Tiers for non-fighting games?


Technically, there are no real character tier for regular FFIV because you can’t pick your characters at the end. It’s essentially the same as playing a fighting game where you can only play random select - you have no control over what the character selection is, therefore there’s no need to determine which character is “better” than another.

I guess if you used a Gameshark, it would be something like this:

Top: Rydia, Edge
High: Rosa, Kain, Cecil
Mid: Yang, Palom, Porom
Low: Edward, Tellah

This list is off.

Selphie isnt top tier just because of The End. Sure, it kills everything, but Zell and Squall and Rinoa can kill things too, and a lot more efficiently. The End is too random and takes too long to get, even if you open the PSX (can you even do this with a PS2?)

Rinoa + INvincible Moon and Wishing Star is a much much better character than anyone not named Zell or Squall.

Doesn’t Edea’s Ice Strike only hit one enemy? Even if her Ice Strike hits all enemies, she’s still garbage. As is Seifer. And Ward’s limit break does insane damage.

Quistis isn’t about Shockwave Pulsar, it’s about Degenerating anything that moves, and Bad Breathing everything else. Not good that against bosses, but still more useful than Selphie under normal circumstances. I’d say she’s more useful than Irvine as well, since she’s more versatile and isn’t reliant on ammo to do big damage.

I agree.

The End is broken…like using the Gambit glitch in MvC2.
Just because Gambit can do it doesn’t mean he’s top tier.

FF8 tiers:

Broken–The End

Rinoa–Wishing Star, Invincible Moon, and Angelo assist=best overall character in the game
Zell–Armaggedon Fist…although I personally prefer Irvine over him because unlike Zell he doesn’t take forever and a day to do insane damage. Zell still has the best damage potential.

Irvine–Quick Shot is the best ammo…4-5 shots per second at 3000 damage each VERSUS the higher ammo which does 9999 at 1 shot per second…you do the math. And unlike the higher ammo, Fast Ammo isn’t that rare nor is it hard to make

Questis–Degenerator and Bad Breath works for random battles but doesn’t do squat for bosses. Blue magic should’ve been much better.

Selphie w/o The End–Garbage

Near Bottom:
Ward and Laguna–Generic weapons and generic limit breaks but at least their limits hit all enemies

Kiros, Edea, Seifer–Thanks to FF8’s system…they’re nothing more than Junction vessels.

For the most part, yeah, the tiers are the same. Nords would probably move up closer to the B/C border (possibly into Tier B) because they had more resistances in Morrowind. Argonians would fall from Tier B into Tier C in Morrowind because of a certain little spoiler that proved redundant with one of their key advantages.

Bretons make good everything in both Morrowind and Oblivion. Mages are good right off the bat, but Fighters require a bit of skill levelling, but once you get them up, nothing will stop them.

Imperials are still ass in Morrowind. You should tell your Imperial-playing friend that other human races exist (Bretons, Redguards, Nords) and he’d be way better off as playing one of those.

Id have to say this list is completely wrong. Geddoe is nowhere near the best character. In all honesty magic in this game was horrible compared to brute force. By the end of the game Geddoe barely get 2 attacks and his level 16 weapon is comparably weak compared to others. He may have the highest magic stats of the 3 main characters and even with the true fire ruin he can only cast a level 4 spell 1 or 2 times. (I dont remember havent played in awhile) Im pretty sure the True Fire runes last attack only does roughly around 1500 dmg with is very low compared to what Juan and Emily can dish out on their average attacks. Max out both there swings Im pretty sure they both go to S or A+ and they can get around 4-5 attacks per turn also since Juan is always raged each of his hits will normally do around 400 dmg by end game. Combine that with a jungluer rune and both of them will be doing roughly 600 dmg per hit. 600*5 Roughly around 3000 dmg per attack doing double what Geddoe can cast only once or twice. Also combine that with random criticals that can easily break 1k and you got the 2 powerhouses of the game. Also all the mountable characters should be much higher. then all spellcasters due to the fact with the aid of a jungleur each hit would do roughly 500 again and most mounted ussually get 2 attacks. Chris should be higher then Geddoe IMO because with her True Water rune she has a level 1 mass heal that can be cast roughly around 5-6 I think by end game. This would be much more usefull then Geddoe’s single 1500 dmg’r. Also notes to Fred he should be a bit higher due to the fact he IS the ultimate tank in the game and whoever is behind him will never die or even be touched.

True…magic isn’t always as useful as brute force, but it’s really the True Lightning Rune, great defense, and great skills that make Geddoe a top character.
The fact that is weapon his blah and he can only get 2 swings is the only downside to him, IMO.

I would say he (w/True Lightning) is slight less valuable than Chris w/ True Water but honestly it’s pointless to compare the 3 mains together since you have to use them all for good specific portions of the game anyway.

S Tier

Warlocks handle every portion of the game save end-game DPS. You can pretty much throw a Warlock at any situation and he’s got a solution. They can farm like gods, solo insane stuff and do great damage to boot.

A Tier

Warriors suck at 1v1 PvP are relatively poor at soloing things, they make up for this by being the best class at pretty much the best group PvP class, DPS class and Tank Class.


Druids basically do everything the Warrior does but somewhat worse, however they are better at both solo PvE and PvP situations.


Priests do the best healing, are great in all PvP in all regards, however they are AWFUL at solo PvE in every concievable way.

B Tier

Hunters are average in every regard imaginable save soloing, which they are the best at.


Rogues suck in every PvP situation imaginable, however they are great farmers and more versatile than Warriors for damage.


Mages are really good at DPS and have the best AoE, solid solo PvE, decent at Solo PvP and good at group PvP.

C Tier

Paladins do shit DPS, aren’t that great at healing but do it rather passably and are the kingshit of support and group PvP.


Same deal, except they fair better in 1v1 than a Paladin at the cost of support.

Yeah Geddoe is good at what he can do but what I was trying to say is how pathetic his damage output and his total killing potential and how well eh works with other characters is lacking. The Lightning Runes defense uses are completley useless since you can kill your enemies before they even have the chance to attack. Also team dynamic wise he is a poor mix of mage/fighter. In niether category is he really shining so in botha area’s he easily gets outshined and put to waste.

Streets of Rage

  1. Blaze
  2. Axel
  3. Adam

Blaze has the best jab and the fastest walking speed. it’s all about the jab (infinite). Axel has the second best jab and decent walking speed. Adam has the shortest jab and the slowest walking speed. I don’t care if Adam has the best jump kick or the longest combo ender or the best weapon reach. His jab sucks and he’s slow as fuck. he can’t even get full combo damage off his last kick if you hit them mid-air. furthermore, all the characters do almost identical damage

Streets of Rage 2

  1. Axel , Max
  2. Blaze
  3. Skate

Axel’s blitz is the best move in the game, period. jab, jab, grand upper is the only thing you need - great damage and the best priority in the game. Max does disgusting damage with everything. His slide gives him great mobility, nulling his slow walking speed. His forward special can instantly kill bosses that block. He can back grab from a jumping down attack - from there he can do the atomic drop, which does sickening splash damage. Blaze is average (in the bad sense). Her blitz is garbage and she’s just plain boring to use imo. Skate otoh is fun to use with his grabs and specials, but he’s just not efficient as the other characters. If only his jumping down attack were better (so as to get back grabs) I’d rank him above Blaze.

Final Fight

  1. Cody, Guy
  2. Haggar

Cody - jab, jab, back jab, forward, repeat. Guy - jab, jab, jab, back jab, forward, repeat. Haggar still rocks though. His punch reach is great, his pile driver is really good, and he has his reverse body splash. Who would’ve guessed that Haggar has the best aerial move in the game


  1. Priest
  2. Mage
  3. Ninja
  4. Fighter

The priest can heal, words cannot describe how useful that is in this game. But she also has the best melee attack in the game barnone. The mage is next with his powerful spells that can instant-kill many bosses. And his melee attack ain’t too shabby either (especially when he gets his fire staff). The ninja is pretty balanced. The fighter is the hardest character to use near the end-game because he has short reach (fire sword is too weak for the late-game imo) and the later monsters do shitloads of damage.

Warriors of Fate

  1. Guan Yu (the guy in the navy blue) , Wei Yan (the guy in green armor)
  2. Zhao Yun (the guy in blue armor)
  3. Zhang Fei (the guy in brown rags)
  4. Huang Zhong (the old guy)

Guan Yu is slightly ahead of Wei Yan imo. At first sight, guan yu looks like the worst character - his combo looks so plain, his down, up attack is shite, etc etc. But Guan Yu is the best crowd clearer in the game, and this game is based entirely upon clearing big crowds. for instance, three consecutive hits is an automatic knockdown on enemies - no fancy shit in this game, it’s all about efficiency. Guan yu’s combo has longer reach than the sprites show. it’s also the fastest and has the least recovery. his throw is also great for clearing crowds, as is his jump kick. His down, up attack is shit, but he doesn’t need it. Simply put, Guan Yu is the most efficient character in the game. Wei Yan is almost as good as Guan Yu. wei yan just doesn’t feel as responsive as guan yu in my experiences (I used to one coin this game regularly when I was eleven during my summer vacations to Asia). Zhao Yun is pretty balanced and has the best down, (forward) up attack which works well from a grab. He’s also my favorite character to use. Zhang fei has nothing going for him. huang zhong is fun to use but ultimately he can’t keep up with the rest of the cast past the first few levels - he just can’t knock down enemies fast enough with his weak arrows.

The Ninjawarriors Again (SNES)

  1. Kamaitachi
  2. Ninja, Kunoichi

Kama has an extremely fast crouch-walking speed and a great crouching combo (the best in the game actually). Those two things are all he needs to be top tier. Actually, I’m kinda uncertain who I’d rank second and third. Ninja has better reach and slightly better crowd-clearing ability while kunoichi has better speed (and can actually match ninja’s throw damage with her grab, hold down and attack move). eh, anyway Kamaitachi owns both of them

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs


Mustapha was easily the best if I remember correctly. He had the best combo - best speed, reach and recovery time. and his special attack (down, up) even hit enemies behind him as he was coming down. as for the rest, well , all the characters were pretty good in this game…

Alien vs Predator

Warrior/Hunter, Lynn

I think Dutch is the most efficient character. He does just as much damage without weapons as the other characters do with weapons. His plain combo is all he needs. And his special (a+b) is great. It’s pretty easy to one-coin the game iwth him if you play him the no-fancy-shit-old-school way… Warrior and Hunter are nearly identical in terms of efficiency… Lynn has all the tools and can do some crazy shit with her j.down attack and air throw, but compare that to the other characters who can get the same results (damage-wise) by pressing punch repeatedly followed by a special or whatever, so I’d rank her a bit lower in terms of efficiency…

Anyone got any tiers for Crash Team Racing for the PSX?

Hello, lol does anyone have the tiers for PSO?

My guess is like this (Based on the Yahoo Cup results)


I personally dont agree with this; I thin FOnewm should be top tier along with HUcast

X-Men : Arcade
Top : Nightcrawler
Upper tier : Colossus
Mid Tier : Wolverine, Storm, Cyclops
Bottom : Dazzler

Doom 3
God Tier : Plasma Rifle, Fists (W/ Berserk Helmet)
Top Tier : Chain Gun
Upper Mid Tier : Rocket Launcher, Soul Cube, BFG
Mid Tier : Machine Gun, Shotgun
Low Mid Tier: Pistol
Bottom Tier : Flashlight, Chainsaw
Shit tier : Fists (W/O Berserk Helmet)

Yeah, he’s got simply monster rune power with the True Lightning Rune. Hugo can get the big combos, but the True Fire just isn’t as good, and there are plenty of enemies that are either flying or have near-invincibility to physical attacks. Chris isn’t as good, though because she has terrible runes, and doesn’t even really have anywhere to put on other runes outside of the Phoenix and True Water on her left and right hands. But SHE is the ultimate tank because of her terrible luck, high defense and the simple fact that she can just plain SPAM Kindness Drops with the True Water rune.

Agreed, but I would put Cyke under Dazzler.
Nobody’s worse than Cyclops. Dazzler’s not good but at least she has decent foot speed, jumps, and a special which can actually hit a decent-sized area.

The only problem with Dazzler is that although she does have an AoE attack, it’s
not nearly as reliable as Cyclops’ optic blasts. Most of everyone was the same,
with Nightcrawler being a little faster in movement than everyone else, Colossus
being a bit slower, and then everyone else moved at roughly the same speed.

It was their supers that really seperated them from their overall usefuless. (Not
so much damage since again, everyone aside from Colossus had the same damage

Rogues should be dead last. Once they hit 60, they’re pretty much useless for anything outside of 1 on 1 PvP. You’re never gonna see “Raid group LF Rogue” in Org’ or IF.
Also, you can’t meld PvP and PvE together in one list like that. It just doesn’t work right.

You’d have to separate them into PvE, 1 on 1 PvP, and Group PvP

In terms of 1 on 1, shamans, druids and locks are probably king, which is funny considering how badly locks used to suck, and no way is a hunter more useful than a mage in PvE. You think way too highly of locks in PvE as well. You really don’t need more than a few of them.

Now that I think about it…you’re right.

Everybody did pretty much have the same speed.

But Dazzler still >> Cyclops because she has boobs while he looks like a giant blue condom.

Hard to argue with that.

Tiers do not apply because you can’t use the characters when you want? This is incorrect. There are still good and bad characters. At the very least you can consider the final five.

Your tiers for FF4 are wrong. I’m not going to bother with advance since that game sucks, nevertheless you still have some mistakes in that part.

If you wanted to include a gameshark, as you said, FF4 looks like:


Rydia (child)
Cain, Cecil, Palom

Fu So Ya

DK Cecil

Those are in order. Some comments, Fu So Ya’s MP should increase starting at level 71. Yang’s HP are not capped at 6000, they stop growing, probably due to a bug, after level 70. This has existed in all versions of FF4. Square did not fix this in advance because they are lazy sons of bitches.
Gilbert has the best stats in the game, but he can do nothing outside of advance. DK is at the bottom because even though he is in a 3 way tie for the best physical stats in the game, his lack of equipment gets him killed.
Edge’s steal command was really useful for stealing mythril shields, which could be equipped on Rydia and Rosa thanks to glitches. Using this Rydia can get the 12x defense mod.

Your Xenogears tiers are also wrong. Nobody can blame you though, since that game was very poor and discourages people from paying close attention to it.

Sorry if it’s been posted but what about for FF7? I think it’s something like this…some spots could be wrong

Cait Sith

Some Castlevania fun (not based solely on fighting capability)


CV DoS (Julius Mode)

Puzzle Kombat (Mortal Kombat Deception)
Bo’ Rai Cho

I don’t want to be mean or anything, but can you post your own Xenogears tiers? I kinda agree with him that Citan and Fei were the best, and that Xenogears was the best gear, but what are your top/mid/low tiers?