Tiers, huh? I remember the old thread, and I think we had the FFVI tier problem back then too (i.e. how do you rank FFVI?). You definitely need to specify what criteria you’re using if it isn’t obvious.
For a game like FFVI, where you can make all characters into near-identical killing machines, very very easily, I think you should take a broad perspective. I like to rank the characters based on overall status if possible, though I tend to favour the end game mostly. I do this with FFVI and FFX definitely.
ANyway, a few tiers of my own to add:
Final Fantasy X-2 Dressphere (yeah I know it’s been done; mine has more reasons):
God tier:
Gunner + Cat Nip + Highroad Winds Garment Grid (+ optional Haste Bracelet): Kills all but 4 enemies in the game one turn, before they can even do anything. Definitely broken.
Top tier:
Mascot: To be honest, this is theoretical since I never got this dressphere. Based on its abilities though, it certainly seems like it belongs here.
Dark Knight: Best boss-beater dresssphere. Defense is sickening high, attack is really strong, Darkness is a mindless and virtually cost-free way to eliminate all enemies.
Berserker: Best non-boss dressphere, especially once you get Counter Attack and Magic Counter. Really high HP, it’s insanely fast, and can basically kill most things without you ever having to touch the controller thanks to its counter abilities. Only drawback is its poor defense/magic defense.
Alchemist: Best support dressphere. Just learn mega-potion and you’ll almost never have to heal with items or magic ever again. Best overall team is 2 Dark NIghts + Alchemist, with Dark Knights casting Darkness and Alchemist using Mega Potion every turn. You’ll kill everything except for a few of the insanely strong enemies in Via Infinito. Alchemist + Dark KNight + Berserker, or Alchemist + two Berserkers is also stupidly good.
Second Tier:
Lady Luck: Surprising, I know, but I find this to be one of the better dresspheres. It has a number of useful attributes: First of all, it’s fast. It’s attack charge time is as low as the Berserkers, so it racks up hits quickly. You’ll be able to attack twice as often as, say, a Warrior or a Samurai. Furthermore, this dressphere has a very high luck value, meaning you get critical hits out the ying yang. Thus, this dressphere not only attacks often, but racks up a LOT of damage over time with critical hits. Forget it’s various reels abilities, as I find them all to be useless. The Dice abilities aren’t bad though (if there was a way to fix them, Lady Luck + Cat Nip would be almost as abusive as Gunner + Cat Nip). Double EXP and Gillionaire are also really, really good abilities.
Samurai: A strong attacking dressphere, with decent defense and HP. It’s a bit slow though. Special abilities are pretty good, though some of them (instant kill ones) are really hit or miss.
Gun Mage: There was a reason why I put GUn Mage here, but it’s been a while since I played the game, so I forget. I think Gun Mage has higher attack and defense than Gunner, plus has the benefit of attacking instantly. The various enemy killer skills are useful early on, though not so later in the game. Forget all the “Blue BUllet” stuff as they’re almost all crap.
Theif: Theives are self-sufficient, being able to steal items, HP, MP, etc. all day long. They’re also really fast, and their attack power isn’t terrible thanks to the double hits.
Mid Tier:
White MAge: A pretty mandatory dressphere until you get Alchemist, after which there is no point in using White Mage any more. The fact that it becomes completely obsolete is why I put it here.
Gunner: Without Cat Nip and Highroad Winds backing it up, this dressphere is merely okay. It has some decent damage-dealing special abilities, but nothing outstanding.
Warrior: Sentinel can be an extremely useful ability in certain battles (like against Trema - let your warriors no sell his 19087123487138 attacks while your gunner removes 200,000 HP per turn). Otherwise, this dressphere is pretty average. The special abilities are pretty terrible.
Black Mage: Magic can be reasonably powerful, but is just too damn slow unless you equip like 3 things to decrease the start up time. NOt to mention you need special equipment to use the stuff that really hurts, like Flare and Ultima. It’s just not worth it IMO. And in the meantime, the Blackmage has really shitty HP and defense.
Songstress: If status ailments worked like they did in FFX, this dressphere would be MUCH higher. As it is, most status ailments in FFX-2 have been reduced to a FFIX/pre-FFVII level of uselessness, so the fact that this dressphere can inflict status ailments with 100% success rate is pretty blah, as is the fact that everything it does only lasts for one turn at a time. Also, the fact that it can’t do direct damage is a big downer.
Bottom tier:
Trainer: As far as I have been able to determine, there is no reason to ever use this dressphere. The dressphere itself is strictly average (HP and MP Stroll aren’t as useful as you might think), but the relative difficulty of acquiring it, as well as how late in the game you get it, means that what you get is definitely not worth the work involved. Unless you like the idea of using pet animals that you can rename, this dressphere is totally pointless and redundant.
Final Fantasy IV Advance Tiers:
FFIV tiers
In the original FFIV, the concept of tiers was largely absent, because your party members were pretty much chosen for you at all times and you didn’t have a choice with using whom you wanted. Some characters were definitely better than others, but since you couldn’t choose who you wanted, it didn’t really matter. With FFIV Advance, however, you are now free (albeit only at the end of the game) to choose your party members and, since the chracters are obviously different from one another, it’s now safe to compile a tier listing for the game. So with that, on with the tiers. Note that these tiers are for endgame only, since that’s really only when tiers really apply:
God tier (S class):
Kain: Holy crap, what an improvement. Kain was battling it out with Cecil for being the worst of the original final five characters, since he was totally 1-dimensional and his damage efficiency was suspect. They were probably tied, since Kain could avoid a lot of shit while jumping, while Cecil made an okay backup healer. But in FFIVA, Kain’s usefulness goes through the roof. Kain’s trial has him gaining two things: DOuble Jump, a beefed up version of his regular Jump, and a new ultimate weapon, Abel’s Lance. Either one of these things would have pushed Kain to top tier, but having them both makes him almost broken. Double Jump is literally Jump with double power, which means that being armed with a spear (which he will always be, as I’ll soon get to) means he gets quadruple damage every time. Armed with the 255 battle power Abel’s Lance, that translates into a all but guaranteed 9999 damage attack every turn, for no cost other than the initial start up time.
And Abel’s Lance is stupendously good. Not only does it have a battle power of 255, it has the audacity to randomly cast Tornado, arguably the cheapest spell in the game. It even casts it on enemies that you can’t cast Tornado on normally, like Behemoths. Furthermore, since Tornado only casts when you select Attack, you can control when you want the spell to hit. Thus, Kain doesn’t suffer the same backlash problem that other characters with ultimate weapons that cast random spells do, like Cecil and Cid. YOu’ll never have to worry about Tornado getting reflected if you don’t want it to. So with Kain, you’re either getting guaranteed 9999 damage, or a heavy damage attack that has a random chance of making you able to KO the enemy on the next character’s attack, with no chance of it getting reflected unless you’re stupid about it. And on top of all that, the Tornado cast by Abel’s Lance seems to 1-hit KO Brachioraidos, the most powerful and cheapest enemy in the game. True, Kain’s still 1-dimensional overall, but now he’s so stupidly powerful that it doesn’t matter.
Rydia: Rydia was definitely the best character of the original final five, with damage output that was second to none thanks to her summon spells and black magic. In FFIVA, this doesn’t really change - Bahamut still owns everybody, and when you don’t need to break out Bahamut, you can mop up with Tornado (cheapest spell in the game, makes taking down high HP enemies a breeze, and very few enemies are invulnerable to it), Flare (guaranteed 9999 damage against a single target) or Quake (hits all enemies HARD, and cannot be reflected) - so she’s still one of the best. She still has low HP and dies too easily, unfortunately, though you can rectify that somewhat with the right equipment. Otherwise, her only weakness is reliance on MP, which isn’t too bad since by the end of the game you can make enough money to basically stock up on elixirs, plus you’re seldom that far from a save point, so she shouldn’t be running out regularly. Her trial upgrade is nice - the Mist Ring makes her Dragon summon cast a single shadow Image on all party members - but I found it more of a novelty that actually being useful. You can get a semi-cheesy defensive pattern going by alternating Dragon Summon with ROsa’s Miracle - Dragon summon will make you avoid attacks, and Miracle will heal what damage slips through - but it’s usually better just to outright kill stuff with Bahamut/Flare.
Top tier (A Class):
Rosa: A white mage is still indispensible in FFVIA, and even though Rosa now has actual competition from Porom, she still ends up on top. WHile Porom gets her spells a tad earlier than ROsa, ROsa has higher HP and higher MP, a better final weapon, and a better end-game upgrade. ROsa’s trial upgrade turns her useless Pray command into Miracle, which is actually useful. You either get the equivalent of a party-all Cura, or a heal all + curaga all, all for free. It gives Rosa something to do when you don’t need to heal really badly, but you don’t feel like wasting one of your 20000 gil arrows on some hapless peon enemy. Holy still kicks ass if you need the extra damage, but mostly ROsa is there to keep the party alive, and no one does it better than her.
Cecil: Cecil’s tier ranking actually matters little since he’s the only character you can’t remove from your party, ever, without a gameshark(?). But I’ll still rank him for the sake of completeness. I’d place him right about here: He got a decent boost in FFIVA, with a 255 battle power holy-elemental weapon that randomly casts Holy. Armed with such a weapon, Cecil is able to pile on the damage more than ever. And he still has a ton of HP and very high defense (more so thanks to his heavy armour and shields), so he’s still an awesome tank. His new weapon has some drawbacks in certain fights though - namely, any enemy who casts Reflect, like Wicket Mask and Proto Phase; also Brachioraidos and Zeromus EG, albeit to a lesser extent. A reflected Holy from Cecil usually results in a guaranteed KOed party memeber. But in my experience, it doesn’t happen often enough to result in re-equipping for those fights.
Second Tier (B Class):
Edge (tie): Of the original final five, Edge got improved the least. In fact, his trial equipment actually gives him a downgrade. His Hanzo Glove turns Steal into Plunder, and Plunder, to be blunt, sucks. PLunder is basically Mug, where Edge delivers a physical attack while stealing. BUt there are a number of problems with this. First of all, Plunder doesn’t increase Edge’s stealing rate, at least not as far as I’ve been able to determine. Plunder still has the same penalties as Steal, meaning that 80% of the time you try to steal something, you get a “Detected by the enemy” message and Edge loses some HP. Secondly, FFIVA has very, very few items that are actually worth taking the trouble to steal. The only must-have item that you’d want to steal is the Siren, which you need if you want to reliably get into a fight with Flan Princesses so you can have at least a miniscule chance of acquiring a Pink Tail for Adamant Armour. The rest is mostly rubbish, or are simply not worth the effort to acquire. But say there is something wortth stealing. Edge normally can steal an unlimited number of items from a target. Anything worth stealing is usually worth stealing in large amounts, but with Plunder, you end up killing the target, thus limiting the number of items you can steal! How is this a good thing? And on top of all that, even if there was an item you wanted to steal but you still wanted to inflict damage, the damage dealing portion of PLunder doesn’t actually kick in unless you sucessfully steal. So no matter what, Plunder is just total ass.
Aside from that, Edge does get some new weapons that boost his attack power to 255, which is good. This boosts Edge’s damage output to such that he doesn’t need to rely on throwing expensive Fuma Stars all day for decent damage. The fact that he can still throw Fuma Stars for guaranteed massive damage still makes Edge one of the better characters though. He’s just not any better overall than he was before. He still has two decent end game spells (Image and Smoke; Flame, Flood and Blitz are all useless at the end of the game, and Pin is always garbage as far as I know) and is still pretty fast. Unfortunately, his HP is still on the low side and his defense is still awful. So yeah: Overall, Edge is no different from before, which means he’s still pretty good.
Cid (tie): Cid is tied overall with Edge in the rankings. Cid gets my vote for the second most improved character, right after Kain, and tied with Edward. In the normal game, Cid is just there. He has high HP, but his attack is merely okay, and his special ability - Study/Scan - was useful back in 1991 when you weren’t familiar with the game, but is obsolete to anyone who has played the game more than once. His weapon handicaps him, being two-handed, meaning he can’t equip a shield, meaning his evasion is nonexistent, so his high HP gets taken down pretty quickly. And while much of this doesn’t change in the end game, at least his last two weapons put his damage potential through the roof. Cid hits REALLY hard at the end. And he has much greater HP than any other character. Give him some decent armour, and he becomes a great meat shield, soaking up damage and dishing it out in return. HIs final weapon not only has an attack power of 255, but randomly casts Flare which, contrary to what the description says, is non-elemental and cannot be resisted or absorbed. Unfortunately, Cid’s intelligence is so low that the follow up Flare does pretty little damage in comparison, but every little bit helps. It has the same problems with getting reflected back as Cecil’s Holy, but in this instance, Cid’s lousy intelligence proves to be a bit of a bonus, since he’s unlikely to KO his own teammates. Study is still useless though.
Palom & Porom (tie): The twins are tied in as well, and what I say for one applies to both, so I’m ranking them together even though you don’t have to use them both if you don’t want to. Both the twins are good, but are outclassed by Rydia and Rosa in nearly every possible way. The only thing the twins had over Rydia and Rosa is that they learn their spells earlier. Oh, and Porom has more HP than Rydia does. BUt aside from that, anything Palom and Porom can do, Rydia and Rosa can do better. Rydia’s summons means that she has more damage potential and versatility than Palom, and Rosa has much higher HP and higher MP than Porom, so she can last longer in a fight. MOreover, the twin’s trial upgrading of their Twin into Double Meteor, is quite sucky. A free Double Meteor sounds good on paper, but I swear it takes even longer to cast than a regular Meteor, and moreover, the fact that it takes both twins out of commission while it’s being cast is usually too big a cost in any fight where you would need Meteor, unless you have Rosa backing up Palom in the white game department. Bahamut is still better and won’t tie up more than 1 character, except against enemies who counter summons, most of whom you still want to cast Bahamut against anyway.
So yeah: Palom an Porom are actually pretty good, because black and white magic is indispensible in FFIV, but are outclassed by Rydia and Rosa, so there’s no real reason to use them.
Edward: Edward actually got a pretty sizeable boost in the end game, about on par with Cid. However, Edward is such a shitty character during the main game - easily the worst character by a huge margin - that the level of improvement only puts him into “okay” status at the end game. At the end of the game, he still has the worst HP in the game of the regular 10 characters, and is useless when near death since he automatically hides. Since he can’t do anything while hidden except reappear (he can still run perhaps?), there’s no usefuless to this special ability. While he cannot be damaged, he also cannot be healed, so it’s not as though he can escape death, heal in safety, and then reappear at full strength. On the other hand, his special equipment makes him actually quite hard to kill, he has probably the best overall stat growth, and his end game equipment and upgrades are pretty damn good. His last two harps actually inflict decent damage, with the Apollo Harp having the bonus of inflicting massive damage against dragons, including the Brachioraidos. That alone makes Edward useful, and why I put him at the bottom of this tier instead of at the top of the next tier.
Furthermore, Edward’s trial equipment upgrades his useless Heal into Chant, which casts Protect and Shell to all party members in a single turn! While Protect and Shell aren’t that great in FFIV (I’m not sure if their effects can stack - I didn’t notice any difference when casting Chant multiple times in a row), being able to shield the entire party at once from all damage is never a bad thing. If Protect an Shell were better spells then Edward would be much better, but as it is, it only makes him decent. He can hold his own and doesn’t die as quickly as his low HP would suggest, but all the better characters are either more versatile, can inflict more damage, or last longer in a fight.
Third Tier (C Class):
Yang: Now this is a sad surprise. Before FFIVA, I dreamed of being able to dump Edge in the end team and replace him with the powerhouse Yang. During the main game when you have him, Yang is great! He has enormous HP, high attack power, and is pretty fast. Power is a great boss killer. HIs defense isn’t so great, but his high HP makes up for it. Gird ups his defense, though I’m not sure how long its effects lasts or if it can stack. The main thing is, I always figured Yang at the end came would be able to not only hold his own in the damage department, but be able to last much longer in a fight than Edge, at the very least.
By the end game, however, Yang quickly becomes obsolete, and ends up being the worst of the final 10 characters. Deadly is pretty good, inflicting triple damage, but its start up time is atrocious, taking much longer to actually inflict damage than even Kain’s Double Jump, and of course he’s completely vulnerable while storing power for the attack, unlike Kain. Kick is as useless as ever, and doesn’t even inflict damage on certain enemies (so you can’t use Kick to kill, say, a Golden Flan that’s at critical HP after eating a Tornado). BUt even though his attack power is high, his damage output, not counting Deadly, is the lowest of the physical damage characters because his weapons don’t add to his battle power. Kain, Cecil, Edge and Cid all inflict more damage with their regular hits than he does with his.
Furthermore, for some unfathomable reason, Yang’s HP is capped at 6000, meaning that one of his best features - extraordinarily high HP - is rendered worthless once other characters are able to match him or surpass him. And because he doesn’t equip shields (well, he can at least equip a Hero shield, but only at the cost of his offense), his defense is still poor. So capped HP + low defense makes for a character who doesn’t surivve as long as he should, and his weak weapons means that isn’t hitting targets as hard hard as anyone else. He can still use Deadly every turn to inflict massive damage, but the start up time on it means that Yang is grossly inefficient. As it is, Yang is only somewhat useful against bosses, and even in that regard, he’s still outclassed by every other character.
So alas, poor Yang. He’s great during the main part of the game, but he just doesn’t cut it at the end.
Fourth Tier (D Class):
Fusoya: This is mostly for completeness sake, since you can’t use Fusoya at the end game without a Game Shark or something. Anyway, Fusoya is a monster when you first get him, being at a pretty high level, having decent HP and MP, and being able to cast every single white and black magic spell. If you decide to stick him back into the party at the end game when you have access to every one else, you’ll see that he just doesn’t stack up, mainly because his HP and MP growth are terrible, with his HP being even below Edward’s and his MP being about 1/3rd of what the other mages have. Now, I don’t know if it’s because Fusoya’s stats are stuck at the same level he was when he left - I doubt it, since his HP and MP and level get scaled upwards to match the rest of the party, so I imagine his stats would be calculated accordingly - but he’s just an awful mage compared to Rydia, Rosa, Palom or Porom even at the same level, on top of having less HP and far less MP. And his Health ability is shit when you first get it, far less at the end. So yeah - there’s no point to using Fusoya at all.
Tellah: Again, this is mostly for completeness sake. Tellah is pretty decent when he shows up in the early parts of the game, being your first source of decent magic damage, and eventually being able to cast almost all white and black magic (he’s missing Holy, Quake and Flare, for some reason). But thanks to a storyline limitation, he ends up being the worst character in the game overall. His most glaring flaw is the fact that his MP is capped at 90, always, so even though he knows Meteor, he can never, ever cast it without using items. And while his MP is fine during the main game, at the end of the game he would run out of MP way too fast to be of much use. But even if he had 999 MP, Tellah would still be the worst character in the game, because all his other stats are equally terrible. He’s got the worst HP of all the characters, even worse than Fusoya’s, and his overall Intelligence and Will make him a much, much worse natural mage than any other character. Yeah, you can techincally fix his HP and MP by feeding him Golden Apples and Soma Drops, and you might as well since you need to cheat just to get him in your party in the first place, but you can improve any character by doing this, and it proves nothing. On his own, Tellah is completely worthless at the end game, and there’s no point to putting him in your party beyond the sake of novelty.