Pistol rocked ur nots off. 3 headshots and it was over.
Itâs just cause of the horizontal distance Luigi can achieve on his jump. It gives him access to areas that the other characters canât reach. Princess can also reach some special areas, however Luigi can also reach those areas and more.
For speed runs though, Toad is definitely the pick for non-special area locations.
Honestly, with X,the reason I donât list GB isnât his best weapon was not becasus of the multi hit abillty, becasus, honestly, youâre going to to wanta focus more on pure raw power simpley to max out AT damagebecasus, Xâs hyper modes ingores every single mod a weapon has besides itâs stats. thatâs why I said X lagâs more noticable than Zeroâs without getting the second hyper modes.
with Massimo, itâs a witch to get him to his awesome standings but the pay off is worth it as he manhandle almost 90% of the bosses on his own⌠and half of them with Ease.
br and sniper are the best weapons
Final Fight 3? I believe it goes (IMO):
Guy is at the top because his attacks are extremely quick and versatile. His running combo is very useful, and his jump attacks are the absolute best! He also does very good damage for a quick guy, so there.
Haggar wins in the damage department, but his attacks arenât half bad in speed and priority either.
DeanâŚWell, he has nothing special, but heâs decent. His reach is his only real plus. Heâs average otherwise.
Lucia is crap. Except for her very good running combo, her attacks have really short reach and do bad damage.
I was under the impression that shotgun users own sword users. If the shotgun spots the sword before getting in melee range then the sword is outclassed. If sword try to lunge then one blast = instant kill without shield.
So how does sniper rifle cover that weakness? No-scoping? I donât understand.
Varies on the situation.
This game features lots of platforms and stuff which requires balanced jumping. Lugiâs jump is by far over-balanced causing deaths.
Pokmon Ruby/Sapphire/Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald/XD: Gale of Darkness Tiers
Top Tier:
Deoxys (All forms), Groudon, Ho-oh, Kyogre, Latias, Latios, Lugia, Mew, Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Wobbuffet, Wynaut
High-Mid Tier:
Tyranitar, Salamence, Zapdos, Snorlax, Metagross, Suicune, Celebi, Swampert
Aerodactyl, Alakazam, Articuno, Blaziken, Blissey (Arguably High-Mid), Breloom, Charizard, Claydol, Dodrio, Donphan, Dragonite, Dugtrio, Dusclops, Entei, Espeon, Exeggutor, Flygon, Forretress, Gardevoir, Gengar (Arguably High-Mid), Gyarados (Arguably High-Mid), Heracross, Jirachi (Arguably High-Mid), Jolteon, Kingdra, Ludicolo, Magneton, Marowak, Medicham, Milotic, Miltank, Moltres, Ninjask, Raikou, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, Rhydon, Sceptile, Skarmory (Arguably High-Mid), Slaking, Smeargle, Starmie, Tauros, Umbreon, Vaporeon, Venusaur, Weezing
High-Low Tier:
Armaldo, Cloyster, Crobat, Houndoom, Jumpluff, Jynx, Machamp, Porygon2, Scizor, Slowbro, Steelix, Swellow, Typhlosion, Ursaring, Zangoose
Low Tier:
Absol, Aggron, Altaria, Ampharos, Arbok, Arcanine, Azumarill, Banette, Blastoise, Camerupt, Clefable, Cradily, Dunsparce, Electabuzz, Electrode, Exploud, Fearow, Feraligatr, Furret, Girafarig, Gligar, Golduck, Golem, Gorebyss, Granbull, Grumpig, Hariyama, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Hypno, Kabutops, Kangaskhan, Lanturn, Lapras, Linoone, Lunatone, Magmar, Manectric, Mantine, Meganium, Misdreavus, Mr. Mime, Muk, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Octillery, Omastar, Persian, Pikachu, Pinsir, Poliwrath, Primeape, Quagsire, Qwilfish, Raichu, Rapidash, Sableye, Sandslash, Scyther, Sharpedo, Shedinja, Shiftry, Slowking, Sneasel, Solrock, Stantler, Tentacruel, Togetic, Victreebel, Vileplume, Walrein, Xatu, Yanma
These Pokmon Suck Total Dick Tier:
Aipom, Ariados, Beautifly, Beedrill, Bellossom, Butterfree, Cacturne, Castform, Chimecho, Corsola, Crawdaunt, Delcatty, Delibird, Dewgong, Ditto, Dustox, Farfetchâd, Flareon, Glalie, Hitmonchan, Huntail, Illumise, Kecleon, Kingler, Ledian, Lickitung, Luvdisc, Magcargo, Masquerain, Mawile, Mightyena, Minun, Murkrow, Noctowl, Nosepass, Parasect, Pelipper, Pidgeot, Piloswine, Plusle, Politoed, Raticate, Relicanth, Roselia, Seaking, Seviper, Shuckle, Spinda, Sudowoodo, Sunflora, Swalot, Tangela, Torkoal, Trapinch, Tropius, Unown, Venomoth, Volbeat, Wailord, Whiscash, Wigglytuff
This is a bit off. For one, your high-mid list is too small. More than half of your mid tier can be considered high-mid. Just look here and see for yourself.
HmmâŚI think Iâll put a tier in here for one of my favorite games that sucks.
Mortal Kombat: Deceptionâs Puzzle Kombat Mode:
Nightwolf (Breaker BusterâŚyouâre kidding me, right?)
Oh, and another tier list for a retarded game. Iâm ranking the attacks, by the way.
Boogerman: A Pick and Flick Adventure
Top Tier:
Super Flaming Burp
Super Flaming Fart
Flaming Burp
Flaming Fart
Mid Tier:
Booger Attack
Super Burp
Super Fart
Super Burp
Bottom Tier:
Milk Loogie
Jumping Attack
Um sorry in the original Halo the pistol is flat out the best weapon, there is no room for discussion none.
Posting under an alternate account just to clarify, you can look this name up on the Smogon forums, I do have 3 000 + posts as well as several tournament wins. The tiers on the Smogon site are designed for competitive purposes. In the standard metagame, the high teir, which consists mostly of legendary Pokemon, as well Wobbuffet/Wynaut because they have abusable glitches, is banned from play because it warps the metagame too much.
In UU (Underused) play, OU (Overused) Pokemon arenât allowed, because sometimes a UU game can be fun.
My tiers are slightly more specific (one additional tier), which consists of the âbestâ standard Pokemon. Theyâre simply the most powerful of the Overused tier. There are some slight discrepancies in the list as well, for example Venusaur is OU on my list, and BL on the Smogon one, but thatâs to be expected. When youâre dealing with like 386 characters, no two tier lists are likely to be exactly the same.
I think heâs talking about Halo 2. IIRC, the sword wasnât available in the first.
Oh well if its halo 2 then sniper rifle was first, then newb combo then sword.
god tier:
then the rest.
Well, right around the time I got the Fire Crystal up until I got those silly-good Thief knives in whatever dungeon has the dragon encounters, my Monk was my best damage dealer by a fairly substantial amount in non-boss fights⌠this had more to do with my party being Scholar/Knight/Monk/Red Mage up until leaving the floating continent moreso than anything inherently awesome about Monks, though. Still, up until my Thief hit good job level + high weapon proficiency + good knives, my Monk was my best damage dealer in like every fight.
They just take some patience and babying for a while until their job levels get into like the 40s or so. They just lack decent armor for like the entire game.
Monks do have a pretty decent VIT stat so their HP growth is pretty good, I guess. Still, as long as you donât power level too much before the Earth Crystal, you should be able to get most characters to reasonably high HP amounts with some levelling as Black Belts so itâs not that big a deal. Scholars can help power through some parts of the game at low levels if you can get some decent attack items for them.
I wouldnât go so far as to lump them with the likes of Rangers and black magic classes, though. If you start a Monk ASAP and keep him for a while, heâll turn into a really solid addition to a team during the latter parts of the Floating Continent and for most of the stuff before the Water Crystal (ie. before all the sequences that are tailor made to force you to use a certain class) and even remains useful after youâre done with those sequences up until you get Black Belt- certainly helps keep costs down since heâll steadily be gaining attack power without you needing to get him new weapons all the time, and itâs not like he gets new gear all that often either.
Then again on this playthrough Iâve pretty much forgone healing magic (my Devout actually ended up just kinda casting Haste and Aeroga in big boss fights before switching back to Bard to be able to insta-Haste the whole party) and use Bard songs and items as my primary healing source, so having a Monk early on means more cash for potions lol.
Tiers for Might Morphing Power Rangers on Sega Genesis. Side scrolling Streets of Rage type of game.
WowâŚHavenât played that in a while! Lemme seeâŚI remember the red ranger being REALLY good,because his weapon attack had more speed and priority than the others,as well as his charge move (where you hold and release B) being really effective against Goldar,whoâs very tough for the others. I guess white and black are tied for second.
As for the zords, thunder megazord is,IMO,the best. Heâs got solid attacks with great range. All the other zords suffer a lack of range,but the white falcon zord (was that its name?) makes up for it with speed and being harder to hit. Canât really make a definitiv list yetâŚnot 'til I play it again!
FFV Advance Job tiers (abilities learned and the jobs themselves are the factors):
Freelancer and Mimic arenât included. If you want to know, both are the preferred endgame jobs, but they are just too flexible to accurately tier. This is kinda hard because there are lots of awesome jobs
TOP: Mystic Knight, Samurai, White Mage, Ninja (mainly for Dual-wield), Ranger (only for Rapid Fire), Summoner
UPPER: Red Mage (only for Dualcast), Blue Mage, Time Mage, Gladiator, Necromancer
MID: Dragoon, Knight, Dancer, Monk, Thief, Cannoneer
LOW: Black Mage, Geomancer, Chemist, Beastmaster
BOTTOM: Berserker, Bard, Oracle
This isnât the best tier list (everything after the absolute top tier gets fuzzy for me), but itâs pretty much guaranteed that a combo involving Rapid Fire, Sword Magic, and Dual-wield owns. Also, some upper/mid tiers might be top, but Iâm not sure.
Puzzle Quest (DS)
The Warriorâs L.30 spell, Deathbringer is broken as fuck. With an item that gives you all types of mana with every 4 or 5 clear, you can mindlessly perform endless 4-5 chains and completely decimate most any opponent in seconds. Literally, seconds. Works on just about every enemy except the final boss, because of his high spell resistance.