Tiers for non-fighting games?

you clearly didn’t spend any effort in breaking this game.

super SSS god tier: Karna

god tier: sheela

upper tier: Tyrin, Randolf, Eric (the other three guys from Creed Mansion), Peter, Claude, Bowie (hero), Frayja, Slade,

mid tier: everybody else in varying degrees

bottom tier: Luke, Kiwi (turtle guy who turns into a monster), skreech

the mid tiers you have to compare by status. Usually you want a bowman or two, there the stats look like this:


simply put, may has the highest attack, rhode has the high defense. elric and janet are both garbage.


eric if you pick him with pegasus wings
chester with pegasus wings
eric without wings
chester without wings

mobility is the most important here, the rest is stats



Peter has killer stats and mobility. Claude gets disgusting stats but his hp isn’t that strong, nor his mobility, gerhalt levels off but claude is always better, kiwi gets stupid HP (any spell kills him) but his mobility occasionally makes up for it. Zync just sucks.

Barons/Axe Users


all stats



damage + spells >>>>>>>>>> mobility

Offensive Casters

sorcerer Tyrin
sorcerer Kazin

sorcerers just plain suck. Tyrin gets blaze lvl 4, freeze lvl 4 and bolt lvl 4, chaz gets freeze level 4 with a lot of work and Kazin gets the blaze, but freeze is way better.

Defensive Casters

99 karna and 99 sheela ggpo. Sheela takes 3 times as long to level to max though. and Fraya has aura, while sarah gets shit.

the number of > indicates relative strength between the characters it parses.

Can someone do tiers for Neo Turf masters ?

Can someone do a tier for Prince of Tennis on PS2

S class:

  1. Freya
  2. Lawfer

A class:
3. Lenneth
4. High INT Mage (most likely Lezard, Gandar, or Lyseria)
5. Brahms
6. Belenus

B class:
7. Lucian
8. Janus

C class:
9. Arngrim
10. Aelia
11. Jun

D class:
12. Kashell
13. Jayle
14. Suo
15. Llewelyn
16. Badrach

E class:
17. Grey

S class is simple. Freya does the most damage in the game and her Ether Strike is the most powerful finisher; however she is mostly post-game. Lawfer is does the most damage during the regular game with an obscenely powerful finisher, strong weapons, and his finisher only has a 2 CT wait time. Post-game though, Lenneth and Brahms probably outrank Lawfer because post-game spears suck compared to Lenneth’s Angel Slayer and Brahms’ weapon.

A class are the really good characters that just fall short of Freya and Lawfer. During the regular game, Lenneth should really be using a bow more than using a sword, they are more useful in general plus you get the really strong Elven Bow as part of the story. Post-game, Lenneth’s swords are stronger and she can equip with the Angel Slayer which almost rivals Freya in damage when you’re lucky… if only the damage wasn’t so random. All mages are the same essentially except their INT stat, and nothing cleans up crowds better than a mage’s great magic spell. Since stat gains are random, mages who start off with higher INT are more likely to max out at a higher INT than other mages… Lezard and Gandar are usually the mages with the highest INT, sometimes Lyseria can get lucky INT gains and end up on top. Brahms is just overall strong, but doesn’t do the damage of Freya and Lenneth. His finisher adds a lot of hits to the combo meter, and more hits = more damage for subsequent finishers… plus it has only a piddly 2 CT. Belenus is actually a really REALLY good character during the normal game… just most people never get the chance to use him because he’s generally sent up in Chapter 1 because people don’t like putting a pilgrim in their party. His attacks are more easily comboable than Arngrim’s, he can use Great Swords, and his finisher’s damage is on par with Arngrim’s only it’s only 3 CT rather than Arngrim’s godawful 6 CT.

B class are the 2 most useful characters outside the ‘super strong’ ones above them. Lucian’s 3rd attack is unblockable and can make a whole crapload of purple gems to drop out of enemies… and purple gems take away a character’s charge time (CT), meaning they can use their spells/finishers faster. Having Lucian in your party will probably allow your mage to cast spells every turn, and have characters with low CT finishers (like Lawfer and Belenus) able to decimate enemies with finishers every round. Too bad you only get to use Lucian for a short amount of time before you send him up if you want the best ending. Janus is an archer and has an attack that adds poison to enemies. Plus his finisher adds a lot of hits to the combo meter (making him an ideal person to lead off finisher chains). Lenneth with a bow makes him kinda obsolete, but if you prefer Lenneth with a sword, Janus is a great archer replacement.

C class are the just a step above the rest of the ‘average’ characters. Arngrim does great damage, his finisher does great damage, and his finisher charges the combo gauge a LOT. His problem is that his bigass Berzerk-like sword is hard to combo and his finisher is a disgustingly long 6 CT wait. Aelia’s finisher does great damage too, but she is totally outclassed by Lawfer, plus her normal attacks are hard to combo together. Jun is here only because his finisher does the most amount of hits during the regular game… making him the ideal starter for finisher chains.

D class are the average people, with nothing outstanding or absolutely terrible about them. They all have average finishers, average CTs, and are usually the characters you send away to Valhalla unless you happen to like them. Badrach barely makes it in here because after you send Lucian away, Badrach is the next best at knocking crap out of enemies.

E class is Grey. He has the weakest finisher out of all the fighters, and thus he is bottom tier by default.

Thanks for the tier list Strike.

I like Freya a lot, but her moves come out insanely slow. The Hit Trust on her Ether Freeze sucks too; I have seen her do 70000 to 350000 damage on Iseria Queen with a Power Bangle equipped.

As of right now, I am just doing Gabriel Celeste and Iseria Queen runs and just got my first Angel Slayer. I will definately experiment with it a lot more because I might replace Brahms with a Angel Slayer-equipped Lucian if he can do more damage; the same goes for Arngrim.

I will definately experiment with Belenus on your recommendation but I will definately have a hard time connecting finishers with him and Freya. If I remember correctly, Belenus gives 30 points and Freya gives 10 points to the finisher bar.

I like Janus but there are no good bows in Seraphic Gate. :wonder:

Even if I equip him with a Razor Shaft and a Power Bangle, he does little to no damage on Gabriel Celeste and Iseria Queen.

tier list of doom3 and halflive2 for the xbox?

I was curious about styles tiering in DMC3:SE. I have played through the game as with gunslinger, trickster, swordmaster and Royal Guard. R.G. made some of the harder boss fights ridiculously easy, and IMO is the best style overall. I havent messed with doppleganger or quicksilver, and though QS has some serious potential for boss rapage, few things are as good as having a way to almost instantly protect yourself when you mess up or have a laggy weapon (Beowolf, Nevan). Also, ultimate shield will give you free health on almost any energy projectile give a few exceptions.

edit: if this has been brought up already just tell me what page because I looked and didnt see it.

Comboing with Freya is hard because her attacks are so slow. Basically, you just have to make the other characters attack the enemy during her pauses, but it can be tricky. Her Ether Freeze weapon does have a low trust, but Angel Slayer’s trust is 1… which in comparison makes Ether Freeze seem much more reliable.

Angel Slayer users will surpass Brahms on average, but the damage is very random whereas Brahms’ damage is consistent. Seeing Lenneth’s Nibelung Valesti hit for 10 damage sucks ass.

Yeah, Freya’s Ether Strike only fills up the combo meter by +10, but you would only chain it 4th anyway because you should always save your strongest finishers for last to do more damage. Since Belenus’ finsher is so strong, only fills the combo meter +30, and doesn’t do that many hits; he’s supposed to be an ideal 4th person during the regular game. But in the Seraphic Gate, Freya’s and Lenneth’s finishers are stronger, which means Belenus will have to go 1st when chaining finishers… and the low hit count works against you because you want a high-hitting finisher to start. Belenus is much better during the normal game than he is in the Seraphic Gate, but he is still a lot better than peope give him credit for.

Archers are dead weight in the Seraphic Gate. No good bows (and no good spears too), make Archers and Lancers sucky.

Here’s a pretty famous video of Freya doing obscene damage with her finisher, close to 1.5 million: http://youtube.com/watch?v=kLeyHaeUahE&search=valkyrie%20profile

Here’s a video of killing Iseria Queen before she transforms: http://youtube.com/watch?v=HZltEQgrfxs&search=valkyrie%20profile

Heh, I might actually do a micromanaged build of a level one character sooner or later and see how obscene it gets. I was actually about to do a micromanage build for Freya until I saw how friggin’ hard it was to survive in the Seraphic Gate.

That or I will bust out a PS1 and a GameShark for unlimited Golden Eggs. :rofl:

I started experimenting with a Angel Slayer and Gem of Activity-equipped Lucian yesterday. He drops roughly 25 or even 30 fire gems per Shining Bolt. I used him with Lezard Valeth, Gandar, and Yumei. I would use Lyseria but I have not leveled her up yet but even then, it is fun seeing all of my mages do roughly 900000 per turn with Celestial Astral attacks.

Depends, if it’s just “playing through the game” normally then Royal Guard is best. The ability to defend against anything and dish out up to 3x damage breaks the game. In truth RG doesn’t even really shine unless fighting bosses, using it vs. normal enemies is kind of a waste of time. Also guard-canceling Spiral shots is one of the more powerful techniqunes in the game. A similiar effect can be done with E&I/Spiral but it’s easier/better with Royal Guard.

If you were playing an SS DMD run, then Trickster/Swordmaster/Quicksilver are much better as effectiveness and safetly takes priority over berserker damage unless the boss just has a very easy attack pattern to use Royal Guard against such as Agni & Rudra or Beowulf.

Doppelganger is basically the worst style in the game. Quicksilver when looking at the overall value in defense and offense is the best in the game if you know how to manage the DT gauge.

Lwellyn is hilarious against Bloodbane in the normal game.
That is all I have to say on the matter.

Ooh, good thread.

Baldur’s Gate II class tiers (with Throne of Bhaal installed):

Tier S:

Cleric/Ranger multi – Gets ALL priest spells, both Cleric and Druid. Also gets access to Ranger AND Cleric HLAs, so he can Greater Whirlwind alongside his summoned Deva, all while Stoneskinned and surrounded by Holy Aura and Aura of Flaming Death.

Kensai/Mage dual – As good a caster as a pure Mage, plus he can get to hacking in melee to conserve his magic for the really tough fights, all while Stoneskinned.

Swashbuckler/Mage dual – As good a caster as a pure Mage, plus a little bit of Fighter and Thief on the side. Not as powerful a fighter as the Kensai/Mage, but the thief abilites make up for it.

Tier A:

Fighter/Thief multi – Gets access to all Fighter and Thief HLAs. Greater Whirlwinds AND Traps AND Hardiness AND Assassination AND Use Any Item? Yes, please.

Cavalier – Immune to just about everything at higher levels. Ability to immunize the party against fear practically at will is priceless and frees up spellcasters’ spell slots. Some of his spells really power him up in a fight, both offensively and defensively. The Holy Avenger makes him even more of a rightous monster. Can also Turn Undead. Gets Fighter HLAs, and can also summon Devas. Also makes dragons and demons, the two worst enemies in the game, his bitches.

Inquisitor – Dispel Magic casts at twice his character level, raping every mage in the game. Oh, and he can summon Devas in addition to getting all the Fighter HLAs, just as the Cavalier can. Using the Holy Avenger doesn’t hurt, either.

Assassin – Best backstab in the game plus his special poison and the Thief HLAs. Lack of thieving points compared to other kits doesn’t matter once the levels get high.

Kensai/Thief – Better fighter than the Assassin, similar powerful backstab and Thief HLAs, but no poison.

Monk – Magic resistance, great armor class, great damage, Fighter HLAs, stealth, a true dervish. Only weakness is vulnerability to level drain that’s not as easy to remedy as it is for some other classes.

Tier B:

Sorceror – Gets more castings per day than any Mage, allowing him to tear it up. Weakness is that he can’t melee, thus he still can’t last as long between rests and isn’t as flexible as the dual-classed mages.

Stalker – Fights like a pure Fighter, plus can cast the Ranger defensive spells as well as a few extras on top of those, and can backstab. Real nasty with the Staff of the Ram. Gets Fighter HLAs, such as Greater Whirlwind, Hardiness (which stacks with one of his key defensive spells), and Critical Strike, which helps his backstab. Very versatile, can wear great armor despite his “restriction” and can switch from secondary attacker to tank when the situation demands.

Swashbuckler – At high levels, becomes hard to hit with his great AC potential, and also develops Thac0 bonuses that make him almost as good a melee combatant as a Fighter. And he gets Thief HLAs. Lack of a backstab does hurt, a bit.

Archer – Best ranged attacker in the game. Greater Whirlwind makes him a machine gun. Plus he can stealth and plan out his fights, being a Ranger and all. Put him in a party with an Inquisitor and no mage will live.

Berserker – His Rage, unlike the Barbarian’s, gives him immunity to Imprisonment, as well as the rest of the good stuff. Plus he can grandmaster weapons.

Tier C:

Most other classes.

Tier D:

Bard – All the kits are better. Standard Bard is not a good magic user, not a good fighter, and well, just not good at anything.

Druid and kits – Shapeshifting isn’t that powerful. Some good spells, but Cleric/Rangers can cast those, too, and do a lot more to boot.

Beastmaster – A summoner-type character that has the Ranger’s paltry spell allowance? And his woeful weapon restriction to boot? Is this a joke? Dual-classing him to Cleric at least makes him competitive, which is why he’s not at the VERY bottom.

Tier E:

Wizard Slayer – Absolutely useless. So many other classes are better wizard slayers than this Fighter kit will ever be. Plus the magic item restriction is just too much.

V-ismatic, do you have a tier list for NPCs or do you solo with your own created characters?



not too sure about Luigi and Toad. Since Toad was so damn slow and didnt have the best jump. Yet Luigi’s jump was known to get u in trouble

I dunno I’d put Wolverine 1st. Beast head-butt leaves him very open and so does his little leap attack move. Best move is probably his butt stomp lol
Psy is def. low she can’t do damage worth shit. Even though her psy knife is real good, it can whiff a few hits sometimes.

The class tier list was my best attempt to balance overall usefulness (solo and party). Tiers S, A, and B are all pretty good soloists, though. Most of my recent playthroughs have been solos.

I’ll go ahead and make an NPC Tier list for BG2, while I’m at it:

Tier S:

Edwin (Conjurer) – Best pure Mage in the game, an even better caster than the PC could ever be. Starts with an 18 intelligence. Conjurer is the best specialist, as a specialist he gets an extra spell per level, and on top of that, his amulet grants him an additional spell slot per level, which gives him as many castings per day as a Sorceror, but with the flexibility of a Mage. Beat that.

Keldorn (Inquisitor) – His class says it all. Mage-raper extraordinare, and also a great party leader to boot thanks to his compulsory high charisma. He’ll also be able to summon Devas when his levels get high.

Tier A:

Imoen (Thief 7/Mage) – Best good-aligned NPC Mage, and the second-best NPC Mage overall. Also comes with sufficient thieving skills to handle the entire game and the expansion. You’ll get an opportunity to boost her intelligence to 18 in the game.

Korgan (Berserker) – Best pure fighter. He’s chaotic evil, though.

Jaheira (Fighter/Druid multi) – Gets both Fighter and Druid HLAs, which means she’ll be able to wade into melee with Greater Whirlwind alongside some Elementals. Iron Skins, Insect Plague and Creeping Doom spells round out the package. She’s also the only Druid that can cast Raise Dead, after an extensive sidequest. Also the best romance, by far.

Valygar (Stalker) – If you can get past his lifeless personality, the combat versatility and the backstab inherent of his kit can prove very helpful. He could’ve had a better racial enemy chosen, though.

Sarevok (Fighter, ToB only) – Close second to Korgan as best pure fighter, only because Korgan has a better kit. Sarevok comes close because of his big-time damage Deathbringer Assault that can come up, plus his SUPERB stat line.

Tier B:

Aerie (Cleric/Mage multi) – Access to Cleric and Mage spells is great. But because it’s a multi between the two, her spells in either class list aren’t as numerous or as powerful as they would be for a more focused caster, i.e. Edwin, Imoen, Viconia, Anomen, or a PC dual-class Mage or Cleric. Her low constitution is also a major concern.

Jan (Thief/Illusionist multi) – Illusion spells aid his thievery, and he’s the only character in the game that can get Thief HLAs and improve his stealth and backstab (another part of his game also helped by his spells). If you use him and think of him as a Thief with substantial magical aid, and not as a full caster or all-out battle mage, you’ll find him plenty useful.

Viconia (Cleric) – Best pure NPC Cleric. Gets magic resistance for being a drow. She’s still not as good as a dual or multi with a warrior class, though, and she won’t light the world on fire in physical combat (this ain’t 3rd Edition).

Anomen (Fighter 7/Cleric) – Starts out mediocre at everything. If you do his sidequest right, he can wind up a decent caster Cleric with decent fighting skill. Better fighter than Viconia, but still pales in comparison to any decent PC dual or multi with a warrior class. Also falls behind Jaheira in melee at higher levels, since, unlike Jaheira, Anomen lacks Fighter HLAs.

Tier C:

Minsc (Ranger) – Yeah, yeah, he’s the loveable idiot with the hamster, but let’s face it: why is he a Ranger? He’s not really geared to be used as such. The vanilla Ranger isn’t nearly as effective as an Archer or Stalker to begin with, leaving him the utility of a typical Fighter with a few spells. His special berserk ability is uncontrollable and not quite as useful as a Berserker’s or Barbarian’s. He’s not BAD, but compared to Keldorn, Valygar, Sarevok, or Korgan, he falls a bit short.

Mazzy (Fighter) – The halfling is a grandmaster in short bows and also has limited use of the Cavalier’s Resist Fear and (sort of) the Stalker’s Haste. She can have her uses, but in a well-balanced party there’s not too much of a place for her. Any Archer will be better with a bow, and Valygar’s Haste affects the whole party, not just the caster.

Nalia (Thief 4/Mage) – Imoen-lite. A pure mage with a few thieving skills, but unlike Imoen, who supplies all the thieving skills a party will need for the game and its expansion, Nalia’s skills are far from adequate for that, and you’ll never be able to improve them. Use her during the part of Shadows of Amn that you may need her for, but Imoen or (if you’re evil) especially Edwin are far better otherwise.

Tier D:

Haer-Dalis (Blade) – For some reason, I’ve never seen the appeal in Blades. Sure, they’re good at fighting for being Bards, but they’re still not fighters. He can’t really do anything that Jaheira can’t in terms of spell buffs and combat, and a battle mage he’s definitely not. He gets killed easily too, thanks to his low constitution.

Yoshimo (Bounty Hunter) – Well, on paper, he should be the best thief NPC in the game. Then something happens…

Cernd (Shapeshifter) – Single-class Druids are good at getting killed in combat. Especially if they don’t have good dexterity scores.

DAMN RIGHT. Props, homie. Windows ME is bottom-tier as fuck. I had one once and it died in about 5 months, and I kept getting ‘Explorer has caused an illegal function’ bullshit. ME stands for Massively Enraging…and is to the Windows series as MK4 was to the Mortal Kombat series.

Oh yeah: Champions Return To Arms tiers

Barbarian. 'nuff said.
Dark Elf Shadowknight

Iksar Shaman
Vah Shir Berserker

Erudite Wizard
High Elf Cleric

can’t remember what the 7th class was, but it’s probably mid-tier. Erudite Wizards and High Elf Clerics are definitely low-tier though…they’re basically extra baggage for teammates of other classes. My mom knows…she went through a whole game with a Wizard, without teammates. I know because I had to help her do it.

Oh yeah…some more shit.

Sonic R
(Super Sonic is considered to have ‘boss’ overpowered-ness, and therefore doesn’t count)

Mecha Knuckles

Puppet Tails

Metal Sonic


Egg Robo

Sonic Drift 2


Metal Sonic


@Hand Hanzo:
The Shadowknight kinda sucks. Fun class = yes, good class = no. And how can you forget about the Wood Elf ranger ? Imo:


[S] Barbarian
[A] Ranger, Berserker
** Shaman
[C] Cleric, Shadowknight
[D] Wizard

Wizard is the weakest class, no doubt. Starts out strong, but ends up very weak at high levels. Shadowknight does shitty damage. Cleric is a little bit better than Shadowknight, since that class can tank very well.


Good thing we both agree on this: Barbarians are the shit, and Wizards suck.

Because usually, a disagreement ends with me getting neg repped.