Tiers for non-fighting games?

rethought my AoE tiers since i started playing again

Random Map

Hittie (debatable)
Egpytian (debatable)




DM (no priests, siege, walls docks)

greek (vs cho)


Persian (lose too much to Yam and HHA, unles they rush really well)
Phoe (cheaper eles dont do much)


Reg Dm





Actually Segas game Street of Rage 2 (Bare Knuckle 2 in Japan) probably has the best big guy character, bar none. This character called Max has a cross-up Elbow Drop and most of all the (Back throw) Atomic Drop, which can hit multiple enemies at a time and which damage even out-performs Haggar’s SPD. Further this guy Max has a front grapple move called Bear Punch, which does 3 x SPD damage, best used when you are vs. one enemy. Overall you Cross-up Elbow Drop the weak guys (without an Anti-Air move) and then initiate a back grapple, then you direct the Atomic Drop towards enemies you want to hit.

Max > Haggar
Even though Haggar has a 100 times cooler style and moves, Max’ ugly but insane moves, out-perform The Mayor of Metrocity.

Even though this is tool assisted, it shows his insane powers: [media=youtube]yPNY-opjqdY[/media]

Max is the God of Streets of Rage. His buddy Axel is a close follow up.

Edit: I need someone to explain to me why Blaze it tops in Streets of Rage 3.
Also need full list for Final Fight 3.

Anyone have any tiers for the original dynasty warriors game? It is a fighting game… but I figure this is the most active nontradition tier list thread anyways.

So far I’ve noticed that Zhang Fei and Cao Cao are pretty damn good, but I haven’t even played with every character yet.

Yo so what is everyone’s thoughts about Mario tennis on the cube?

If I recall it went:


Blaze had no major flaws this time around. She had fairly good power, great speed and reach, and her throws were damaging as hell.

Megaman X Command Mission Endgame Tiers:

God Tier
Axl(the most broken ability in this whole game belongs to this man. his hyper mode turns completely invulnerable to any damage and conditions he may otherwise receive without activation. also, you may increase the amount of turns he spends in this state with the various build hyper and gain hyper items you have. he is also potentially the highest damage dealer with the right use of builds, weapons, and force metal. however, his action trigger is shitty and useless even after obtaining nine tail’s form. but he doesn’t need it at all.)

Top Tier
Zero(He is an all around beast. even more so after obtaining his Absolute Zero armor. he has extremely high (single hit)damage output in this mode with his action trigger. he is the potentially the second best damage dealer in his normal or black hyper forms, due to his multi hit normal attacks)

Marino(her hyper may be the second most broken thing in this game. it almost ensures that she gets back to back turns until her hyper mode is depleted(usually 5 turns at most without build hypers). during this time, you can assault the enemy with a barrage of attacks, heal the entire party, or steal items without interruption. in addition, has the ability to steal from any enemy(including bosses) without failure. she also has good multi hit physical weapons.her health is a bit low though.)

X(his hyper form is better than zero’s in that it targets all enemies. however, without the gatling buster (a shitty endgame weapon without an extremely high amount of attack) he has no decent method of dealing multi hit attacks)

Mid Tier
Cinnamon(she has much better physical attack weapons than massimo, and the kitty gloves have pretty nice debuffs. her healing action trigger is useless though.)

Low Tier
Massimo(nothing special other than his absurdly high HP. he has shitty, single hit physical attacks, and his action trigger (which hits once, and causes statuses to the opponent ) is useless. he was obviously intended to be the tank of the game, with some decent offensive power, but Axl (and Spider, to some extent) make him completely useless.)

endgame party should be X, Zero, Axl. the rest are optimal starting from the rear.

here are some ideal endgame builds for the characters (assuming you want to beat the game multiple times to get Supra Force Metal fragments to prepare for ninetails.)

Weapon: Revolver Barrel
Sub Weapon1:Bait
Sub Weapon2:Hawkeye
Force Metal Slot 1:SFM Fragment b
Force Metal Slot 2:SFM Fragment b
Force Metal Slot 3:SFM Fragment b
Force Metal Slot 4:Cutting Edge
Notes:(this build here makes Axl extremely godly. the bait make all enemies target Axl, which is futile due to his hyper mode. the hawkeye makes sure that none of his attacks miss (which is necessary because of the -30% hit ratio that the Revolver Barrel has). the 3x SFM Fragment bs are there to add incredible buffs to all stats(but the most important is power. both defense stats are useless. speed is actually kinda detrimental because it makes him use hyper faster.) with them he will deal godly damage. at level 30 he will do around 20k damage with normal attacks. the cutting edge is there for two reasons: to make sure that he goes first in battle, to ensure that he doesn’t die to the low hp cap that the force metal hazard gives. and to give Marino a chance to switch in, hyper, steal, then switch out (assuming she is in reserve, where she should be). with all this, you end up with a blink tank that does broken damage with little effort.)

more to come…

i think its more like

god tier: line
top tier: T
second tier: L, reverse L
low tier: squares
shit tier: Z, reverse Z

Bards are better than you rated them. Scholars are worse, closer to mid-ish. I would almost put Rangers above the black magic jobs. Geomancers and Thieves could possibly move up as well.

-Bard abilities are all percentage based- the Bard’s job level affects how much of a percentage we’re talking for some songs, but the TARGET is generally the determining factor for the songs- like the heal song is based on the target’s job level and max HP, damage song is based on target’s current HP, etc.
Plus they ramp up your entire party’s attack/defense instantly for free, and give you free, instant party-wide heals. The ability to instantly increase defense or attack by a substantial percentage for your entire party more or less eliminates the need for Devouts/Sages using support magic, though some boss fights require more healing power than Bards can offer.
-Scholars need items to be good. lvl3 magic doesn’t cut it, even with their insane INT growth. That said, with a good stock of items they make the black magic jobs obsolete. Props for not relegating them to low tier, though.
-Thieves are the first class to hit 9999 most of the time. Ninjas go higher 'cuz of the Genji set and Throw… but you need a Thief if you want Dragoons to be tops towards the end of the game (Gungnir), or if you want a Scholar (items) or if you need Phoenix Downs.
-Geomancers do really well throughout the middle of the game, giving you a good attack magic alternative while having better gear than most mages at that point. And IIRC they’re really good in Eureka.

Other thoughts-
Warriors can be the biggest damage dealers in the game thanks to good equips and Advance. Definitely on a different level from Monks.

Here’s MY tier list for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind! As far as NPCs go, anyways.

Top Tier:
Hircine (Guile aspect)
Hands of Almalexia (as a group)

Upper Tier:
Dagoth Ur
Salas Valor
That Dremora what has the Crescent Blade…forgot his damn name.
Hircine (Speed aspect)

Mid Tier:
Hircine (Strength aspect)
Any of the Telvanni councelors, those guys are pumped the hell up.

Lower Tier:
Everyone else

Bottom Tier:

Interesting. I guess I need to try Bards out more. Problem I had with them was that they could only use the ability that their harp allowed them to “aka no variety”. I guess I should put them to mid.

Scholars are only top if the item-duping glitch is used. Other than that, they are upper-mid/mid. Item-duping allows them to use seemingly infinite Chocobo’s Wraths, which is a pretty much guaranteed 9999 damage from the back row at higher levels.

I’m thinking about putting Monks in the low tier. Very unimpressive at the start, but I’m not sure if they get any better. It’s probably better to ignore Monk and stick with Warrior/Red Mage/Thief in the beginning. Also, you eventually get the Black Belt class, which is superior to the Monk in every way.

I stand by my Rangers being bottom tier comment. Whereas the white/black mages are somewhat useful during at least 1 point in the game (like when you’re forced to be minis or when fighting Hein), Rangers serve no real use. Their Offering-like skill is completely wasted on them (would work better on an actual warrior class like the Ninja and the Dark Knight), boomerangs>>bows by the endgame, arrows cost money, they can’t dual-wield, and their armor isn’t the greatest. They serve no purpose, and thus, they are bottom tier.


Top Tier: Energy Sword, Sniper Rifle
Upper-Bottom Tier: Everyone else

All you f*cking need are the two above weapons and you can pwn all.

not true…, the battle-rifle is useful as well as the rocket launcher.

PSO: BB tiers (level 10)

S: FOnewm FOmarl
A: FOmar FOmarl HUnewaerl RAcast
B: RAmar/l HUcas/seal
C: RAcaseal

it doesnt change much except that the forces go up and the hunter/rangers even out roughly, with RAcaseal at the bottom and RAcast & Hunewarl being nearly as effective as FO’s

Pardon my french but Your list, while parts are decent, is BULL and Noobie.

have you even TRIED to level up Massimo’s AT? or even factored in the cheese that is Ulimate Armor XAKA, mister “My AT is a mini final Strike” into the list?

time for my listing…

Axl: Agreed with, Even if I don’t like him much, the fact that his Hyper mode is a Star-Man is something you CAN’T ingore.

Zero:Agreed somewhat. However, He lags towards the end of the game without AZit’s less noticable than X but….
With AZ, he stays the same, without it, he drops to mid

Marino:Agreed, albert, I’d place her above Zero, her real problem is… the fact that you can’t switch weapons mid battle.

X:disagree, becasus ethier you DIDN’T get Turbo Buster OR X-Buster Mk3 and possiably didn’t factor in the ulimate armor.
He still lags towards the End of the game, however, if you don’t get the UA.

Massimo:Okay… you took the Newbie route with him…

Shitty single hit attack?points to interceptorThat thing can, while it’s random, knock off a turn from a boss, also, while it’s a little weakTowards endgame he has the ONLY multi traget combat attack weapon.

His AT sucks?while it’s a pain to level, that thing is the THIRD MOST POWERFUL AT in the game. That Axl set-up you listed? Massimo’s doing that much or almost that damage with his AT WELL AHEAD OF TIME with OUT getting the SMFb.

Yeah, I know about his flaws, but they AREN’T enough to shove him into the low tier. if I had to place him, it would be top mid becasus he’s one of the FASTEST boss killers ever.

Cinnamon:going to get SO flamed for this but… Basiclly, all she has is Kitty gloves,Healing, her hyper mode and the FMG…
her damage output sucksreally, if you’re taking the time to buff her up… why not just get Massy’s AT and use him, or hell, just use Zero,Axl or X

while she takes 50% damage from elemental attacks, her low HP makes it pointless to a degree.

Honestly, she’s just a free sub tank with a decent hyper mode.

and BTW, just to let you know… I’ve played the heck out of Command Mission since it came out, I know what I’m saying here.

Someone should make a tier listing for Yoshi’s Island DS O=)

Hey about Super Mario Bros. 2, for speed runs Toad is technically the best then Luigi and Princess for specific jumps and Mario I think has some kind of small benefit when he goes underground in some level. I guess it just depends what level of play you are at. :looney:


Better one: http://tasvideos.org/510M.html

^Toad is the best period.

They gave his jump a one star but it’s not even that bad as some people think it is. IMO, Lugi’s is far worse but the game gives it five stars - I don’t see how, the controls are hard to mantain while jumping with Lugi.

since made that tier list, i had to at least play 5 playthroughs of this, i think that my list is not accurate enough as to how the endgame looks (by endgame, i mean ninetails), because i did make it prematurely.

about x(and zero); ive found that multi hit weapons deal higher damage than the single hit weapons. x’s best endgame weapon is still the gatling buster. another the problem with single hit weapons is that they cap out at 99999. wit the multi hit weapons, you can deal up to 8x99999s with x or axl, but to do this early on, you need sfm b. and the only character that can afford a dangerously high amount of fm erosion is axl, because of his broken hyper. besides that, x’s ultimate armor (and zero’s) AT are 1 HIT ATTACKS. x can (technically) deal much more damage with sfm b + gatling buster and zero may deal more damage with sfm + red lotus saber + heat hazes.

about maximo; like i said i made the guide prematurely. he definitely hurts with max AT.

so the revised list should be definitely be yours.

If you are refering to the original Halo, pistol > all

Fucking zoom was rediculous.