Tiers for non-fighting games?

Just pulled this game out the other day. Can anyone comment on this tiering, or anything else about this underrated game?

Yeah the last boss must’ve lasted a minute or so. Best spell ever.

Tiers for Tibia

S+ Tier:

S- Tier:

B Tier:

Yes, mages are overpowered.






Halo 2 weapons

Top: BR/Carbine. SR

Upper: Sword
Shotgun (altough it has a great matchup agianst the sword, it just loses points becuase it isn’t as versitle/reliable.)
Rocket Launcer.

Mid: Needler.
Plasma rifle

Low: Magnum.

Bottom: (when used alone) Plasma pistol.

Dual combo tiers:

Top: Plasma Rifle/Magnum
SMG/ Magnum
Plasma rifle/ SMG

SMg/ Plasma pistol.

Low: Plasma rifle/PP

Plasma rifle and BR? Do you mean pistol? And I was ranking them by solo effectivness and overall effectiveness. alot of the weapons in halo 2 are made more effective by being paired with another.

Well actually this is kind of a Fighting game anyway, but does anyone know a Tier List for War of the Monsters.

Sonic Heroes

Team Dark
Team Chaotix
Team Sonic
Team Rose

Sonic Rush

Sonic adventure

sonic adventure 2

Sonic Shuffle
Super Sonic

sonic and the secret rings (mutiplayer mode)

I give up…lol

Wait, Team Chaotix is higher than team sonic? With Team Chaotix’s shotty power formation and speed formations low range homing attack? You DO realize that team sonic and team dark are exactly the same except for more (power formation) punching range, right?

And in Sa2, Sonic and Shadow are EXACTLY the same. They’re just a skin swap. Hell, how can you have a tier list for the adventure games anyway?

F-Zero GX:

Not sure, I think everyone is equal excpet Mr. EAD and Deathborm, who are in low tier.

THe Simpsons Road Rage:

Top Tier:
The Red Box Car
Mr. Frink
Homer in the Homer

Mid: Everyone else

Bottom Toer (No order):

To lazy to check 25 pages

I think he’s just tiering his favorite characters rather than actual usefulness.

Are those still the same tiers?

Actually, the opposite holds true. You can find the reasons in previous posts in this exact same thread.

Dungeon Magic


Vold - Amazing crowd clearer with his excellent specials. The fire staff rocks and can be gotten by the fourth screen of the first level if you know of the secret area. Once you get the holy staff he becomes unstoppable, but it’s never necessary as the fire staff is pretty damn good. Not only does he have the best specials in the game, but he also has an excellent combo, in that he has an easy infinite that works on every boss except the giant snakes. He can literally infinite the last boss to death. And he has the easiest time with the snake bosses anyway, so there are very few areas in the game where he isn’t the best.

Upper middle:

Gren - Great specials and excellent dashing attack for some nice crowd clearing. Good jab and an easy infinite that works on all the bosses but the snakes. No weaknesses whatsoever.


Cisty - No infinite , but a good solid combo. Not a good crowd clearer compared to the above two characters. But has a better combo , a better dash attack , and better specials than Ash.


Ash - The only thing he has over Cisty is that he has an easier time against the first boss , but otherwise Cisty outperforms him in almost every aspect.

Dungeons & Dragons - Tower of Doom


Cleric - Excellent special attacks , heavy attack and charging attack hits downed enemies. Great spells. Um , no weaknesses.

Upper middle:

Fighter & Dwarf - Both are solid. Great endurance , great melee. The fighter has more reach , but the dwarf has better attack speed and recovery and can hit downed enemies with his charging attack.


Elf - Worst endurance , bad reach. Her spells aren’t necessary , nothing that some burning oils can’t handle. Her spells don’t work on the last boss either.

Dungeons & Dragons - Shadows Over Mystara


Magic-user - Quite possibly the most overpowered character in a beat’em up , ever. Excellent spells , can cast way too many of them later on , can find way too many scrolls lying around later on , can get bugged wands , gets the horribly unbalanced Staff of Wizardry later on , can just cast spells one by one to take down any boss after a certain point in the game , after the lich actually. You’d expect his melee skills to suck , but quite the contrary is true. Excellent running attack and many ways to juggle. Buffer empty D into B repeatedly for infinite invincibility and wait for the enemies to leave the screen if you don’t want to fight - this method is actually preferable in certain areas for time attacks. If you have decent knowledge of the game and know how to take down the early bosses while managing your spells , which is easy with some practice and planning , then the rest of the game is child’s play. The game gets so easy that your skills deteriorate and you’ll find yourself getting killed occasionally simply because you’ve become careless and unassuming. You don’t ever need to use large burning oils , unless you want to , when using the mage. That’s how damn good the mage is. Green mage all the way - cloudkill is an amazing spell.


Cleric - Great spells , can heal way too much , can get the highest attack damage after casting bless and striking , has spells to stun enemies and bosses. Excellent dashing attack and solid melee overall. No weaknesses except against the salamanders , but that’s what you have large burning oils for. Or you can just use the morningstar , if you bought one , to infinite the salamander to death.

Upper middle:

Fighter - The best melee character in the game. Excellent endurance. He doesn’t have the damage potential of the dwarf , but is much more balanced and has an easy time on all of the bosses and enemies equally. Simple but effective.


Dwarf - Needs a lot more knowledge and practice to use as well as the fighter. But even then he has slightly more problems against certain bosses. An excellent damage dealer with some awesome special attacks , but simply not as efficient and consistent as the fighter.

Elf: Horrible endurance. Otherwise a very good character. Invisibility is useful against hard bosses like Nagpa. Her megacrash attack is useful to cheese certain bosses when they’re on the ground , not really necessary as they happen to be the easier bosses anyway. Starts out as one of the stronger characters , but stops progressing early on which really hurts her hit points , and she has no free invincibility like the magic-user.

Thief: Very high attack , but bad endurance. She has a great dashing attack , but her other special attacks are a bit lacking. She’s excellent at killing normal enemies , but isn’t as good as the other characters against bosses.

Yeah, those are still 100% accurate to this day.

Care to explain them?.

Why the Cleric is soo good in the second job, but is low in 3rd JBS

And why the Bandit is soo good in 2nd JBS and DAN TIER in 3rd JBS?

Morrowind’s Hidden Weapons/Armor

God Tier:
Mace of Avenar Stone-Singer
Fang of Haynekhtamet
Masque of Clavicus Vile
Cuirass of the Savior’s Hide
Boots of the Apostle
Boots of Blinding Speed (MOST. BROKEN. ITEM. EVER.)
Azura’s Ring (Fatigue meter? What fatigue meter?)
Ebony Arrows of Slaying

Mid Tier:
More or less anything else

Shit Tier:
Keening (Worst legendary weapon in the history of the world.)
Every spear in the game. Fuck spears.

Maximum Tune 2 tiers anyone?

Anyone want to tier Breath of Fire III and/or Generaton of Chaos?


Everyone else


^Care to break it down?

I was planning to play it again (I beat this thing like 3 times when I was a little kid) on the PSP. I know for sure Ryu is way up there, but what about the rest? Why is Nina so low on the tiers and how is Garr?

The last time I remember anything, I beat the game using Ryu, Rei, and Momo.