Anyone have tiers for Mario Kart DD karts? I’m thinking the toad car is top, but I don’t really know where any of the other karts fall. Any opinions?
I would say anything small, Toad Kart, Koopa Troopa Karts or the Baby Carriages.
Anyone got an idea on tiers as far as characters specials go?
Interesting tier listing for WWE SVR. Is there a tier list for WWE Smackdown 2 for the PSX too? That was the last wrestling game that I actually played seriously.
Sonic 2
Top - Sonic
Bottom - Tails
Sonic 3
Top - Tails
Bottom - Sonic
Sonic & Knuckles
Top - Knuckles
Bottom - Sonic
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Top - Tails
Mid - Sonic
Bottom - Knuckles
Wow…SD2 seems SO long ago for me…I don’t actually own a copy, but I rented it a few times back in the day.
It’s tough to say, but the fighting system for the PSX Smackdowns were really quite ridiculous at worst and sheer broken at best (still 100x better than the Acclaim-made shitfests, though).
If I recall, there were no stats for wrestlers, about 95% of the roster had near-identical generic movesets, and the only true difference between most characters was finishers (and with the lack of limb damage system, any non-aesthetic differences between lower damage finishers was close to nil) and weight class (only 2, light heavy and heavy).
So I imagine the top tier of SD2 would be any heavyweight who had the most damaging finisher (Rock? Undertaker? Stone Cold?)
I think Sonic has it way better than Knuckles in this game. The fact that he can do tricks with the different energy shields, has a more solid game (knuckles ends the game after like 4 levels iirc). Sonic also gets longer levels (well the first one anyway), giving him access to more special stage rings, allowing him to super up faster. Lastly, super sonic beats the crap out of super knuckles.
I think the tiers for FFTA would go like this. Change them if they’re wrong.
Blue Mage?
Time Mage
White/Black Mages
White Monk
Mog Knight
Hope that’s okay. If I missed any classes, go add them. If I made a mistake, tell me.
Just as a testament to the brokeness of the game, IIRC, Chris Benoit had a subimission move, “Neck Wrench”, that could be continually linked for a submission victory and you couldn’t counter it. As long as you got one in, you could keep mashing the input to continually chain it for the win.
Aside from that trick, I think Triple H was top tier in that game. From what I remember.
I’d personally bump Ninja up to top tier because they allow you to gain AP for 2 Action skills simultaneously, plus being human, have one of the best Totema in the game, and when combined with their natural speed, will be able to summon it before your enemies get a turn. Once you have access to all the Totema, the game becomes really easy, as all you need to do to beat any stage is to get 5 of your guys to get 10 JP before doing the mission, then just summon Totema’s until all the enemies are dead (as long as they are human, bangaa or moogle, preferably human or bangaa). Even the final boss went down easily to this strategy.
Hunter also needs to be higher. 10 JP for a kill is just too good considering the Totema that Hunter’s have access to.
Baldur’s Gate 1 (PC)
God tier
Top tier
Mid tier
Shit tier
Subject to some debate based on class choice.
Chaos Legion
God : Thanatos (Final Form)
In this form, he can attack ANYTHING without any damage to himself. Extremely
high stats, the single best stat booster, and his assist is just TOO powerful.
Top : Thanatos, (Adult Form) Flawed, Hatred, Blasphemy
Thanatos (Adult Form)
Very powerful, and tears right through Organic enemies easily. Tears through
groups of enemies, and his Assist is extremely powerful. Does suffer damage
from attacking spiked metal enemies though.
Flawed (Mini finger-bladed Legion)
Is able to attack both Organic & Metal enemies (More effective against Metal), are
fast attackers, excellent group attacks, can attack flying enemies,
Hatred (Big & Muscular Legion)
Does even more damage to Organic enemies, their Assist counter works on bosses,
and they are very strong in ATK & Def. A little on the slow slide though.
Blasphemy (Bomb Legion)
Is effective against every kind of enemy in the game, large blast radius from their
explosions, can kill enemies very quickly, can be excellent traps. The problem is
their high cost for using their abilities.
Mid : Guilt, Malice
Guilt (Swordsmen Legion)
Excellent Legion to us early on. You get a great number of them, they tear right
through organic enemies, and they are strong attackers. Once the later lvls come
by, they get replaced by the stronger Legions.
Malice (Archer Legion)
Like Guilt, this is a great Legion to use early on. Can attack from any distance,
tears through metal enemies, and builds up combo faster than any other Legion.
They are terribly weak to Organic enemies, and cannot attack close range at all.
Bottom : Arrogance, Thanatos (Egg Form, Child Form)
Arrogance (Shield Legion)
They have weak attack, and ONLY specialize in counter attacking. Although they
can do a nice bit of damage, you have to build it up via countering. Not that useful
Thanatos (Child form)
Very very weak.
Thanatos (Egg form)
Can’t attack. Just hops after you.
Pro Wrestling for NES
God Tier:
Giant Puma
(final boss–unplayable, even with Game Genie…trust me, I’ve tried)
Fighter Hayabusa
(once the opponent has more than a 1 second delay in recovering, you can back brain kick the shit out of him)
Top Tier:
King Slender
Mid Tier:
Great Panther
Bottom Tier:
King Korn Karn
FF tactics advance tiers
what about tactics advance tiers?
Anyone wanna tier the Suikoden Tactics characters?
I know for sure Lazlo (S4’s Hero) is God Tier though, and yes Lazlo is his real name.
Sonic Heroes Tier list (From left to right)
Speed: Shadow, Sonic, Espio, Amy
Fly: Charmy, Tails, Rouge, Cream
Power: Knuckles, Omega, Vector, Big
Maybe it’s just when fighting the computer, but it’s almost impossible to make andre tap out. I remember me and two other friends did a 3 on 3 elimination tag and ended up all fighting andre. My jericho and his angle ganged banged his leg repeatedly (walls of jericho/ankle lock at least 5 times) so much so that he started a sliver away from submitting, but andre willed his way up no matter how hard me or him tapped. Also those stats are crap btw. Bret Hart behind triple H in tech? Triple H being tied with benoit? BULLSHIT. Even in real matches I don’t think he’s EVER used a submission to win. Outside the ring he isn’t going toe to toe with benoit or bret hart period.
Virtual On Oratorio Tangram tiers:
GOD: Dordray, Grys-vok ( NUKE!!! ), Ajim
HIGH: Apharmd B, Raiden, Balbados, Angelan
MID: Temjin, Fei Yen, Apharmd S
LOW: Cypher, Specineff
dude seriously, alakazam is a beast.
wwf in your house
top tier
ahmed johnson- pearl river plunge is just too much
high tier
bret hart- elbow drop from middle turnbuckle had 0 start up frames and only 3 recovery frames. sounds beastly to me
vader- vader bomb that shit, like raiden
garbage tier
shawn michaels- he’s a faggot
OK. ( No particular order really )
Assassin ( I don’t have to explain )
JudgeMaster ( Broken, but useful neverless )
Juggler ( Smile wins )
Ninja ( Assassin is better, but Double Sword kills )
Hunter ( Ultima Shot + Weapon ATK + )
Illusionist ( Damage everyone - Think of a super black mage )
Sniper ( Well rounded attacks, often useful )
Sage ( Has an Ultima attack anyways )
Gladiator ( High damage user, has an Ultima attack )
Paladin ( Holy Blade rocks )
Blue Mage ( Learn enemy techs. and skills )
Mog Knight ( Also has an Ultima Attack, well rounded despite size )
Summoner ( I don’t know about this one, but I guess )
Elementalist ( Damage plus status effect, can also heal party )
Alchemist ( Flare and other spells and such )
Thief ( Steal: Everything!!! )
Dragoon ( Great attacks and jump really helps )
Gunner ( Attack from afar, status effects included )
Black Mage ( Great spells and such, weak phy. attacks )
White Mage ( Great healing spells and such, weak phy. attacks )
Time Mage ( Quicken uses MP, smile doesn’t )
Red Mage ( Can do everything a Black & White mage can, but no powerful spells )
Templar ( No real reason really )
Fencer ( Quick and attacks like a solider, great abilities )
Beastmaster ( Controling the monster is better than becoming one, plus helps the Blue Mage out big time )
Archer ( Well - rounded, has the concentrate support assist )
White Monk ( Great combat user, very quick for a bangaa or whatever )
Ruinseeker ( Not too many attacks at your command, would of been upper tier )
Bishop ( Bangaa with magic )
Fighter ( High Damage user, crappy defense )
Soldier ( Horrible abilities just screws them over )
Warrior ( See Soldier )
Defender ( Defense wins, but not in this game )
Gadgeteer ( Why gamble??? TELL ME!!! )
Animist ( No strong attacks, you must use your abilities every time )
Morpher ( They suck ass, period. )
I think I got them all, tell me if I didn’t or if you don’t agree on somethin’…