Tiers for non-fighting games?

These need a little work.
I can only assume you put Aeris in the top spot because of Great Gospel, the most overrated technique in the game. Aeris does nothing, she adds nothing to a party. Her limits are easily replaced with materia.

Cid, Yuffie


Cait Sith

Those are in order. There is not much difference between the tiers due to the effectiveness of materia combos.


outside gears


Fei- his last two combos do more damage than his closest rival can do with several turns.

sword Citan- same as Citan but does more damage.

Citan- most people donā€™t seem to know Citan can use his barrier spells on enemies. He can then attack with an element that enemy is now weak to.


adult Emerelda- same as Emerelda but has better stats

Emerelda- same as Elly with more speed and other stats

Bart- solid damage and spells

Billy- about as good as Bart

Elly- her low speed hurts her the most


Ewok- too slow, has some OK spells

Rico- too slow, his techs and spells are unimpressive

Maria- too slow, her best spell costs too much

inside gears:


Big Ewok- immune to damage. ā€œnormalā€ healing max is 10k not 16k.

Andvari- Bart is the only person in the game who can solo Alpha Weltall. In fact, any team that wishes to defeat Alpha Weltall requires Bart. Ewok canā€™t be invincible at that point in the game. Very hard to damage.

Brigandier- Brigander has the exact same stats as Andvari except a slightly lower attack coefficient.


Xenogears, adult Crescens, Vierge, Weltall-2

The above 4 gears are about the same in terms of damage over time. They all have strong points. Vierge is the most efficient, Xenogears is the strongest hitter, Crecens is the fastest, Weltall-2 is the most versatile.
Most people donā€™t seems to know Crescens gets an invisible attack coefficient boost when she becomes an adult. This boosts her damage over Xenogearsā€™. However, Xenogears can get back into 1st place by using Feiā€™s Yin power skill.

Billyā€™s gears

Their stats are identical. Against bosses he is pretty much as good as Vierge.

Citanā€™s sword gears

Better attack than his normal gear

Weltall, child Crescens, Heimdall

These gears have no outstanding qualities, except their speed which is great. Both Weltalls have identical stats, itā€™s the special options which set them apart.


#17- Faster than Ricoā€™s and has more useful options.

both of Ricoā€™s gears- Their stats are identical. He is too slow, his accuracy is terrible.

Yggdrasil IV- his HP are great, but his speed is too low and I think his accuracy sucks.


Bart Soldier gear ā€œBARTHOSā€- worthless

Battle Mode

Here I will agree that the Xenogears is in a class all by itself.

Note that I canā€™t truly rate Ellyā€™s omnigear Regulus, because it crashes the game when you take it into battle. However, it has the same stats as Vierge but with a slightly higher attack coefficient.

Sunset Riders

Contra 3/Alien Rebels
on stages

  1. Spread
  2. Homing
  3. Flamethrower
  4. Default
  5. Crash Bombs
  6. Laser


  1. Laser
  2. Crash Bombs
  3. Flamethrower
  4. Homing/Default
  5. Spread

Aero Fighters
FSX Japan
F-18 America
AJ-37 Sweden

whats the teirs for mariokart ds and puyopopfever?

i think the bunny and the cat are broke in ppf! :bluu:

The only difference between characters in the end are their limit breaks and how their ultimate weapon is charged up. Going by that, automatically Cloud should be atleast second if not first for having a 15 hit limit break and weapon based off of hp. I suppose yuffieā€™s level based weapon has itā€™s uses but I wouldnā€™t rank her that high, especially with a one hit final limit break. Barretā€™s ultimate weapon will always have max damage but his super only hits like 10 times? and the his are spread out among all the guys in the crowd.

If equipped right, Cid and Barret are tied at #1, because they have the capability to do 9999 for 18 hits, making it do more damage than even Cloudā€™s OmniSlash which only unleashes 15 hits. Yuffie would be 4th then, because Doom of the Living I believe hits like 10 times or was it 11?..I donā€™t remember and it can also deal out 9999 as well.

It would be somewhere along the lines ofā€¦

Top Tier

Upper Tier

Yuffie would be in Upper Tier, since she wouldnā€™t be anywhere near Cid, Barret, or Cloudā€™s damage capability, but still very strong though.

Iā€™m going to make a random list of characters in Lineage 2 whom I believe are Top Tierā€™s when it comes to PvPā€¦

SpellSinger - Sleep although doesnā€™t land as well as it did in C3 and C4 but it is still effective nonetheless and once in sleep, itā€™s a free nuke, SpellSingerā€™s still have the fastest casting speed out of any magic caster and can clock in tons of damage before the opponent even gets close. Even at close range, they can deal out huge damage, because of Aura Flare, itā€™s been toned speed wise since C4 with a slight stall, but it still does excellent damage around 300-500 damage per hit. Not to mention they are the only Nuker Class that has Aura Flare.

Dagger Class - Itā€™s hard to pinpoint which Dagger Class is the best, however from what Iā€™ve experiemented with in C5, the Dagger Classes are basically the almost equivelant of their C2 counterparts, which where ridiculously powerful. Iā€™ve seen some crazy shit where they will hit you and do damage as high as 9k+ā€¦thatā€™s just downright stupid because ALOT of the characters even at maxed lvl wonā€™t survive a hit like that, the only ones who would survive a 9k+ damage hit would be the Orc Tyrant I believe since they can gain hp up to I believe 13k+. Not to mention their Dagger Skills land way better than they used to in C3/C4 again, more closely resembleance to their C2 counterparts, I would have to rank them up there.

Bow Class - Silver Rangers especially come into mind, because they are naturally the fastest Bow Class, and itā€™s especially important when it comes to running and kiting and they are handsdown the best at it. Not to mention they carry the highest critical rates out of any Bow Class, so you can easily die within a few hits, + entangle to lower your speed so you canā€™t catch upā€¦itā€™s just sad and almost unfair.

For me, itā€™s likeā€¦

Top Tier
Dagger Class

Somewhere along those orders

Hmm, I had forgotten about limit breaks before the final ones. In theory they wouldnā€™t have AS much damage potential against higher end creatures but I guess it doesnā€™t really matter in the end.

Check your facts.
Barret and Cid have 18 hit limit breaks, Ungarmax and Highwind. Both their weapons are better than Ultima Weaponā€¦looks like Cloud isnā€™t in 1st anymore.
Yuffieā€™s Doom of the Living hits 15 times and is slightly easier to get than Omnislash since itā€™s level 3. Further, Conformer is the best damage weapon in the game.

No one does Emerald runs with Cloud, they use Barret. This is because Barret is faster than Cloud even if he has no Hero Drinks. In fact, if you take time out of your Emerald fight to HD Barret, heā€™s even faster than before.

Cloudā€™s Ultima Weapon is good, but not as good as the weapons of the three above him.


Barret beats Cid because heā€™s faster in real time. If for whatever reason Ungarmax doesnā€™t do 9999 damage, it will after two Hero Drinks or you have equipped Barret poorly.

Cid beats Yuffie because although his weapon is slightly worse, Highwind beats her L3 by a larger margin.

Yuffie beats Cloud because her weapon is better, period. Otherwise they are almost the same character. I said in my first post the tiers in FF7 do not have a great deal of distance between the adjacent characters.

This isnā€™t to knock Cloud in any way, but the above 3 are at least marginally better than he is.

Once again:

18 hits: Highwind, Ungarmax
15 hits: Doom of the Living, Omnislash

Shin Megami Tensai 1

God Tier
Serph (high Strength and Luck)

Top Tier

Mid Tier
Serph (any other build

Low Tier

Shin Megami Tensai 2

God Tier
Serph (high luck and Magic)

Top Tier

Mid Tier

Low Tier

Oh snaps, forgot about that Yuffie hits 15 times, lmao, hahaha, shit, Iā€™ve not played the game for like years, kinda forgotten. Barret is the ownage, that mofo can wipe out Emerald in like 3mins, sick shit.

Peace Keepers Tiers

Flynn: Super Saiyan mode is too good

Echo: Great speed and nice damaging combos
Norton: Solid all round
Orbot: Most damaging combos overall

Al and Prokop: Too damn slow

Power Rangers for SNES:
Jason and Zack
Trini and Kimberly

Power Rangers for Game Gear
Jason and Trini


Nasty Knight
King Sphinx
Shell Shock


black mode > white mode

These are the tiers for Disgaea 2ā€™s humanoid classes. I will also list which weapon is best for each class.

Uber Tier
Chaos Soldier- any weapon type
Kunoichi- Fists
Healer- Staves

Top Tier
Ninja- Fists
Skull Mage- Staves
Gunner- Guns
Magic Knight- Staves

Mid Tier
Samurai- Swords
Archer- Bows
Witch- Staves
Thief- Fists
Beast Tamer- either Spears or Swords

Low Tier
Heavy Knight- Spears
Magic Knight- any except Staves
Valkyrie- Spears

Useless Tier
Geomancer- Staves
Warrior- Axes
Sinner- Fists

Soā€¦anybody wanna do tiers for other new RPGs, like Valkyrie Profile 2 or FF 12 (no storyline spoilers!!!)

Iā€™ll give Crash Team Racing a go since its all I played in 1999-2000. Donā€™t remember too much though.

~God Tier~
N. Tropy

~Top Tier~
Fake Crash
Crash/Neo Cortex
Papu Papu (Same as Tinyā€¦ but still better than both fatties for newbs)
Tiny (only in the right hands, otherwise hes a tiny better than Dingodile if youā€™re no good)

~Mid Tier~
Penta Penguin
Komodo Joe
Ripper Roo
Coco Bandicoot
N. Gin
Polar Bear

~Low Tier~

I always played as Pinstripe and the Polar Bear.

Here is what I think from my experiences in FFXII

~Top Tier~

~Middle Tier~

~Low Tier~

Whatā€™s the method to kill off Emerald in 3mins? I donā€™t know too much about FF7 game mechanics actually, heard that materia is actually as broken as Junction of FF8.

Junction cannot be compared to materia, whoever told you that was a big FF8 fan or never figured out any good materia combos.

With the other 2 people dead, Barret can kill Emerald Weapon in 1:45.

Missing Score
Wizard Bracelet

Set your limit to L3 and fill it. As soon as the battle with Emerald begins, use Ungarmax. Now put your controler down and watch Emerald commit suicide.

This works with anyone but itā€™s best with Barret since his limit hits a ton of times and is very fast.

There is a Japanese video with Barret killing Emerald in something like 1:24, but they had Cloud alive at the beginning to give Barret Hero Drinks.

Is there any reason why you rank the characters like that?

This is just based on who I find the most useful, they all have pretty much the same items with the best weapons of the class that I gave to them. Its nothing official in any way.

Iā€™ve been trying to make a job tier list for Final Fantasy III DS, but Iā€™m finding it kinda difficult. There are some obvious top tiers, but the thing is, some jobs are really good for like 80% of the game but become useless by the endame. I donā€™t know where to put them. Oh well, Iā€™ll try my bestā€¦

EDIT AS OF 2/12/07

Fully Equipped Onion Knight (Onion Equipment+Level 90s=GGPO everything)
Knight (Excalibur+Ragnarok=kill, Crystal Equipment)
Summoner (Bahamut, summons>>black magic)
Devout (Curaja+Arise+Protect+Haste)
Scholar (Duped Chocoboā€™s Wrathā€™s=damage that matches top fighters for free)
Dark Knight (Masamune+Ragnarok, Crystal Equipment, Souleater)
Dragoon (Gungnir, Crystal Equipment, Jumpā€™s not bad)

Geomancer (High Bell damage for most of the game, Terrain>>>Black Magic and free)
Black Belt (High HP and Damage but low Defense, knight-like classes do better most of the time)
Ninja (Masamune+Moonring Blade, Shurikens, Genji/Fuma gear, but really crappy HP,Def)

Thief (fast, can steal Gungnir, runs easily, but becomes weak later on)
Red Mage (Excalibur, well-rounded stats but magic is not that great)
Warrior (Knightā€™s better, but this is okay)
Monk (Black Beltā€™s better, but this is okay)
Bard (Free supports but lacks versatility because each harp does like 1 thing only)
Viking (Slow, Hammers<Swords/Spears/Katanas, but okay)
Sage (good alternate healer, but black and call magic sucks)

White Mage (canā€™t use the magic that matters, but okay in the beginning)
Black Mage (read above, but black magic becomes crap once you get Geomancer)
Ranger (fast, but weak and requires money for arrows)
Magus (better that Black Mage, but black magic is just not that good)

Evoker (unpredictable and almost useless summons)
Onion Knight (at low levels, this job sucks)
Freelancer (only good for the very beginning, low stats and equipment selection)

Can you explain why you placed the Knight so high on the tiers?
I plan on going with this when Iā€™m able to (I barely just got the water crystal):
Dark Knight, Devout, Summoner, and Dragoon