Tiers for non-fighting games?

Knights are the only class that can use the Excalibur and the Ragnarok together. Since both of those swords are powerful and give good stat boosts, the Knight becomes a force to be reckoned with. They also are able to use the Crystal equipment which is pretty damn good. I agree that the Knight sucks at the part where you’re at. Knights don’t get good until the endgame.

Also, I might place Scholar up higher if glitches are concerned. There’s an item dupe glitch that only works with usable items (weapons, magic, armor, and shurikens can’t be duped). Since Scholars can use those battle items with 2X power, giving them powerful items can make them a good offensive class.

just bringing streets of rage 2 back out from the shelves… let’s see:

+++tier list+++

broke tier
-axel - he had that grand upper glitch!!!

high tier
-max - 2 shoulders vs any boss = gg!!!

mid tier
-blaze - nothin’ special about her, most moves could get punished if blocked by kickboxers, boxers, blankas, etc…

beyond low tier!!!
-skate - horrible move set… only redeeming factor for him is that his b+c move attacked both ways, and that he could run… had a funny roll glitch also, but still sucks…

Any Streets of Rage 3 tiers submitted here btw?

Neverwinter Nights 2 tops are for sure 19Druid/1Monk (thx to still have the AC bug in 1.03 untouchable) and Clerics (well one of the few classes you can go 20 levels and still ending up overpowered) … Oh and 4Ftr/4Pal/5NWNine/7DivChmp is also ownage as Woodelf going TWF and Kukris. I don’t know exactly how good Wizards fair, but I’ll see soon into this.

-hand job
-giving oral

Not sure if anyone did these already but:
Tales of Phantasia:
Top: Arche (her magic is too good for killing stuff fast, and her versatility with being in the air makes her the best in the game), Cress (stuff like sonic thrust is necissary for certain bosses, and he still has hella strong normals and stuff)
Mid: Mint (Healer, but nothing special outside of that), Claus (Has the pacts, but Arche is still better in just about every way)
Low: Chester (bow is slow, takes too much TP to do anything good, runs out fast)

Not sure about where to put Suzu. Any input?

Xenosaga 1:
Top: Kosmos (She had everything and the strongest of it, bar none)
Upper Mid: Chaos/Junior (Pretty much similar in usage, IMO, but Pierce/Light etc differences against certain enemies was what made one better than another in any given situation, against enemies that werent weak to either, theyre pretty much both just as good. Junior might be better)
Mid: Shion (Average attacks, average specials), Ziggy (Average as well. Nothing special about him that makes him better to use than Chaos/Junior/Kosmos)
Low: Momo (Weak everything. Some ok healing stuff, but overall, she’s not really worth using unless you’re trying to steal stuff)

ToS is really hard to do tiers for IMO. Cause Genis and Raine are AMAZING in teams, but alone, they’re REALLY hard to win with. Colette, due to her infinite, Para Ball, and Holy Judgment, is amazing. Zelos and Kratos are crazy good and probably the best in the game. Lloyd is super powerful as well. Presea isnt AS fast as Lloyd, but hella strong, too. Sheena has her strong points with the speed and the AAA power seal, serpent seal pinion, demon seal, or something along those lines. Regal, some people say is crazy strong in the right hands.

If we go by usefulness in the game, the tiers would go like this IMO:
S rank: Raine (she HAS to be in every boss battle pretty much)
A rank: Zelos/Kratos, Colette (infinite and healing or holy judgment brokeness for the win, once Colette learns Angel Feathers, she’s set. Once she gets Para Ball after that, it’s peace out) , Genis (overall, anywhere after the first part of the game, he becomes really useful with his magic to fight any boss since most have a weakness of some sort, and even if they dont, rarely can they stop any decent magic attack. Thunder blade is a favorite for mid-game.) Lloyd (mainly cause he’s the main character and he’s built for being used the most, remember, im going by usefulness and not actually being the absolute best)
B: Presea, Regal, Sheena - None of these characters have infinites, but they ALL have their share of when theyre useful, but none are really necissary to use except Sheena for boss battles against spirits.

And again, one could have a Sheena, Regal, Presea, Lloyd team and could prolly still go through the game, but it’s more a matter of Raine, Colette, Zelos, Genis being rediculously easier to go through the game with.

And for any of the above, i could be wrong, if i am, please inform me of the fact. I dont claim to be an expert, and i have reasons for why i put what i put, but it doesnt mean its necissarily correct.

Diablo II Exp

~God Tier~

~Top Tier~

~Mid Tier~

Theres really no low tier… and really shouldn’t be a middle tier, it all comes down to match-ups. Only difference is that any kind of Pally can rape pretty much … therefore ~ God tier…

Nice list for SOR2, just curious, how do you do the Grand Upper Glitch? I always felt Axel and definetly Max where the best in the bunch, never knew about that glitch though, so just wanted to know how you do it.

I haven’t played Streets of Rage 3 since like forever…but imo, strong characters in there where Axel and Blaze. If you counted Shiva, he was solid (nothing like his Streets of Rage 2 counterpart sadly, since that Shiva was fucken broke if you could’ve played him) his stupid elbow attack was like…continous and raped quite a bit of the other peeps…but I’ll leave that tiers of SOR3 to other peeps who played it more.

However, was playing and messing around with UN Squadron again, and here’s my opinion of what I think whic plane is the best and what not.

UN SQUADRON (Tiering of Planes)

F-14TomCat($300,000)/A10 ThunderBolt($350,000)

YF23 Stealth Ray($500,000)

F200 Efreet($1,000,000)

F20 TigerShark($250,000)

F8E Crusader(Your Stocked Plane)

F14TomCat - Fastest plane in the entire game giving it the best mobility to work with up against all them damn annoying bullets. Good stock of specials, good vulcan gun, not only that, not to mention it’s the second cheapest plane to you can buy, only the TigerShark is cheaper than it, 300k for the F14TomCat means it can be used almost right away during the early stages of the game.

A10Thunder - Sure, it’s the slowest plane, but it’s the 3rd cheapiest plane in the game, 350k, it has great ground attacks, and has the ability to shoot it’s vulcan gun forward and also one at a 45 degree angle this is the only plane able to do this, making it a must have.

Imo, the F14TomCat and A10ThunderBolt are the only two planes you ever need in UN Squadron period, both of them together only cost 650k.

YF23 Stealth Ray - Seriously, I really, really like this plane alot, it’s specials are solid, one good feature is the vertical special. It’s ability to make missiles miss it due to it not being detected is a great feature. However it’s biggest problem is…it’s damn pricetag…by the damn time you get 500k, your pretty much more than mid-near the end of the game, and this would mean that you don’t buy any other plane prior to getting the YF23 Stealth.

F200 Efreet - Excellent plane, the strongest Vulcan Cannon, All of the Specials, good manueverability…however wtf man, it’s 1 fucken million dollars dude…by the time you even remotely get 1million dollars…your basically AT the end of the game already. Stocking up on this plane “if” you buy all of its specials is a high price as well, making this plane very uneffecient imo.

If it was cheaper, 500k like the YF23, I would put this plane Top Tier without question, however being 1million…it’s a bitch to get, this means, you basically play through the entire game w/out buying pratically any of the other planes if you want to land the money to buy this plane. It’s price tag is what makes me rank this plane in MiddleTier, you get it too late in the game which completely brings down it’s potential.

F20 TigerShark - Not a bad plane…I’m beginning to think that I probably rank this plane way too low…maybe it deserves at least Middle Tier, just for the fact that it’s the cheapest plane you can buy, however it’s just a more powerful version of your stock F8E…so imo, it’s not that great either for 250k, when with 50k more you can get the F14TomCat which is 50x better than the TigerShark.

F8E Crusader - Your stock plane, weak vulcan cannon, doesn’t have good stocks of special, easily the worse plane you can buy.

Anyone got any tiers for FF5 Advance? From what I’ve noticed, Freelancer can be Top or maybe Uber Tier since he gets to use the non ‘!’ abilities automatically.

You should take PVM and PVP into account.

Also the Pala is only the best char as Hammerdin and only PVM or in party PVP. Things like a Smiter or Shocker (or better Dreamer) etc. are all good builds but not really overpowering.

Also the Javazon is damn good. So is the Bonemancer in single PVP.

The Druid as Ele build is really good in PVP, but not so much better then some of your mid tier. I would put him right next to the Necro.

Well, for Diablo II LOD it is really important to give the exact builds of a char in terms of tiering (like we all know even if fun, an Pala Ranger build sucks in PVP for example but an Bonemancer Necro not), which gets really complicated outside of the Sorc or Pala.

TrueSep: Blaze and Zan were two of the best players imo…Blaze was solid all around and Zan had major power and reach. Axel’s ok to use but he feels nowhere like he was in 2, seems to lag in speed and attacks this time around. Shiva would be a god “if” he could pick up items and grapple foward. Roo appears to be the fastest character - just no reach and powerless combo chains. And skate really has shown no major improvements since 2.

I don’t know about FFV Advance, but I have played (and watched) some SNES FFV stuff. All I can really say is that ability-wise, Archer, Sorcerer, Ninja, and Red Mage contain the best abilities (Sshot, Flare Sword, 2-Hand, and Doublecast respectively). Of course, Samurai are also usefull with Gil Toss, Time Magic and White Magic is pretty much essential, and some Blue Magics can be very useful. Of course, this is just speculation.

BTW, it’s not fair to tier Freelancer/Bare/Suppin because you’re pretty much gonna have 4 completely different Suppins by endgame AND they have no unique abilities of their own. Yes, you need them for the final battles.

Hammerdin = Easiest, Best PvP General, as well as best PvM
Zealot = Easiest, Best Melee
Smiter = Still extremely effective
Charger = My really old char was a Charger and I VERY rarely died and it was easy to kill
V/T = Was very effective in early 1.10/11
FoH = Again very effective in early 1.10/11, then use when down due to it being a boring (but very powerful) character, easy to use.

Paladin’s are easily undisputed God Tier.

Javazons are very rarely effective without Farcast. Actually they are complete garb vs majority builds w/o FC.

The #1 PvP Ladder character right now last I checked is a Ele Druid… another very easy build, as well as super easy to afford, as long as you have a good PC, easily very effective… not to mention the Sage bonus for teams.

Bone Nec was my main since late 1.09 and can be used effectively obviously, but unless you are very skilled… there are too many bad matchups. Not to mention you have to choose either Vit or Max Block… both have significant highs and lows. Bonemancers were much better and of higher majority in early 1.10/11.

I group 1.10/11 together because there weren’t enough significant changes to gameplay.

Like I said there really shouldn’t even be 3 tiers for PvP, as everything after Paladin is fair game tiers.

That’s what I think, too but well only for Hammerdin. Besides the Hammerdin everything is quite fair (through in single PvP he can get owned if you are not carefull).

I play a Zealot lvl93 and Boner lvl89 for PvP purposes and well, I got the optimal items and skills from the trees, but the Necro is definetly better. You got a lot of strategies with it and as long as you got Enigma you arn’t easy to catch, exspecially with all the Bonespirits flying around.:rofl:

Ever played a Venommancer? I wonder how he would work in PvP or PvM …

I remember the time before synergies were the Druid as Ele build was crap lol, one of the few good changes with the patches.

However Diablo II classic is anyway better. Ah, there were no Baalruns, Runewords (destroying the game to some degree IMHO), harder Monster etc. Damn I got carried away, sry.:sweat:

But good to see someone else here still cares a bit for the game.

I’ve had a very successful Novamancer and they do work very well… low mana consumption is one of the biggest pluses. There are a TON of bad match ups though, only some players use them effectively.

Runewords didn’t ruin D2… mass dupes and WoW did. /faint

man that glitch is so easy… there’s numerous ways of doing it… it takes a little practice initially, but once you get it, you’re gold…

method one: tap forward, and on the second forward tap, motion 632

method two: tap forward, and on the second forward tap, quickly shift down/back

its easier to do it using the first method… if you did it correctly, you’ll see axel do the grand upper backwards… uber safe, sets up for a regular grand or glitch grand upper, and you can hit characters from behind with it!!!

imho sor2>sor1>sor3… part 2 was an instant classic…

^SoR3 was the hardest one.

I remember losing like 2 credits on the underground railroad stage alone! Too many fucking ninjas!

NINPO PEGIBUSI!!! ((teleports))

Some tier Twinkle Star Spries :slight_smile:

Can some one give me the whole pokemon tier list from competitive tourneys. Especially the ones from the nintendo sancioned ones.