Tiers for non-fighting games?

i think Llyod and kratos are pretty much top tier in this. its just obvious. Ive been doing really well with them plus Kratos has more or just as much power as lloyd and can heal. plus there stun attacks are quick and deadly.

Anybody got MK Shaolin Monks tiers?

Ragnarok Online? Unless a huge patch has happened, Hunters/Snipers are probably still top tier ;(

god, I remember RO. I quit cause lvling a spirit monk was BS.

ayame is god tier in power stone 2.

get 3 stones.
find a 4th stone and stand next to it.
use super ninja stars super twice.
pick up the stone you’re standing next to.
run around and pick up 2 more stones while everyones being juggled in the air.

Mega Man anyone?

Mega Man 1 weapon tier

Thunder Beam glitched
Thunder Beam
Fire Storm
Ice Slasher
Rolling Cutter
Hyper Bomb
Super Arm

Mega Man 2 weapon tier
Metal Blade
Quick Boomerang
Atomic Fire
Air Shooter
Crash Bomber
Bubble Lead
Leaf Shield

Mega Man 4 weapon tier
Dive Missle
Pharoah Shot
Rain Flush
Drill Bomb
Ring Boomerang
Dust Crusher
Flash Stopper (debateable)
Skull Shield

Mega Man 7 weaon tier
Thunder Bolt
Noise Crush
Wild Coil
Slash Claw
Danger Wrap
Junk Shield
Scorch Wheel
Freeze Cracker

I’ll have some stuff up on some mega man x weapons another time.

Ayame is good. Falcon is good. Voldo is bottom, Chef, and umbrella girl are all bottom. Check the power stone 2 thread from a while back, someone listed tiers there.

People always diss the Leaf Shield…without fully utilizing it.
As long as you don’t MOVE, the Leaf Shield lasts practically FOREVER. It’s a godsend in the Wily Stages where you’re on a moving platform and all kinds of enemies are trying to knock you off.
It’s also a godsend in Air Man’s stage wherever there the egg-dropping birds are. The baby birds give power-ups, 1-Ups, and energy tanks like crazy. Baby birds always home in on Megaman. Megaman’s Leaf Shield never goes away as long as he stands still. Leaf Shield runs through baby birds like a fat girl through cheesecake. You do the math.

Bubble Lead is the only low in Megaman 2. Only good for Heatman and okay for enemies on the floor or in holes.
Crash Bomber is mid.
Everything else is top except Metal Blade which is God Tier.

Bubble lead is also good for wily’s last form too. And I think it’s safe to say that no one can argue the god tierness of the metal blade. Also I think it’s the best weapon in any megaman game 1-8.

hmm… Mario is far too low. If you can do the 30x and 100x jumps, you must admit, he goes to god tier (+100 to all your stats? Yea.) Even dropping that, getting the lazy shell makes him do more base damage than bowser. Also, theres not really much reason to do high-powered specials in SMRPG, you can just sit on peach and have her heal while mario and bowser go basic attacks on everyone. Thats why I say

Mario(with 30 and/or 100x jump)
Mario (w/o 30x jump)

Onto Strykers 1945 II
Top Tier




The Mosquito can throw out Lvl-1 charge ups like crazy, and they do tons of damage. It charges fast enough that you can even do it durring the stages nearly continuously. It’s bomb saves you instantly, and kills shots for a really long time, and also covers the whole screen.

The Hayate covers the screen well, and is instantly saved by it’s bombs. It lacks the raw power to kill bosses quickly, though.

The Focke-Wulf is powerful as hell, and its charge-up blocks shots for a really long time, but it’s firing type is so linear that the base stages get harder. Owns up on bosses, though.

Shindin, I don’t, just nothing really special here. It’s bomb doesn’t even save it right away

Pancake’s only saving grace is that it wastes up on the base stages. Good luck killing a boss with it ever. Oh, and it’s bomb is horrible

Lightning has nothing going for it. It’s missiles track poorly, it’s charge up doesn’t do that much, it’s bomb doesn’t last that long and doesn’t do much damage.

replying to old post

I agree, it’s hard, even going through stats it’s a bit complicated. I think the stamina system should be considered as well. The CPU definitely cheats in the “press any button rapidly” submissions. I haven’t had problems with the “stop line in the field ones” so far.

Even with stamina, I’d put Kurt on high or top. He still has most of his moves, and he can still go even on low or almost no stamina, from experience.

By generic movesets, do you mean most everyone has a crossface and/or a leg lock of sorts (and other silly submissions)? I haven’t noticed the other similarities.

I’ve been playing HCTP again as of late. Is it really just Legend Undertaker Brock/Goldberg/HHH>>> everyone else?

[Suikoden 2]


Killey (9.6), Sheena (9.4), Chaco (9.3), Riou (9.2), Sid (9.1)


Hai Yo (9.0), Jowy (8.8), Rina (8.7)


Nanami (7.8}, Gantetsu (7.5), Lorelai (7.4), Viktor (7.2), Kahn (7.1)


Ayda (7.0), Flik (6.9), Futch (6.9), Tsai (6.9), Kinnison (6.9), Tomo (6.7), Georg (6.5), Eilie (6.4), Nina (6.3), Tengaar (6.3), Sierra (6.2)


Millie (6.0), Yoshino (5.9), Luc (5.7), Valeria (5.6), Freed (5.6), Meg (5.6), Pesmerga (5.5), Bob (5.4), Stallion (5.4), LC Chan (5.3), Hoi (5.3), Mazus (5.2), Wakaba (5.1), Hauser (5.1)


Karen (5.0), Kasumi (5.0), Gijimu (4.9), Anita (4.9), Shilo (4.9), Clive (4.9), Sasuke (4.8}, Miklotov (4.8}, Humphrey (4.8}, Gengen (4.8}, Zamza (4.8}


Gabocha (4.7), Rikimaru (4.7), Koyu (4.7), Camus (4.7), Hanna (4.6), Vincent (4.6), Tai Ho (4.5), Mondo (4.5)


Oulan (4.4), Badeaux (4.4), Lo Wen (4.3), Simone (4.3), Amada (4.3),
Hix (4.0)


Shiro (3.6), Feather (3.6), Tuta (3.4), Siegfried (3.4), Bolgan (3.3), Genshu (3.3), Shin (3.2), Viki (3.1)


Mekumeku (2.7), Mikumiku (2.6), Makumaku (2.6), Mukumuku (2.6), Mokumoku (2.4), Gadget (2.2)


Rulodia (1.7), Aziboah (1.5), Chuchara (0.9)

[Hard Edge / T.R.A.G.]

[S] Alex (Shotgun)

[A] Rachel (Close Combat), Michelle (Falchion), Rachel (Tonfas)

** Alex (Pistol), Michelle (Knife)

[C] Burns (Fists)

Never got Burn’s second weapon (gloves) so i cannot rank them.

HCTP is stupidly unbalanced with idiotic stats.

All Super Heavyweights with a 9 or higher in Strength and Durability >> Triple H, Kurt Angle and Legion of Doom >>>>>>>>>>> Everyone else

Ah, I think that’d also put Kevin Nash/Show/Kane on top then. Thanks.

This doesn’t work on anyone who actually knows how to play PS2, usually people who aren’t familiar with Wall Escaping mentions this method is the reason why Ayame is god, it’s not. Ayame is good, but not god, because of her aerial stomp always gurantees a stomp, she has a good aerial attack, ground speed and double jump but her shitty defense and crappy throw speed makes her hard to work if vs. one of better characters in the game controlled by someone who knew what they were doing.

Accel, Julia, Jack, Wangtang, and Rouge are the best characters in the game. Ayame/Ryoma/Falcon/Gunrock/Pete/Galuda comes after them. Pride and Mel are automatic bottom tier because they lack invincible frames on their wall attacks and also has very shitty defense. In their defense they have some of the decent Power Fusions in the game but it doesn’t matter if you can just lock them down in the corner and repeatedly beat up on them rarely letting them even touch a stone.

What do the numbers mean? How are they calculated?

Suikoden has a fixed stat growth rate for all stats and all characters. The rate goes from 1 to 8 and determines how big the chance for the character is to get a stat raise of 0-5. So the stats are easy to tier, here’s a chart: http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/7755/suiko2ranking43si.gif

The most important part for the ranking was of course how much damage a character can deal (i compared different possibilities how to deal damage with that specific character and which is the best way in the long run), taking important stats like tech, speed, luck and open rune/weapon slots into account (a fast and/or skilled character CAN outdamage a character that has one rune slot more).
I also took a deep look into the rune affinities of the characters if they are better magic users than physical attackers (that’s pretty rare in Suikoden 2 though, most characters are better fighters than mages). The defensive stats influenced the ranking too, although they are not THAT important in Suikoden 2.

A rating of 10 would be a perfect character who is doing the most damage and has all S ratings for the defensive stats. Killey has a rating of 9.6, he is the most damaging character in the game with above average defense stats. Every other character’s damage output was compared to what Killey can do, and ranked accordingly.

I see.

I suppose in Suiko 2 the most important thing is having 3 rune slots for the Double Beat trick.

But the tricky thing in tiering RPG characters is that it isn’t always just about dealing damage. Healing, support magic, and special abilities play a role too. Also, stats don’t tell everything…oftentimes equipment is more important.

Specifically in Suiko 2, I think range is a very important part of a fighter, and I don’t see that really taken into account.
Any M-ranged fighter, for example, with all “B” stats deserves to be ranked higher than a S-ranged fighter with all “B+” stats because the M-fighter is a lot more versatile, and seeing as the fighter wouldn’t be forced to be put in the front row, that just adds more space for S-Fighters (of whom the vast majority of Suiko 2 fighters are).

I would agree with you, but this is Suikoden 2. How important is healing and support magic when most bosses go down in 1-3 turns and random battles are over before the enemies can even attack ? I’m not even talking about the end of the game, after the first third of playtime your party will start to beast on everyone ::wgrin: the situations where you’ll need healing (or support magic) in a battle are so rare that wasting a slot for a rune of that sort is always a waste … unless you are going to play a very weak party on purpose ;]

That’s true, but not for the defense, it’s all about power boost or even speed/tech/luck boost. And everone can equip power rings. So this is only a factor when characters have a fixed equipment slot, and i gave characters a minus for that.

The attack range of the characters gets less and less important the higher you climb in the tiers …
So in general, unless you are going to play a below average party, there will be no range issue :wink: My last final party had no S range characters at all, and they weren’t even top tiers except for the hero (Riou, Eilie, Ayda, Lorelai, Futch, Kinnison).

OG shmup tier

1943 (arcade)

god tier: Laser. Hot knife through butter. Amazing and rare. If only it lasted longer.

top tier: 3-way. If you had fast fingers and stamina, you could control the entire screen for the entire game. It’s all about the diagonal shot. One quarter and 3-way would take me all the way to the last battleship.

high: Auto, super shell. High damage potential, and arguably better on large planes and ships than 3-way, but you give up a lot of maneuverability by only being able to shoot in a straight line. Easier on the finger, but not on the wrist. And by FAR better than 3-way in terms of sheer power when using the sidekick planes, but again, the lack of the angled shot means that you need to maneuver more than necessary. Too overbalanced in the power/maneuverability ratio.

mid: standard gun. Good enough. The Mario of guns.

low: shotgun. Just…wow. You’ve gotta really hate life to use this thing. Call it the Gadoken of 1943. Has the weird property of destroying enemy bullets, is the only gun that can be powered up, can do fair damage on large planes and ships if concentrated, but the super low rate of fire plus lack of range really hurts the overall effectiveness. A novelty gun, nothing more.