Tiers for non-fighting games?

Battle Circuit tiers (side-scrolling beatemup on cps2):

alien green
cyber blue

captain silver
pink ostrich

yellow iris

alien green is hands down the best asset to the team, great ability to clear crowds with his f+A throw, can heal the entire team, good damage, can make a ton of money for himself, and never really needs any special attack upgrades. also has the longest life bar in the game and slowest walk speed.

cyber blue is great too, basically being able to suicide bomb bosses with his upgraded giga shock attack. if combined with alien greens healing, no bosses really stand a chance. on top of that he has the most useful battle download powerup (not counting alien greens healing) that makes quick work of bosses and standard enemies alike. outside of those two abilities heā€™s only ok. but they pretty much make him top.

captain silver has the best combos in the game and can generally do as much damage with a combo as cyber blue does when hes powered up. combine cyber blueā€™s powerup with captain silvers combos, and thats a ton of damage. his battle download isnt nearly as useful as you would think. tied with having the lowest life in the game, and it hurts him alot in the beginning parts.

pink ostrich on paper would seem to be a top tier character, but in practice, things donā€™t seem to work out that nicely for her. has the best d,u+A attack in the game. just doing that attack repeatedly on different ends of the screen hits alot of enemies for good damage, knocks down to clear the screen too. flying ability is cool, but deals damage too slowly. alotta arrow attack special moves are useless for her. also tied with captain silver as having the lowest life. death touch battle download is too inconsistant. iā€™d rather have blueā€™s powerup over this any day.

yellow iris is crap. speed battle download is pretty much only useful for getting money (even not that great at that) and sometimes seems to LOWER damage output by everyone. by far the most useless battle download. has the lowest damage in the game, although fun to mess with because she has some low damage combo strings. her life bar is tied with cyber blue. has the fastest walk speed.

Nina is bottom because there is nothing she does that any of the other 5 party member canā€™t do better. By default, she canā€™t heal, she canā€™t do physical damage, and her default spell list sucks.

Ryu is definitely above everyone because he can do anythingā€¦heal, attack, magic, be a tank plus the kicker is his dragon powers.
Iā€™d say overall the second best character is Peco but the difference between the mid-tier characters is negligible.

My BOF3 Tiersā€¦






Ryu is basically god tier in every BF game. Heā€™s the ideal main character. He can do it all and heā€™s an awesome tank.

Nina being that low saddens me, sheā€™s so hot. >_>

Sorry dude, but IMO, your BOF3 tiers are a bit FUBARed. I agree with some parts of your list, but there are many variables that have to be considered. This is my revised list with explanations. This is of course considering ā€œappropriateā€ master usage.

Uber Tier
Ryu- Best healer, great all-around stats, his only flaw is that you might have ignore his Dragons in order to keep MP for healing. Good tech learning rate.

Rei- Fast, good attack with his later weapons, stealing gets some of the best items, great support magic. Poor defense and not very customizable because he leaves for a huge chunk of the early game. Him in the lead with the Chain Formation makes the game easy. Extra Actions make him the 3rd best damage dealer behind Ryu and Garr.

Mid Tier
Garr (in Chain Form with Rei leading)- Sextacular physical attack power without Momoā€™s accuracy issues. Dies to magic, and very poor tech learning.

Momo- Pretty good attack with accuracy problems. Her spell list makes her a good healer if you want Ryu to use his Dragon Fusions plus her stats and spell list makes her the most versatile party member.

Low Tier
Peco- Shitty stats except for HP, but his regeneration can come in handy. Requires too much master pairing to make useful in battle. His only serious use is to quickly learn moves from masters since he joins at level 1 and youā€™re never really required to use him in a dungeon. He is customizable.

Crap Tier
Nina- Dies too damn quickly and magic attacks are a lot less useful in the late-game compared to physical attacks.

Garr (without Rei leading Chain Formation)- Too slow to be useful.


Clearly itā€™s apparent that very few people who played BOF 3 actually fully explored the system (i.e. abuse of the master system).
The Master System is far more than just learning a bunch of skills (most of which end up being totally useless by the endgame)ā€¦

Looks like Iā€™m going to have to repeat myself to defend Peco again (BOF 3 has been debated in this thread beforeā€¦)

So to quote myself: (Posts #287 and 289)

Iā€™d also like to add that in no way is Rei even close to Ryuā€™s tier level.
Ryu is a step above ALL in BOF3. Nobody can do what he does in the gameā€¦he has the best stats, the best healing spells, the best attacking spells, and dragon powers.
In theory, even, the fact that he is the best at everything is almost a DETRIMENT to the party.
For example, you end up having to waste some of his turns healing instead of having him whoop ass.

The early game skills do tend to suck the big one near the end of the game, but the mid-late game masters have very good skills worth using. In my tiers list, I based everything on usefulness in and beyond battle. I do consider Rei an equal to Ryu because Reiā€™s thievery is not only required to get the best items and equipment in the game, but heā€™s the ONLY character to consistently get Extra Actions, so having him run point in Chain Formation makes the game almost too easy. Ryu would of course hand Rei his ass at any given time, but Rei brings so much to the table that he IMO deserves to share the uber tier with Ryu.

As far as Peco, I agree with you that with his regenerative abilities and high HP, he could almost match Ryuā€™s ass-kickery in battle. Many good skills can be learned from monsters and masters throughout the game. What I generally do with Peco is ignore him early on and only start using him in the late game when you gain access to most the good masters and then train him to first learn useful moves quickly, but then actually mold him to whatever I happen to want. I forgot to mention it in my post, but Peco is the most customizable character because he starts at level 1 and is not required in dungeons often, if at all.

My tier list was based on general usefulness throughout the game. If I were to do a power-gamer tier list, Iā€™d agree with yours except Iā€™d have Peco and Rei tied right after Ryu.


This is for Maple Story, BTW.

Iā€™m gonna do a Star Ocean: The 2nd Story tier list.

Top Tier

  1. Rena
  2. Opera

High Tier
3. Precis
4. Ashton
5. Claude

Mid Tier
6. Dias
7. Chisato
8. Bowman
9. Ernest

Low Tier
10. Celine
11. Leon

Bottom Tier
12. Noel

Everybody mid tier and higher is a good quality character.

YTMND Fad Tier List:

Top Tier:
Picard Song
Blue Ball Machine
Cosby Bebop
The Original YTMND

Upper Tier:
Facial Expressions
Nigga Stole My Bike

Mid Tier:
Epic Maneuver
Super Fun Happy Hentai

Low Tier:

Bottom Tier:

@Star Ocean 2:

Why Precis 3rd ? Must have missed something i guess. And why Claude THAT low, and behind Ashton ? I think Claude has better crowd control, and is equally effective on single targets / bosses (both can carry the best sword).
Now that iā€™ve replayed the game, i agree with Opera being Top, Hyper Launcher is the best skill in the game period, plus Healing Star is enough to kick out Rena (or Noel, if you are stupid like me :bgrin:).

O RLY came from 4chan, as did alot of things ytmndfags stole.

Though the meme kinda died once gaiafags started using it.

Can someone post tiers for all the Mario Karts cept the DS one?

Arc the Lad 2 Tiers

God Tier:
Choko (She was clearly designed to be this way)
Arch Knight (Equips swords, has Charge, has Invincibleā€¦)
Assassin Lord (Shuriken Bomb kills everything and does amazing damage)

Top Tier:
Tosh (Does damage thatā€™s very nearly comparable to god tier)
Iga (Same)
Gruga (Same)

High Tier:
Arc (Does solid damage and has a good cure)
Elc (Does great damage, especially with a spear)
Gogen (Dream Knock is god tier)
Shante (Great cure)

Mid Tier:
Lieza (Only real use is taming monsters)
Poco (Great for buffs, but aside from that, not much use)
Shu (Everything he does seems to do sub-par damage)

Low Tier:
Diekbeck (The bot canā€™t hit anything, even with the best possible parts)
Sania (I guess you can use her to give a god tier char another move?.. but aside from that, no thanks)

EDIT: I donā€™t know much about other monster classes, so I didnā€™t include them.

Whoa, thanks for all of the BoF3 stuffā€¦so you guys wanna take a try at BoF4?

Choko is far above everyone. Fuujin and Raijin are god-tier, and there has to be a new kind of tier created to be put above god-tier, just so Choko can be put into it.

You completely overrated Iga. Elc also needs to be much higher, due to his Invincibility. Iā€™d actually put him above Tosh.
Arc the Lad 2 is hella broken but hella fun.

I would, but I only played that game once a hell of a long time ago and I donā€™t remember anything over than Fou-Lu being god tier, which doesnā€™t matter since you only use him by himself anyway.

Too bad at this point in my life Iā€™ll never be able to go back and replay those classic RPGsā€¦:sad: :sad: :crybaby:

No problemā€¦

God Tier
Fou-Lu: This guyā€™s only weakness is that he travels by himself. Hell, he has Fusions and his sword drains health.

Ryu: He starts out much weaker than Fou-Lu, but Iā€™ve personally compared the two in a no master run, and Ryu becomes far stronger, although you should be able to beat the game and the Rider (toughest enemy in the game) well before then

Top Tier
Nina: They thankfully gave her healing instead of Ryu, so sheā€™s vital enough as is and she actually has decent defense for a change. She has the most useful support IMO. Fastest character in the game as well

Scias: Heā€™s great for comboes and his ultimate weapon gives him the best physical damage potential in the game. His healing makes him great as do his water magic and sword techs. He for some reason takes the most damage though

Mid Tier
Ershin: She starts out really sucky, but her stat growths will skyrocket as does her CP and tech learning rate. Give her a master with high Wisdom gains, and you have the best wizard right here. Sucky support, but her armor allows you to switch up her resistances as needed.

Cray: Slow as hell, but the best physical stats. His earth magic is useless due to his ass spellcasting abilities but his buffs can be useful to increase survivability on the fly since you have all 6 characters in battle at once. Would be the worst character if you didnā€™t have access to all of your characters in battle, especially since Sciasā€™s ultimate weapon makes his main saving grace a moot point.

Low Tier
Ursula: She has a variety of attack spells, but her Wisdom is barely better then Sciasā€™s and her defense is only slightly better. She has good physical attack strength and guns that can hit everything, but she tends to miss a lot. Her support move is the worst, even causing me to lose before.

Fun fact: I knew that. But youā€™re fucking right as rain about the gaiafags stealing shit. I was just being a dick with the tier list.

Super Mario Kart:
God Tier: Koopa Troopa
Shit tier: fuck everyone else.

Mario Kart 64:
Top Tier:

Upper Tier:

Lower Tier:

Canā€™t help you with Double Dash.

Super Mario Kart: Time Trial - depends on the course. Donkey Kong and Bowser for the less turny tracks, Mario/Luigi for the medium turny tracks, Koopa/Toad for the really curvy tracks. Yoshi/Princess suck at Time trial.

For battle mode: Yoshi/Princess are top tier.