Streets of Rage
- Blaze
- Axel
- Adam
Blaze has the best jab and the fastest walking speed. it’s all about the jab (infinite). Axel has the second best jab and decent walking speed. Adam has the shortest jab and the slowest walking speed. I don’t care if Adam has the best jump kick or the longest combo ender or the best weapon reach. His jab sucks and he’s slow as fuck. he can’t even get full combo damage off his last kick if you hit them mid-air. furthermore, all the characters do almost identical damage
Streets of Rage 2
- Axel , Max
- Blaze
- Skate
Axel’s blitz is the best move in the game, period. jab, jab, grand upper is the only thing you need - great damage and the best priority in the game. Max does disgusting damage with everything. His slide gives him great mobility, nulling his slow walking speed. His forward special can instantly kill bosses that block. He can back grab from a jumping down attack - from there he can do the atomic drop, which does sickening splash damage. Blaze is average (in the bad sense). Her blitz is garbage and she’s just plain boring to use imo. Skate otoh is fun to use with his grabs and specials, but he’s just not efficient as the other characters. If only his jumping down attack were better (so as to get back grabs) I’d rank him above Blaze.
Final Fight
- Cody, Guy
- Haggar
Cody - jab, jab, back jab, forward, repeat. Guy - jab, jab, jab, back jab, forward, repeat. Haggar still rocks though. His punch reach is great, his pile driver is really good, and he has his reverse body splash. Who would’ve guessed that Haggar has the best aerial move in the game
- Priest
- Mage
- Ninja
- Fighter
The priest can heal, words cannot describe how useful that is in this game. But she also has the best melee attack in the game barnone. The mage is next with his powerful spells that can instant-kill many bosses. And his melee attack ain’t too shabby either (especially when he gets his fire staff). The ninja is pretty balanced. The fighter is the hardest character to use near the end-game because he has short reach (fire sword is too weak for the late-game imo) and the later monsters do shitloads of damage.
Warriors of Fate
- Guan Yu (the guy in the navy blue) , Wei Yan (the guy in green armor)
- Zhao Yun (the guy in blue armor)
- Zhang Fei (the guy in brown rags)
- Huang Zhong (the old guy)
Guan Yu is slightly ahead of Wei Yan imo. At first sight, guan yu looks like the worst character - his combo looks so plain, his down, up attack is shite, etc etc. But Guan Yu is the best crowd clearer in the game, and this game is based entirely upon clearing big crowds. for instance, three consecutive hits is an automatic knockdown on enemies - no fancy shit in this game, it’s all about efficiency. Guan yu’s combo has longer reach than the sprites show. it’s also the fastest and has the least recovery. his throw is also great for clearing crowds, as is his jump kick. His down, up attack is shit, but he doesn’t need it. Simply put, Guan Yu is the most efficient character in the game. Wei Yan is almost as good as Guan Yu. wei yan just doesn’t feel as responsive as guan yu in my experiences (I used to one coin this game regularly when I was eleven during my summer vacations to Asia). Zhao Yun is pretty balanced and has the best down, (forward) up attack which works well from a grab. He’s also my favorite character to use. Zhang fei has nothing going for him. huang zhong is fun to use but ultimately he can’t keep up with the rest of the cast past the first few levels - he just can’t knock down enemies fast enough with his weak arrows.
The Ninjawarriors Again (SNES)
- Kamaitachi
- Ninja, Kunoichi
Kama has an extremely fast crouch-walking speed and a great crouching combo (the best in the game actually). Those two things are all he needs to be top tier. Actually, I’m kinda uncertain who I’d rank second and third. Ninja has better reach and slightly better crowd-clearing ability while kunoichi has better speed (and can actually match ninja’s throw damage with her grab, hold down and attack move). eh, anyway Kamaitachi owns both of them
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Mustapha was easily the best if I remember correctly. He had the best combo - best speed, reach and recovery time. and his special attack (down, up) even hit enemies behind him as he was coming down. as for the rest, well , all the characters were pretty good in this game…
Alien vs Predator
Warrior/Hunter, Lynn
I think Dutch is the most efficient character. He does just as much damage without weapons as the other characters do with weapons. His plain combo is all he needs. And his special (a+b) is great. It’s pretty easy to one-coin the game iwth him if you play him the no-fancy-shit-old-school way… Warrior and Hunter are nearly identical in terms of efficiency… Lynn has all the tools and can do some crazy shit with her j.down attack and air throw, but compare that to the other characters who can get the same results (damage-wise) by pressing punch repeatedly followed by a special or whatever, so I’d rank her a bit lower in terms of efficiency…