Tiers for non-fighting games?

Nope. You can control the interceptors. But 12 bcs fully upgraded will take down 12 carriers fully upgraded pretty easily. Even if you don’t use Yamato cannon.

Starcraft is a very old game, but it’s still lots of fun. You’ll enjoy your purchase for sure.

Pokemon (no legends)

Top tier: Pikachu, Groudon, Ludicolo, loudred, Quilava, Venasaur, Gayrados, Alakazam

Mid: Machamp, Linoone, Camerupt

Lol… FAR from finished…

^I thought you said no legends?

Those aren’t tops either. Kinda hard to tier the pokemons, cause most of them have their own uses and purpose in a team.

**Top Tiers: **

Slaking - Stats on par and higher than some Legendaries.
Tyranitar - Beastly stats and verstatility.
Salamence - High stats no matter which why you go, ATK sweep or SA sweep.
Metagross - Slow but really high ATK stats. One Agility can set Metagross for sweeps.

**High-Mid: **

Swampert - Super versatile.
Aerodactyl - Fastest ATK sweeper in the game.
Gengar - High SPD, SA, and can be hybrid with Focus Punch to kill Blissey.
Gyarados - Taunt/Dragon Dance combo is a bitch.
Jolteon - Fastest SA sweeper in the game. Can OHKO Skarmory.
Blissey - Abnormally high HP and Special Defense.
Skarmory - Best physical tank. Spike/Roar combo beasts.
Starmie - Good SA sweeper with an array of movesets.
Ludicolo - This thing never dies if played correctly.
Dragonite - Above average stats and versatile.
Umbreon - Really good ATK and SA tank, great Baton Passer, decent staller.

What are the tiers for Pokémon R/B/Y? Are the psychics as abusive as I hear they are?

Yes, if you’re GREAT (i mean great) at cloning, you can fire 12 yamoto cannons and take out 6 carriers instantly.

That being said, if your opponent is as equally good as that, carriers can hit and run on BC’s all day long, since carriers are about twice as fast as BCs, and interceptors can attack while the carrier retreats.

Basically then you’re left with BC’s getting pecked away by the interceptors and never being able to catch the carriers. You COULD just try to take out the interceptors (2 shots= 1 interceptor), but that’s 48 interceptors… and the carriers can just build more.

But FTW, BC’s just go back home, repair and recharge Yamato, and win the resource war. :wink:

Yea, basically nothing did any real amount of damage above normal. They could learn a whole variety of moves so the could take on about anything, and their two weaknesses were supposed to be bug and ghost. All the ghosts in R/B/Y were also poison, so they ended up taking normal damage from phychic stuff, and all the bugs were pretty much, too. All the ghost type attacks did set amounts of damage, which is ok up until the HPs got so high that it didn’t matter if they were weak, lick was just too weak to take advantage of weakness. same thing pretty much went for bug type stuff, 'cept pin missile. Basically, parasect’s evolved form and joltion (wtf?) were the only two pokemon that stood a chance, and they really didn’t get better than a 50/50 shot at winning the combat because phychics just do SO much damage.

Maple Story

3rd jobs:


Dragon Knight
Ice/lit mage


Fire/poison mage

Dan tier
Chief Bandit

2nd jobs:



Ice/lit wizard
Fire/poison wizard


Hmm…I’m only about 2/3 the way through the game right now, but I believe Lloyd to be a little overrated and Presea to be underrated. Lloyd burns through his TP too fast for my tastes and the damage reduction of his combos hurts him against bigger enemies in bosses. He lacks a good stun move, defense, and all of his attacks are linear, which isn’t good for big groups. He also lacks a good crowd control move. Presea, is the contrary…powerful moves for little TP cost, little damage reduction, a tank, moves which are both good for linear and circular paths of enemies, and good crowd control.
But like I said, I’ve haven’t beaten the game yet, so take that for what you will.

My list would be:

EDIT–I have now finished the game…and am not afraid to admit being wrong about Lloyd. TP-recovering accessories help him a lot. I still don’t think he’s good at crowd control, though.

Top: Presea, Lloyd

High: Zelos/Kratos, Raine

Mid: Regal, Sheena, Genis, Colette

Rockman 8 Weapons Combos:

Top Tier:
Astro Crush + Energy Saver + Rush Bomber (demolishes all non bosses)
Rock Buster + Shooting Part + Rapid Part + Auto Shoot + Boost Part(clears a path)

High Tier:
Rockball + Energy Saver (broken jumping infinite)
Homing Sniper + Energy Saver
Flash Bomb + Energy Saver
Ice Wave + Rush Bike

Mid Tier:
Flash Bomb + Energy Saver
Thunder Claw + Energy Saver
Super Recover + Spare Charger

Low Tier:
Tornado Hold (Rendered obsolete at stage 1 by Rockball!)
Water Balloon
Flame Sword

Scrub Tier:
Exit Unit
Spare Extra
Spare Charger
Rush Health

oooh maplestory!!!

Top: Mages
Mid: Clerics Thieves
Lo-Mid: Archers, Crosssbowmen

ludi has carzy ATK power
Dodrioo is faster thjn aero
swampert has low spd
eons eat damage worse than remy
starmie has high atk and speed while lacking in HP and pp for its better moves


Dragon, Ghost, Ice

Water, Grass, Flying , Ground, metal Normal, Psychic, Dark, Rock


Thunder, Fighting


Fire… Poison maybe…

That sould roughy be right

I can agree with nearly anything but Bleu … She becomes around lvl 60 - 70 the best char in the game without any doubt at all. First thing, she can regenerate herself, so you never need to heal her with something else. She has the highest stats in everything, if you level your chars long enough (I know it takes ages). She also gains all the usefull spells you ever need. The only thing she lacks would be good wind and light magic, but who needs that if you got everything else …

I don’t remember for sure, but I think Bleu’s SHED skill requires some items to be in your stock (like she automatically uses the highest healing item you have or something).

The other thing is…magic isn’t that useful late game in BoF2, especially considering how hard it is recover AP in the game (what moron decided it’s a good idea to take away HP with using an AP recover item?!!) and how damn long the Infinti dungeon is.

She has also the highest normal attack power later on, just level all your guys around lvl 70 and even better more high (even if can finish the game at lvl 55 with no probs). Oh and Shed doesn’t need any item in BOFII for the SNES. I’m not sure about the GBA versions, there you also just need half of the exp you would normally need to get a lvl higher …

Oh yeah… I forgot how she keeps getting insane power-ups after level 60 (whereas everyone else gets nearly no power-ups at all besides marginal HP/AP).

But still…attack magic besides Angel and Death are nearly worthless late in the game…and she can’t critical like Katt or heal/resurrect others like Rand nor can she Banish like Angel Nina so I think she’s justified being placed under them.

My tiers:

-Rand/Armadillo Rand
-Katt/Devil Katt

-Angel Nina
-Iron Hunter Bow

-Djinni Sten
-Holy Knight Jean
-Bud Spar

-Lizard Vine Spar
-Mushroom Girl Spar


Btw, I never found Banish usefull. Even in the last super long dungeon why using it? To be a few secs faster. Once your chars get strong enough you never need it …

Oh and why Rand over Katt? He is slower does lower damage and hasn’t the best heal spells (k at least he has enough points to use it). Katt has also a better Counter Attack chance … Rand has also nothing compared to Keep so explain please and I maybe change my mind.^^

Banish is not an issue of time, but resources. Why risk losing your shaman powers at the bottom of the dungeon?

Rand > Katt in my opinion because of being more well-rounded. Katt is the best non-dragon attacker in the game, yes, but Rand is no slouch either AND unlike Katt, he can revive, heal, and soak up damage. He’s not as good and fast as Katt, yes, and he doesn’t heal as well as Bow, granted, but he does well enough and is the only one of the upper-tier characters besides Ryu and Maxed-out Bleu who can really take enemy assaults head on. Being the only certified tank in the game besides Bud Spar is important in BOF2 since the vast majority of party members in the game SUCK at defense.
Besides…Bow is only good for the final dungeon in his shaman form, and using Bow’s shaman form messes up the whole team mechanics because then you can’t use the shaman forms for Katt, Nina, or even Jean (although Katt is one of the few characters who can still go through Infinity un-shamanized besides the fact she can’t take a hit worth a damn)

It’s always my opinion in RPG tiers to look at the whole picture, and characters who can do more than one thing very well get extra points in my book. But if you’re going to tier character solely based on damage potential, then yes, Katt beats out Rand.

K, some good points there, I forgot that he could shield and tank a lot better, still the attack counts a lot more for me … So like nearly always, we can’t tier in a 100% perfect way …, I guess …

I feel posting some atm…

I sure as hell won’t post everyone since it’s been awhile since I last played, but I do remember who I felt was good though…

Shining Force II

Top Tier

Hero - Let’s face it, he’s got the best damn stats period, he can raise his str and def to ?? as well as his HP, this is already saying alot, he’s fairly quick, he equips with the white ring, give him a running pomento to raise his walking ability, Lighting Lvl 4, Egress is useful as well, plus he’s the only character whom can use the Force Sword, all of this makes him an absolute beast. His only lacking department is that he’s low on magic points, that’s about all that I can really say about him, other than that, he’s #1 without a doubt.

Peter(Phoenix) - The strongest character in the SF II groupie, you lvl up this guy enough, and he can lay down 70+ on criticals, and 50+ regularly, plus he can move anywhere on the map, and has a movement of 7 so he’s good when it comes to this, plus he also has excellent hp, one of the few who can reach ?? around lvl 25+, this makes him a monster, the only character who can honestly be better than him is the Hero.

Sarah (Master Monk Version) - For me, I personally equip her with the demon knuckles…sure, they curse, but it’s not that frequent, and when she hits, they hurt like hell. With DK equipped, she can easily top ?? for str, making her a powerhouse, not only that, but she also has healing capabilities, a very good mp bar, decent defense, solid hp, and I believe she has the boosting ability as well, which is a big plus when casting that on your own team members since it can cast in a group.

Slade - He completely sucks as a thief, but once you turn him into a Ninja, he becomes much better, but he’s top tier potential when he recieves his most powerful weapon, Gisarme. This weapon makes him a powerhouse, and not only that, but the ability to randomly be able to instantly kill an opponent is a major +. Not only that, but for a character who’s supposed to melee, he’s got a hefty amount of mp, and he can cast things like Raijin upon his opponents, which is a huge added bonus, so that he can attack numerous enemies at once, but not just one. He’s also got to be one of the fastest, if not the fastest character in the SFII cast.

Upper Tier

Kazim (Sorcerer) - Give him the Demon Rod and his str can go up to ??..just think, a damn sorcerer who’s not supposed to be a strong attacker having ?? for str…and he can deal more damage than alot of the offensive characters. Not to mention that sorcerer spells on singled opponents do phenomenal damage, and Atlas lvl 2 being the most powerful deals out arguably the most damage out of any character in the SFII groupie, this spell upon a single opponent can deal over 100+ damage, I’ve seen this baby deal out 127 damage…infact 100+ damage can kill almost any single enemy within SFII, that’s just freaken nuts. He has a gigantic mp bar, going into the ??, and with the demon rod, he can deal up to 35+ damage which for a magic caster is phenomenal. His biggest problem is that he’s slow, and his movement isn’t that great, other than that, he’s a great character.

Jaha (Can’t remember his name, he’s the dwarf kinda guy who’s the hero’s friend who joins at the very beginning of the game) Baron version - Give him the Rune Axe, and he’s a monster, he can actually reach ?? for str but has to have slightly more lvls then the others above to do so, but he’s got a good amoung of hp, and he’s got very good def, so he can take punishment from enemies. His biggest problem is that he can’t walk very far, that’s really it.

Gerhalt (Were-Wolf) - Very, very powerful, he’s got to be in the top 5 when it comes to just str, he can do damage that’s almost equivelant to Peter. He’s also one of the fastest characters, he’s got decent movement, and solid hp. His only problem is that he’s not as durable as someone like Peter, that’s really it, other than that, he’s very good.

I shall post more later…when I’m not lazy…my brains melting from trying to think back so far…I might just dust off my genesis just to start playing this again, so I can figure out the tiers again.

Does anybody have a tier-list for Valkyrie Profile?

I can imagine that Freya and Lawfer are on the top…