Tiers for non-fighting games?

Super Mario Brothers 2

Top tier

Mid tier

Low tier

iā€™d have to argue that princess is at LEAST upper tier with that jump of hers she pwns.

Luigi can definately skip whole portions of levels with his jump. I would actually personally switch mario and luigi in that list.

Definitely. Imo: Luigi > Toad > Mario > Peach

Actually, power sets matter hugely, and the chart does shift a lot with the nerfbat. A few issues ago tankers were uberborken, and, in the very early stages of the game. Even so, CoH power play is all about Defender/Controller heavy teams.

Broken tier:
Controller (Especially Kinetics and Radiation Secondaries)


For PvP itā€™s much more power set dependent that you make it out to be because the developers are ā€¦ naive.

Please dontā€™ Vani/Doom me :sad:

Great list, however I would actually put 9 in middle with 10 in Upper, while 8 is in low, both 9 and 10 where far better overall, only thing 8 pawns over 9 and 10 is character design. However everything else, I can completely agree with on that list.

The three elitist of FFT, FFVII and FFVI in that order, Iā€™ve always felt exactly the same way, within the original VII would be tops but with everything else included, FFT>FFVII, I agree with you in top 3 elite.

Luigi (best vertical jump)
Princess (best horizontal jump)

Toad (best speed and power)

Mario (there is nothing he does that someone else doesnā€™t do better)

Toad needs to be put over princess. nobody uses her in speedruns.

Devil May Cry 3 tiers

God Tier: Not in order

Seriously they both kick ass.

vergil blew -- his story line sucked he didnā€™t get anything new/neat vergil should be low -- and you forgot to add the other characters from the game =p

I mean in terms of ability they are equal. Storyline wise, yes Dante owns Vergil for free. The other characters from the game are just remakes of the twins so there is no need to add them.

Tiers for tetris:

S) Line

everything elseā€¦seriously.Word.werd.

Toad just had speed. His jump sucked ass. Mario was the most blanced of them all.

I have a tough one
How about tiers for starcraft and starcraft broodwar

Umm, Phantasy Star II tiers (help me out if I get anything wrong)

TOP: Rolf, Rudo, Amy
MID: Kain, Nei, Anna
LOW: Shir, Hugh


Rolf: He is just the best. Combine a fully-powered Black Mage with a strong Fighter and you get him. Incredible.

Rudo: Powerful with guns and high defense. This guy is a warrior to the core, and even though he has no magic, heā€™s still top.

Amy: Sheā€™s your White Mage. You need her. Plus, she does average damage with the Fire Staffs.

Kain: His magic kills robots, and his attacks are okay against biomonsters. Too bad heā€™s a complete idiot.

Nei: Even though she dies less than halfway through the game, sheā€™s a pretty decent fighter when you have her.

Anna: Sheā€™s a good fighter, but she sucks against robots. Plus, Rolf/Rudo do the whole ā€œfighterā€ thing better.

Shir: Sheā€™s only good when youā€™re stealing. She sucks in combat and does not deserve to be in your party.

Hugh: His ā€œbiomonsterā€ magic is like a crappified version of Rolfā€™s magic, but other than that, heā€™s basically Kain without the Laser Shot. Still, you only get to use 4 characters, and I see no reason to use him.

I know someone did a brief explanation on Fire Emblem already, but here goes a complete tier list for Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. This doesnā€™t really have much to do with class, but more with growth and usefulness (unlike FE 8 with the endless stat-up items). Also to note is Iā€™m not including any unplayable characters or the 3 Laguz kings you get at the end (theyā€™re pretty damn unstoppable, if it matters). I will also not really be comparing other units to Ike, because itā€™s just damn unfair.

God-Like Untouchable Burning Erupting Finger Tier:

-Ike (Has insane growths and awesome caps in everything important and can learn Aether, which both deals extra damage and heals, if it triggers twice, 4 fucking attacks, with Brave Sword 8 possible fucking attacks. Is only God Tier before Ragnell, a 1-2 range sword with great power that boosts your defense by 5, and has infinite uses.)

Top Tier:

-Soren (Seriously, like the best mage in all Fire Emblem games ever, not to mention Sages have incredible caps in this too. The only problem is his strength makes it hard for him to wield heavier weapons.)
-Oscar (Him and Kieran are tied for best Paladins in the game, not to mention Paladins arenā€™t nerfed like they were in FE 8.)
-Kieran (As good as Oscar, which is damn good and useful.)
-Boyd (Probably the strongest offensive wise unit in the game [Hell, he had slightly more kills than my Ike at the end of my last hard-mode playthrough.] with incredible strength and HP, and also great skill and speed. His defensive game is seriously lacking though.)
-Gatrie (The only of the 3 Generals worth using and a damn good one at that. If you get blessed by the luck gods and get some good speed going, heā€™s unstoppable. Can one hit kill a lot of enemies if you choose to give him Luna and will almost never die in the process.)
-Rhys (Best healer in the game and is pretty much essential early on and even later on to keep units alive. Also decent at fighting with light magic upon promotion.)

High Tier:

-Stefan (Best Swordsmaster in the game. Heā€™s already incredibly [even brokenly, I could say] strong when you get him and all his main stats will easily max out around level 15. Comes with Astra, one of the best skills in the game, built in and comes with a kickass sword. His defensive game is weak though).
-Nephenee (Only Halberdier worth using in the game and she probably has the best growths along with Rolf from what Iā€™ve seen. Can take a decent beating and then Wrath activates and everything dies in one hit; you can abuse this by giving her a Vantage scroll so she always attacks first.)
-Rolf (Can virtually kill any enemy in one turn and, like mentioned above, has insane growth. No stat of his will be pathetic except for arguably HP, but heā€™s an Archer; what do you need lots of HP for? Some people dislike Snipers, but, trust me, he IS very much worth using.)
-Haar (Best flying unit in the game. Is basically a flying tank with damn good offensive capabilities, not to mention he already comes with a high level in axes and lances. If you got him a bit earlier, he would be Top Tier easily.)
-Jill (Second best flying unit in the game. She would be better than Haar except for the fact that you have to baby her a bit and the female Wyvern Lord stat caps suck compared to the male ones.)
-Ranulf (Probably the best Laguz in the game. It would rock if you got him earlier on.)
-Zihark (The second best Swordsmaster in the game and can pretty much be as good as Stefan. You have to baby him a bit and he doesnā€™t come with all the cool extras, though.)
-Reyson (An incredibly useful utility unit. Can make one unit move again when in Human form and can make up to four move again in Heron form. The surrounding-area autoheal is also useful. Donā€™t let any enemy get within attack range of him, though.)

Upper Middle Tier:

-Volke (The only Assassin in the game and heā€™s pretty damn good. Doesnā€™t need lockpicks to open doors and can be decent at fighting. If only they didnā€™t nerf Assassins to hell in this game [seriously, can only equip knives and has a 4% bullshit chance to OHKO an enemy].)
-Nasir (The only White Dragon in the playable game and probably the strongest Laguz in the game too but can only be used in the last 2 chapters, making him not so useful. If you want to blow all your stat-up items on him, he can most likely be a complete beast, I guess.)
-Muarim (Almost as good as Ranulf and can be used earlier. Kinda like Mordecai but slightly better, although you might wanna opt to use Mordecai instead since he comes earlier.)
-Tanith (Pretty much tied with Marcia as the 3rd best flying unit in the game and has the dandy Reinforce skill.)
-Tormod (The second best Mage in the game and can be pretty good if you wanna splooge some bonus exp on him. He already comes decently skilled in fire magic and he has a skill that boosts his movement by 2.)
-Illyana (The third best Mage in the game and would probably be tied with Tormod if he didnā€™t have the extra 2 movement speed thing.)
-Marcia (Basically the same as Tanith except you get her earlier on, but of course, sheā€™s extremely fragile at that point. Worth using if you want an extra flying unit, I guess.)
-Mia (Would be as good as Zihark if the female Swordsmaster caps were as good as the Male ones.)
-Lethe (A pretty good feline tribe Laguz and sheā€™s available early on. Worth using for awhile.)
-Mordecai (As good as Lethe except heā€™s slower but more powerful. Worth using for awhile, but I wouldnā€™t recommend him AND Lethe.)
-Geoffrey (A pretty good Paladin but kinda unnecessary and wonā€™t be as good as Oscar or Kieran in the end.)
-Ulki (Slightly better than Janalf, but still not that great. Is slower but more powerful and will be able to kill decently for a few chapters. Worth using if you have no other flying units for awhile.)

Middle Tier:

-Janalf (Read Ulkiā€™s description except heā€™s the weaker but nimbler version and is slightly worse.)
-Lucia (The worst Swordsmaster in the game but still not bad. You donā€™t need any more.)
-Titania (Is pretty much essential at the beginning but soon Oscar and even Kieran will greatly eclipse her. More of a utility unit and shield for the early chapters.)
-Elincia (A flying healer, and is pretty decent at that. Can also wield swords but has low strength and a shitty weapon level. Use her if you want, but be aware sheā€™s just mainly useful as a healer.)
-Makalov (Another unnecessary Paladin and wonā€™t match Oscar or Kieran. You donā€™t need him and as said by many, he looks like Ronald McDonald on drugs.)
-Astrid (Unnecessary Paladin and is hopelessly weak when you get her.)
-Mist (A non-flying Elincia. Can be fun to use and if you can bother to get her Sword level to B, she can destroy people with the Sonic Sword.)
-Largo (A decent axe-user but is just too little too late to really be worth anything compared to Boyd.)
-Ena (The only Red Dragon you can use in the game and is a shittier version of Nasir, but is only level 10. She can technically surpass him, but itā€™s nearly impossible due to the fact that sheā€™s only playable in the last 2 chapters.)

Lower Middle Tier:

-Brom (Unnecessary for the most part. If you hate Gatrie or something you can use him, although he generally wonā€™t be as good anyway.)
-Shinon (Useless because Rolf is far, far superior. He also rejoins WAY too late when your Rolf could kick his ass easily.)
-Devdan (Unnecessary and is completely surpassed in every way by Nephenee.)
-Calill (The second worst Sage in the game and technically useless. She also uses knives instead of staves. Her weapon levels and strength are all good, though.)

Low Tier

-Tauroneo (A shitty ass General. Use Gatrie and even Brom if you want to, just not this guy.)
-Bastian (The worst Sage in the game. Uses knives instead of staves and is generally inferior to Calill, who is also inferior to any other Sage.)

Shit Tier

-Sothe (Canā€™t promote and has a useless ass skill due to the fact that thereā€™s no point in him capping anything since HE CANā€™T PROMOTE.)

Feel free to argue.
Damn, I wrote a lot. :wonder:

Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin Tiers, IMO

-Individual Characters-

[Stella] (Ridiculously few hitboxes, highly mobile method of movement, ease of use, and solid damage from the get-go make her one of the best characters in the game. Furthermore, her stylus-slashes are much easier on the MP bar than Lorettaā€™s attacks and are useful on almost everything to boot. The only points in the game that give her any problem is Death and the Two Creatures fight in Nest of Evil-- but EVERYBODY has a problem with the latter fight, and both are ultimately just a matter of attrition for Stella.)
[Jonathan] (Access to items, including an unquestionably huge array of weapons and use of Ancient Armor bring Jonathan up to the highest tier. But the reason I list him lower than Stella is because it takes a lot of time for him to get enough good enough to stand a chance in Level 1 Hard Mode. Compare to Stella, who is extremely effective from the start.)

[Loretta] (She has the hitboxes and flying like Stella, and is just as easy to use. However, her magic attack tend to be much less useful over a wider range of enemies than Stellaā€™s slashes. They also drain MP faster, meaning she isnā€™t allowed to move around quite as much as Stella. This gives her a problem in fights were movement is critical, like in Nest of Evil. Of course, she still excels in so many ways that sheā€™s above the others.)
[Maria] (She has very fast movement speed, excellent subweapons, incredible MP regen, and her doves are easy to keep up consistently. However, sheā€™s got enough terribly unwinnable boss fights to bring her down.)

[Charlotte] (Lots of magic and able to easily acquire high Luck isnā€™t enough to bring Charlotte up. Her weapon selection is far too limited, and most of her magic leaves her open to enemy attacks. Lack of a super-jump may also be very irritating. Itā€™s just convenient to relegate her as Jonathanā€™s support.)
[Richter] (VERY fast movement speed, lots of mobility options, plentiful selection of subweaponsā€¦ But his attacks are almost completely magic-based, except for his Axe and his circle dash. Even though it looks like it, he basically has no versatility, and Maria ends up being a lot more useful to use in most situations. However, he has his uses.)

[Axe Armor] (Sheā€™s very fun to use, but sheā€™s got laughably short range. Can dish out a lot of damage, but overly dependent on Axe subweapon, command-input moves, and has TOO MANY difficult fights due to the lack of a slide and partner.)


[Jonathan & Charlotte]
[Richter & Maria]
[Axe Armor]

Toad canā€™t jump for the life of him, but he isnā€™t low tier. He had 5 stars in Power and Speed, resulting in ownage. Besides, I didnā€™t find his jump THAT bad despite the game giving it a one starā€¦

[Alien Soldier - Weapon Tiers]

[A] Lancer, Flame
** Homing, Buster
[C] Sword
[D] Ranger

Best slot combination: Flame x 2, Lancer x 2

Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow Tiers, IMO

-Individual Characters-

[Soma] (The soul system and incredible amount of overpowering weapons combined with access to an inventory make Soma the best character in the game.)

[Alucard] (Incredible attack speed especially with jumping slashes combined with super-jumping and very high defense compared to his two companions put him above them. Unfortunately, he has some really bad boss match-ups.)
[Yoko] (A boss-killer, nearly every boss is at the mercy Yokoā€™s ice magic, which can be recovered from with a simple backdash. Sheā€™s the only way that Team Julius can heal, as well. However, Alucard is better for castle-travel and her fight against Abaddon can be horrendously difficult. The worst character at taking damage.)

[Julius] (Manā€¦ Julius is neither as fast or as mobile as he was in Aria of Sorrow. Awesome range, but heā€™s just really slow, and his physical damage output is easily outshined by Alucard and Yoko takes out every boss in the game easier than him, except for Abaddon. He also takes damage almost as badly as Yoko.)