Tiers for non-fighting games?

Top Tier:
Straight piece

Mid Tier:
T piece
Square Piece
L piece
J piece

Bottom tier:
S piece
Z piece

am i rite?

Yeah he bought the infinite one, he was left with like 2 medical sprays and some low-tier hangun haha. But once he got the infinite lanucher he really didn’t need nothing else and worked on getting his stuff back.

I’ll make an attempt to tier Baten Kaitos Origins and Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings. My knowledge of BKO is limited though since I’m only at the beggining of disk 2. I’m at the end of BKEW so my tier list for that game should be very accurate. I had to do some online research about BKO so my tier list would be at least somewhat accurate.

Baten Kaitos Origins Tier List

God tier:

Sagi - Stat wise he is good all around. Solid in offense and defense and he has good resistance to all status effects. His equipment magnus is good too. His personal armor has good defense and good durablity and they usually have solid effects. All of his weapons boast high attack power and good durablity. And his weapons cover a wide range of elements so he will always be of use. He is only lacking in darkness as he doesn’t have many weapons that cover this element. The same goes for his finishers. They cover all the elements except for darkness. But Ascension and Transcension are of variable element, so they will take on w/e element his weapon is. Which is great considering the fact that the Scension family contains some of his best finishers. His EX combos are solid with good damage and he get’s access to very powerful EX combos early on in the game. The Godling’s Rapture is Sagi’s level 4 finisher and it is great and is part of the EX combo Healing Wings which has high HP restoration and cures all status ailments. His EX combo The Apotheosis is the most powerful non-relay combo in the game and can one shot bosses. Actually, it breaks the game to be honest. He has other very powerful EX combos as well. Overall, he is a monster.

Top Tier:

Milliarde - Good offense and ok on defense. Her status effect resistance is the best out of all 3 characters. Her attack strength is low, but her combos make up for it because of very high hit counts. Her weapons are mostly physical, ice and fire although she has a few weapons of other elemental types. Still the first 3 mentioned are her strong suite. Her finishers are lightning, with some ice, some physical and a little bit of fire. She never gets a level 4 finisher unlike Sagi and Guillo which hurts her. But her EX combos are her strength. She can do EX combos with her special abilities. And they are all multi-hitting and go in-between normal attack magnus to extend combos. So she can build up the hit counter guage by alot giving a bigger attack bonus to any follow-up attacks. And after doing an EX combo with her special abilities she can still do another EX combo by chaining together 2 or 3 finishers. So she can do 2 EX combos in one and build up the hit counter guage to high numbers very easily. This makes her perfect to go first or second in a Relay combo. Also alot of her EX combos have special effects that will boost her speed or her defense. And being able to add in extra hits to combos and do EX combos with her special abilities is great. And it also means she doesn’t need to do a finisher to deal good damage and it means she can build up the MP guage better then the others can. Her other main weaknesses are her low defense vs fire, ice and darkness and also her lack of a level 4 finisher. Despite this she is a great character.

High Tier:

Guillo - Good offense and has the highest attack strength out of the three. She has a wide variety of elemental weapons and finishers. This makes her very versatile. Still, her weapons tend to be weaker and have lower durability then the others. She is the only character with dark finishers and has more dark weapons then the others as well. She also has a level 4 finisher which augments her offense. Add to the fact that alot of her finishers will hit the entire enemy group and you have a great offensive character. Plus her EX combos are nice. She has two that restore her HP and cure all status effects. The main things that hurt her are defense and her HP. Her physical defense is horrible and her HP is the lowest of the 3. These two traits combined means that Guillo will be the one taking the worst beating most of the time. Her elemental defenses are great, but since almost all enemies use physical attacks as well as elemental, Guillo suffers. Luckily alot of her best EX combos will boost her defense too, but that isn’t enough to raise her out of high tier IMO. Plus alot of her personal armor is lacking. They will often only raise one defensive stat and it’s usually an element, which isn’t as suefull since her elemental defense is already really good. But even though Milly and Sagi are better, Guillo is still a versatile character that packs some serious power.

I’ll do tiers for BK:EW tommorrow.





Original Baten Kaitos tiers are like:

–Kalas (best weapons, can use most elements well, solid stats and Guardian Spirit)
–Xelha & Mizuti (access to all elements, good attack, pretty much interchangable with minimal stat differences)

–Savyna (Speed + Strength, Fire/Water are highly useful elements for most of the game, attacks are too quick–meaning it’s hard to confirm your magnus number choices)

–Gibari (Slow, Good strength and HP, Wind/Water is a bad element combo, lacks good weapons, bad finishers)

–Lyude (Weak, weapons suck, doesn’t excel at anything, hard to build his deck without counter-acting Light/Dark, Dark is the most useless element in the game)

Everybody can still be useful though…ultimately it really depends on the elements of your enemies and what Magnus you have access too (good Wind weapons, for example, are very hard to find).

Ninjaman: Moveset Tier List:

God Tier:
Air Uppercut, aka YOUZANSEN!
Whirlwind Attack

Top Tier:
Air Combo
Ground Uppercut
Dive Attack (I edited this…It can be cancelled into a roll or even a jump.)

Mid Tier:
Ground Combo
Air Sonic Boom
Air Devastator

Shit Tier:
Sonic Boom

Return of Shiki I disagree sooooooo much with your list.

Let me start off by saying that character strength is meaningless since the damage that all the characters do is comparable. Althoguh stats do play a role, the stat that matters most is speed because it will let you attack first and rape enemies before they can hit you. Defense is also negligible since you have infinite healing magnus in battle and you will almost never ever ever die in this game. EVER.

What matters most is what thier finishers are, what thier best elements are, how useful they are thorughout the game, and which characters are you most likely to stick with for the most part. My tier list is based on this criteria.

God Tier:
Xelha - Her spells cover all the elements and they all have good attack power. Her first three finishers are light which is the best element. So she gets a strong start. She is fast so she will always get the drop on enemies and one shot them. She also has finishers of every element so she has versatility. Her level 8 and level 9 finishers are amazing. Her level 8 is Seal of Water. Water element which is good and has a 100% chance of causing death to anyone that isn’t immune to it. Her level 9 is Wheel of Light. It’s a light finisher. Nuff said. Her only weakness is that she can’t use her spells to defend herself that way Kalas and Gibari can use offensive magnus to defend themselves. Despite that she owns this game for free.

Top Tier:
Kalas - He has solid stats and very good weapons. Light is his worst element. His light magnus leave much to be desired. His strongest light sword Durandel is combo 3, and that’s just plain horrible. Too many of those and his hand would get clogged. His level 7 finisher Fangs of Light is good, but not as good as Fangs of Darkness which did damage and drained HP. His level 8 and 9 finishers are of opposite elements which just sucks. Lord of the Wind is awesome, but Kalas doesn’t have enough good wind swords to warrent making his deck more wind based. His strongest sword is Void Phantom and it’s Wind. That sucks since there are only 3 other wind swords Kalas gets. His best element is chronos which is the opposite of wind. So his best bet is to go chronos instead of wind so he can use his level 8 Chaotic Illusion and have access to his other good chronos swords. He has good darkness, but it’s not useful in the final dungeon. But he also has very good fire and water, which is a nice asset. He can also defend himself with most of his swords. He is a great character throughout the game and it’s only towards the end that he becomes less useful, but he still has his place. He’s an awesome character.

Gibari - He’s an older Kalas. Stat wise they are virtually the same. Gibari has alot of Dark though which kinda hurts since there aren’t many chances to do some serious damage with dark magnus. But by the end of the game his dark and his light are very strong, so he can go either way. Although his level 7 Pendulum blast is weaker then his level 8 Nemesis Fall so you may want to go dark with him. His level 9 Ultimate Geyser is water which is good. He has good wind and chronos so he can go either with that as well. But Kalas can cover chronos so why not just go with wind for Gibari? All of his paddles are strong and useful for when you get them. He can defend himself with all of his paddles and all of his paddles are combo 1 on offense. He is only lacking in fire magnus. But overall he is very good and versatile.


Upper Mid Tier:
Mizuti - Oh yeah, she is right here where she belongs. She is not on Xelha’s level at all. Stat wise she is worse, then Xelha. Slower with lower attack I think and lower HP. But her defense is better. Her first 3 finishers are non-elemental. I’ll repeat that. NON-ELEMENTAL FINISHERS!
It doesn’t get anymore useless then that. And she doesn’t get any light finishers. None. No way is she on par with Xelha. She is still decent because her deck is pretty much interchangable with Xelha though, but of course that also means that she can’t use her offensive magnus to defend herself. Also since she is the last character to join she will be very under leveled, so that’s another edge that Xelha will have over her. Also her last two finishers are wind and chronos. Conflicting elements aren’t good at all. Overall she is very lacking as a character, but since spells are so damn versatile she really can’t go any lower then this in the tiers. but she can’t go any higher either. In the end she has her flaws but she is still decent thanks to her spells.

Mid tier:
Lyude - The two elements he uses are the two best and worse elements in the game. He has good light and dark,but ultimately his light ends up being superior. Stat wise he isn’t anything to write home about. Actually he is lacking. Slow and not very strong. But his great light magnus means you will get quite a bit of use from him for many bosses. He really comes in handy when you have to fight Giacomo, Ayme, and Folon as they are all vulnerable to light, strong opponents, and you will have to fight them multiple times in the game. He can’t defend himself with his horns which sucks. He truely shines in the end game when all the enemies are vulnerable to light. That’s when he can run wild. As a character he is just ok.

Lower Mid Tier:
Savyna - Similar to Lyude in that she only uses two elements. This limits her usefulness just as it did for Lyude because she isn’t very versatile. Fire and water are what she is all about and they are both useful elements throughout the game. At least in terms of fighting regular enemies they are. When it comes to fighting bosses, there aren’t as many that are vulnerable to fire and water as there are that are vulnerable to light and darkness. There are about 10 boss fights that Savyna will be useful in. There are almost twice as many boss fights where Lyude will be useful. And the number of areas where these elements will be useful for fighting is about even between all 4 just mentioned. Plus Savyna isn’t as useful in the final dungeon which hurts her. And to add to that she attacks too fast which messes up your timing for combos and she can’t use ehr offensive magnus to defend herself. Stat wise she is superior to Lyude, but can’t edge him out in terms of usefulness. Not to mention that when you first get her, the magnus that is available to her isn’t that good. She doesn’t get any real quality magnus until towards the end of the game. So it isn’t even really worth it to farm for magnus for her deck throughout the game. Especially since Kalas has solid fire and water magnus and Gibari has good water magnus. She is decent in her own right, but isn’t up there with the top 3.

I just wanted to mention a few more things. The guardian spirit is great at first. It lets you do good damage and cast spells of varying elements. But later on it isnt as good. It happens randomly so it can screw up combos. The element is chosen at random so the spell may become that of an opposing element that you used previously in your combo. Usually you just want to do a Final Straight Sunrise or Sunset and the guardian spirit spells can throw you off. When they work it’s great but more often that not it won’t help you, so you will just bypass it or it will turn a magnus you needed into a spell.

Lyude and Savyna can’t be anything but mid tier or lower. The elements that they each use contradict each other and they are utility characters only. They are not characters that you can just leave in your party. Not only that, but you could get away with not ever using Lyude or Savyna the whole game. They are not essential. Although Lyude will see a little bit more use the Savyna.

Also, I hate Mizuti. I think she is completely useless compared to Xelha, but I had to be unbiased when tiering her. Overall she isn’t as good as Xelha, but her spells keep her above Lyude and Savyna.

No. Straight piece is only good if you have a straight hole of at least depth 2, or if you build very flat. Otherwise, it sucks, because it sticks out like a sore thumb that you can’t build around easily. People overrate it because it is the only piece that you can get a tetris with. I would say that the best pieces are T, L and J, as they are the most versatile, are easy to work with and generally don’t fuck up your build unless you suck.

The T piece is god tier because you can constantly build off of it. In most situations you could normally adjust it for steps up, breaking, etc. - as to the straight piece; which is normally used for breaking, isn’t as great.

Highs include “L” and “Straight block” - while mid is indeed the square (some people really hate this block though)

Low is Z, horrible build up and useless breaking.

Healing is only “infinite” if you’re lucky enough to draw your healing magnus when you really need it. Not to mention if you can actually survive a turn where you have shuffle your deck.
No, Baten Kaitos isn’t a hard game but it’s not so damn easy either. If you didn’t even come close to dying in your first battle with the Dark Trio then you either wasted way too much time overleveling, or followed a guide, or else I call bullshit.

And yet, your tiers weren’t that much different than mine, other than the fact that you think Savyna is the worst character in the game…

And yet, you use defense and strength in your tierings of your characters and put Savyna as the worst despite the fact she is the fastest or 2nd fastest (behind Xelha) character for the entire game.

Xelha–Only “owns” the game later when she gets her last 2 finishers and against enemies that actually have an elemental weakness.

Kalas–We pretty much agree on Kalas

Gibari–I did forget he is one of the only 2 characters who can defend with their weapons, so that’s more to his credit but that doesn’t change the fact that he is the slowest character and his main elements (Water/Wind) totally suck for most of the game.

Mizuti–I think you don’t give her enough credit. Yes, she’s significantly slower than Xelha and her finishers aren’t as good but she’s ahead in every other category.

Lyude–You can’t overrate him simply for having the Light element. Yes, Light is the best element and Darkness the most useless, but even WITH the Light element he’s still the worst character in the game easily because he’s THAT damn slow and weak. My team agains the Dark Trio for the first time was Kalas, Xelha, and Lyude and Lyude only got my team killed twice in a row. I switched him out for Savyna and won handily on my 3rd try.
Even during the late game when EVERYTHING is weak to Light, you’re better off taking Xelha and Mizuti along with Kalas and loading them up with Light spells than bothering with Lyude’s sorry ass. Hell, even Gibari with his very small assortment of Light weapons is better.

Savyna–She’s less useful in the late game and against bosses without Fire/Water weakness but overall for most of the game she’s worth keeping in your party for her general speed and strength which helps you most during regular enemy encounters.

I spent time building good decks which went hand in hand with leveling.

Also I raped the dark trio. Easily. It was a joke. Then again I have alot of experience with deck building from playing alot of yugioh so I know a thing or two about good ratios and how to spot good cards. But Lyude is useful for all of the hardest boss fights which all happened to be vulnerable to light. And what’s so bad about wind and water?

As long as the character doesn’t use only elements that contradict each other then they are fine IMO. Wind and water are Gibari’s strong points, but his light, dark and chronos are good too. You don’t give him enough credit.

Savyna is fast. NEVER said she wasn’t. But her lack of versatility and really good magnus until the endgame hurt her.

Truth be told it’s all about getting in those straights and doing good damage and taking advantage of elemental weaknesses. Versatilty means that you won’t have to switch characters out and this makes Kalas, Xelha and Gibari ahead of the game. All of thier magnus is solid and all of their finishers are too.

Mizuti is where she belongs because her finishers are just not that good and she has no light finishers which just plain sucks. As a character I have no beef with her it’s her magnus that I don’t like. But she can cast spells so she can’t be lower then Lyude or Savyna.

Stats don’t play a huge role I just mentioned them for the record. But that didn’t really affect anyone’s placing. It’s just out there to be known.

My biggest problem with your list was Gibari. You severly underesitmated him. There is no way a utility character like Savyna should be higher then him. If you think she is better then Lyude, that’s fine. They are virtually equal in my eyes it’s just that Lyude is more useful for all of the hard boss fights which is really the only challenge the game offers.

Back to Mizuti. Look, when you first get her, her finishers are horrible. As you progress she gets better. But then at the end she falls off again. I don’t think she is up there with Xelha, Gibari and Kalas, but I will concede that she is a level ahead of Lyude and Savyna.

BTW can anyone post tiers for Dragon Quest VIII Journey of the Cursed King?

Angelo seems broken.

Everyone is pretty much balanced in DQVIII, but I have heard things about the Hero learning an Ultima-like attack at level 60-something and is able to own the Dragonvian trials with that Ultima-like attack. For the main quest, though, everyone’s useful and balanced. Hero for your well-roundedness, Yangus for pure physical power, Jessica for offensive magic, and Angelo for healing magic. Every character has something that you need to progress through the game. Thus, they are all top tier IMO.

In other words, you spent excess amounts of time overleveling and gathering magnus.
Playing through the game NORMALLY, means you don’t always have a shitload of the best magnus to spread around. Character stats then become far more important.

Again, for reasons which are bullshit which I just described above. It’s funny how you call was it is (and was MEANT) to be the hardest battle in the game a “joke”.

It doesn’t take any skill to spend tons of extra hours overleveling and stacking your inventory (deck). Any actual “skill” from playing an RPG doesn’t come that, which is same “skill” needed for a card game.
However, it could be argued that Baten Kaitos is much more of a card game and less of an RPG.

The problem for all of these “hard” boss battles (since if the Dark Trio is a joke, then I doubt any boss battle is actually hard)is that there’s always someone better than Lyude. Even against the Dark Trio, Savyna is still better because Aimee and Folom also are weak against Fire/Water as well as Light. In the later “hard” boss battles, Mizuti and Xelha have access to Light spells better than Lyude’s crappy-ass horns.

A serious lack of good Wind weapons throughout the game, and the fact that only a few really tough enemies have water weaknesses.

Have many good Light weapons in the entire game does Gibari actually have? 2?
As for Dark, Dark sucks, and he has what, maybe one low-level Dark finisher and maybe one good Dark weapon he doesn’t get until, what, the last dungeon?
That’s hardly what I’d call a “good” mastery of Dark and Light.

Actually, she has a strong selection of weapons of non-elemental, Fire, and Water magnus. Her weapons are the cheapest (besides spells) and most plentiful in the game. Fire is a very good element for most of the game, maybe even overall more useful than Light (although Light is still the best due to the bosses).

Her lack of a Light finisher is probably her only real flaw at the endgame, but does she really NEED a Light finisher in order to be good?
I also call bullshit on your criticism of her magnus since aside from her finishers, her selection is EXACTLY THE SAME as Xelha’s.

^That’s almost correct but certain things and moves change that aspect of thinking. For one, the Hero is broken when obtaining dragon soul. He can also Kazap, Omniheal, Summon, and gigaslash - what you get out of the other 3 is all combined with hero’s traits.

I do believe jessica starts off low tier because she’s kinda just “there” early on. But once trained she’ll outspeed everything and best angelo even with p.gates. Yangus is yangus, being slow is his only problem - but early in the game he is tops until Hero can reach his full potential. Certain weapons + moves (Uber Falcon Blade/Falcon Slash) can make an arguement towards ranking, if any.,.but here’s what mine would be for the entire game:


Certain traits with the characters are indeed useless. If you invest right, you’ll understand why I ranked the way I did.

Actually it was never my goal to overlevel. I just made sure to get my hands on good magnus whenever enemies dropped it.

Also tier list are based on maximum potential usually or close to it. Also accessories mitigate stat weaknesses now that I recall.

Dark is ok. Better then neutral anyway since elemental attacks deal elemental damage and and neutral damage. But overall it is the worst element no argument there.

Bullshit? Because I took this game to the limit? Seriously. Just stop. I’m not even going to comment on this any further.

And Savyna is good for those fights. But I think thier weakness to light is greater then thier weakness to water/fire. Not to mention that you can’t mess opposing deck types together. You pick water or fire. Not both. So that alone limits Savyna AND Lyude.

Also Geldoblame was tough for me. Forfeit your life was BS. Vulnerable to light. Fadroh was a challenge. Vulnerable to wind or chronos. Can’t remember. Anyway, this game was very easy. And I don’t think the trio are meant to be the absolute hardest. I think Geldoblame and Dark Angel Kalas take that title. Oh yeah Kalas was tough too. Vulnerable to light.

Well, at least now we know why there is a difference in our opinions. My list is more or less based on maximum potential. Yours is based on a normal play through with no grinding.

I’m not about to apoloize for grinding in an RPG. I like to do it. And in a card based RPG, it only made sense to grind and farm for cards. So when I had the best of the best and I could see that Xelha, Gibari and Kalas were on a nother level. I honestly think even on a normal playthrough they are the best. The thing is you said the game is meant to be played normally with no farming. I could say the same about Savyna and Lyude. That normally they are utiltty characters and will only be in battle for specific bosses or certain areas and not mainstays which in effect hurts your argument for Savyna over Gibari. But I don’t think that argument of “normal” play is valid at all. Especially since tier list are almost always based on how good a character is when you bring out their maximum potential.

Yangus owned this game that is all, and he was my nigga. Im out.

^Yeah he saved my ass a bunch a times too, nobody better I depend on for toughness.

Plus he stayed in Pickham, that place is pretty funny.

Can someone give me tiers for Marvel Ultimate Alliance?

I heard Silver Surfer is beast along with Mr.Fantastic. Also heard Thor has some of the best skills in the game.

Silver Surfer is broken. The thing about him is that you’re supposed to get him by beating all those character missions. He also gets an EXP suit to catch up on those levels. When i was playing with my friends, we used the unlock all character code and my friend who used Silver Surfer pretty much won every stage.

Other good characters include Deadpool (Healing factor is too good), and Ghost Rider in his Original outfit because of the Reviving Allies ability (though you might not need it).

I haven’t used all the characters, but from what I remember - Nick Fury was horrible. His gun moves needed to be aimed.

Found one on GameFAQs. Copied and pasted.

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Tiers

God Tier
Silver Surfer

High Tier
Captain America
Mr. Fantastic

Middle High Tier
Dr. Strange (some have made the case to move him up)
Human Torch (inferno is one of the best projectiles in the game, definitely the most spammable)
Ghost Rider
Iron Man
Moon Knight (if only for his xtreme attack)
Iceman (extremely versitale)
Spider-Man (dodge and web warrior)
Dr. Doom

Middle Tier
Ms. Marvel
Wolverine (may be worth moving up…)
Black Panther
Nick Fury
Daredevil (may be worth moving up)
The Thing
Invisible Woman

MIddle Low Tier

Low Tier