didn’t take that much time though, first play through was only 17 hours, longest being 22 with just the knife (on professional). I did a number of speed runs too (and with super weapons: really short).

When I play a game I want to find out every little secret (unless it is unbearably boring).

If mercenaries had: Multiplayer/Coop and/or more characters/weapons (Chris, Jill, Barry, Rebecca, Luis, etc.).

Then RE4 would have been fucking awesome.

As far as gaming difficulty is concerned: I don’t really care as I don’t play much anymore. All I need is Deus Ex for my lap top and VF5/TFC2 for my PS3.

Gaming industry= not trying to innovate, not getting anymore of my money.

RE4 mercenaries

  1. Wesker - Sniper Rifle + Killer 7 + 4 grenades + 3 flash + 1 incendiary? This guy has it all. Sniper Rifle is easily the best gun to have in Mercenaries for high scores. The long range and power gives you the ability to kill from anywhere at any time. It takes a bit of time to master, but once you do, this guy will nab you the highest scores out of all the characters (minus Hunk on Village). The Thrust Punch is a one hit kill and his Stamina is great to boot.
  2. Ada - Sniper Rifle + 3 incendiary grenades and a really fast running speed makes her the 2nd best. She’s below Wesker cause she has no decent weapon after the sniper rifle and her fan kick isn’t as good as the thrust punch.
  3. Hunk - Hunk is the best character to use for the Village as his neck twist will destroy every single enemy on that stage including the chainsaw sisters. If not for that, I would have placed him below Krauser. 3 hand grenades to start with is pretty good.
  4. Krauser - Arrows are powerful, but they are slow and hard to aim long distances compared to the sniper rifle. Best Stamina in the game plus 2nd fastest speed along with an 1 hit kill kick and his Monster-arm power-up + 3 flash grenades put this guy well above Leon.
  5. Leon - Easily the worst of the bunch. No grenades, crappy kick. Riot gun is only good up close. This guy has the least range of all the characters.