Tiers for non-fighting games?

i’m not too much of an authority, since i don’t really play (i prefer puyo but i’m not even that good at it), but one of my friends usually just tells me a lot about theory since he plays pretty regularly… i think he racked up a 30 win streak at Anime Expo.

anyway, the reason a mid drop doesn’t work is because when you build, you build an attack pile and an escape pile, and in the event of a mid drop you can use the escape pile to access the attack, or something like that. he explained it to me before because i had the same question.

but yea, it’s pretty cool how dan isn’t really low tier =P

Any Disgaea & Puyo Pop Fever tiers?

Final Fantasy IX tiers:
Vivi (Magic>all)

Stiener, Amarant, Zidane


Garnet/Dagger, Eiko (Give the ladies a racket & they’re death count will rise!)


Quina’s attack power can be very a lot sometimes, only her Blue Magic can be useful, however not many of them are.

X-Men (SNES)-
God-Beast (high damage potential, and invincibility frames in attacks), Wolverine (Dive attack has mad priority. Tornado Claw is very powerful in a combo)
High-Cyclops has so-so normal attacks. Optic Blast is the strongest special in the game. But has terrible startup.
Mid-Gambit (balanced) nothing special Kinetic cards are good against bosses. Enemis tend to overwhelm Gambit.
Low_ Psylocke has speed…thats it. too bad it aint MVC2.


From what I’ve played of Atelier Iris, Klein pwns all. I don’t know if this ever changes, but if not, than he is the ONLY character that can use mana items and do mana synthesis. That’s enough to put him in god tier IMO, because Mana stuff are VERY useful.

Jesus Christ, this couldn’t be more wrong…

The star stats at the character select screen don’t mean jack shit. No, she is not good at just about everything, she has many glaring weakness’ that I explained in detail in my last post. Her f.f.p special is the worst out of the top 3. In fact, it is complete shit. Her regular combo is the worst: bad priority, poor damage, poor reach. Finally, she has the least damage potential of the three off of grabs. Her only saving graces are her knife and her p.+j. special. However, I’d rather have Max and a pipe than Blaze and a knife any day, and her p.+j. does no damage and isn’t even really that good (though better than Max’s and Axel’s attack button + jump button attacks).

Lol, his ability to jump puts him below Blaze? What are you smoking? You’re saying that because he can’t jump as high it outweighs everything else? Axel destroys Blaze in every single category that matters. Her jump attacks aren’t even any better than Axel’s, save for her neutral jump+attack, which has better reach, but big fucking deal. With that said Axel’s jump-in down+attack in the air, is way better than Blazes. So there!

Max’s combo does insane damage and has great priority. He can clear a room with it while if Blaze tried the same, she’d be jabbed to death out of it. Axel can just grand upper his way through.

Also, if Max grabs, he can jump and throw the character at the crowd, not to mention land sick damage off of grabs. Blaze has a harder time getting in on people because her j.d.attack isn’t as good as Axel’s or Max’s. Axel and Max can muscle their way through crowds but Blaze and Skate have to runaway, it’s a fact.

Max always has the ability to slide out of a crowd. His slide move, while weak, makes him just as mobile as the other 2. Blaze would have to, what, jump out? Which is risky.

While the developers intended for Max’s speed to be his downfall, anyone who knows the game knows that it isn’t a factor at all. Maybe the game should have been more properly balanced, his slide or specials nerfed, but as it stands his lack of speed is hardly a factor and he’s the best character in the game. I still like Axel better but I can’t deny Max is top tier.

Wrong again. Blazes specials and supers are complete shit. Axel and Max completely own her in this department. Refer to my last post for a detailed description why.


Streets of Rage.
Serious business.

Anybody here played Destrega? Sort of not a fighting game. :bgrin:

I dunno how the fuck that game is tierd, but it’s prolly mad broken somewhere.

But it’s still fun as hell nonetheless.

That’s garbage, your just contradicting yourself, going from onething to another. What the hell are you talking about, a Tier Listing is about displaying a characters FULL potential am I right? Isn’t lvl 99 full potential? Isn’t wearing the best equips you can get full potential?..because quite frankly, in a game like Final Fantasy VI, at full potential, the individual abilities of ALL the characters are basically trash in the end, you can say all you want about this character can do this, this character can do that, but ultimately, in the end, it’s who deals the most damage the quickest.

Even look at FFVII onward to FFX, its following the same trend of who does the most damage the fastest and quickest are the best, FFVII, it’s Cloud(OmniSlash owns and can deal more damage then even KOR on certain occassion, like individual enemies, also it hits two more times than KOR), FFVIII, it’s Squall(LionHeart Owns everything period, nothing can even come near its damage potential, add Renzozuken with it’s damage too and it deals more damage than even Cloud’s famed OmniSlash from FFVII), the list goes on. In Final Fantasy VI, individual abilities are useless at full potential, I understand what your trying to imply, but if your stating what you mean, than your really not conjuring up a tier listing, your stating a “ability listing” because at full potential, the abilities of character individuals in FFVI mean jack.

On the Tiering for Streets of Rage, I haven’t played that for the longest time, but for me, and my opinion, I feel that Axel was the best character within the game, his specials where the best, imo, the >+A owned and had huge damage potential, infact from what I remember, the most, and his standing A owned as well, too good. Max is a powerhouse, anyone who says he isn’t good is missing a few marbles, his throws take off way too much to say that they aren’t qualified, his specials are excellent as well, both are very useful. I remember one of his throws that I would love to do, and it would destroy Mr. X in no time, it was his back break, or atomic drop, whatever it was, it was the grab where you would grab them from the back, and do that back breaker type move, took off chunks of damage.

However, Axel’s >+A took off more than even Max’s back grab, so yeah, anyways, I would put Axel at Top Tier for sure.

For me the top tiers are

Top Tier


Now, I don’t know if any of you play this, but I’m going to try and add my views on Lineage 2, the reason why I would need more help on this, is because I have not played all of the classes, which is the reasons why :P.

Silver Rangers: Imo, one of the most overpowered, if not the most overpowered character in L2. Has the ability to do 7k+ criticals, which is enough to kill many of the other classes in one hit, they can cast haste upon themselves, and play a runaway whore, makes them extremely difficult to kill, their most balanced battle from what I’ve seen is confronting another SR, or a Magic Caster.

Sorcerer/Elemental Summoner/Spell Howler - Ludicriously powerful magic summons, although the SH has the most powerful of all, and each are gifted in their own right, but they are all ridiculous, able to put you to sleep, or silence you, then proceed to summon magic upon you.

Dark Avenger - Now, I heard in C3 they have been toned, but I haven’t played one in C3 yet, so I really don’t know, but from what I remember, shield stun made them powerful, along with the ability to summon the black panther to help them attack you too. SS, then beat you down, repeat, and it’s game.

Plains Walker - Quick, able to hit numerous times, but most importantly, the critical rates that come along with those hits, they are extremely good, and I’ve heard from some people that they can even fight SR’s reasonably well.

Now these are from what I’ve know that are pretty good, I don’t have a specific rating for them, but I would definetly put SR as Top Tier for sure, that one I know and have experienced getting owned first hand numerously, if anyone else has more knowledge on this, please post:party:

Not that my opinion matters at this point anymore but as i recalled from way back when, Max was the best character from SOR2 as well. That weird block glitch took out bosses in like one hit! How cool is that!

Because Quina is the most broken/useful character in FF9 and far from being low ^^ (can deal 9999 wih Frog Drop + best healing skills).

Freya is awesome too, easiest 9999 to get with Dragon Crest (which is much in this game considering that even the best bosses don’t have more than 60.000 HP) + useful gimmicks.

IMO those two are the best charas beside Zidane. Vivi is good too though, maybe 4th.

Thank you

Dammit, why do people STILL not realize Omnislash is not the best offensive Limit Break in the game?

FF VII Offensive Limit Break Rankings:

1st: Cid Highwind’s…uh, Highwind (18 hits at 11/16x Base Power)
2nd: Barret Wallace’s Ungarmax (18 hits at 1/2x Base Power)
3rd: Cloud Strife’s Omnislash (15 hits at 3/4x Base Power)
4rd: Yuffie Kisaragi’s Doom of The Living (15 hits at 5/8x Base Power)
5th: Red XIII’s Stardust Ray (10 hits at 5/8x Base Power)

For a frame of reference, KotR is the strongest attack that can be mimed (13 hits).
See, once your characters get high enough that all their attacks do 9999 damage, the only thing that’s important is how many hits you can get in per command.

In FFVIII, by the same token Rinoa’s Wishing Star does more hits than Squall’s Lionheart and is thus better. Zell’s Armageddon Fist can potentially do more damage than either one of those…it just takes a LONG damn time and fingers that don’t get tired easily.

KoR is not the strongest attack that can be mimed. If this were true, it would be impossible to do speedruns against the weapons since KoR takes like 5.6 hours to complete one casting.

Wait wait, how did you make Cid and Barrets Limit break, take off more than Clouds, are signifying that they where all doing 9999 per hit? Because I’m alittle lost and confused by your 11/16x Power, I would’ve prefered, the amount of damage that is dealt. I know for a fact, that with Ultima Weapon equipped, Cloud will do 9999 almost guarantee if your on a high enough lvl, and once you go beyond a surpassed lvl, it’s 9999 guaranteed, as long as Cloud is close to 9999HP. Now I’ve power lvled Cid, lvl 99, and even then, I’ve never seen him deal 9999 per hit with his Limit Break, as well as Barret’s Limit Break. Also, KoTR is great, but I wouldn’t deem it stronger than OmniSlash, especially particularly at a singled opponent, I agree Mime+KotR is great, however, it takes ludicriously long to deal 13X9999 hits, the only place that I could see this being useful is up against the weapons, that’s it, against every other singled opponent, why even bother. I’d rather spam Omnislash, which has an even greater potential, and when you summon Omnislash, it is guaranteed to come out first.

Also, I’ve maxed out Rinoa, and she does not do deal as much damage as Squall, she does more hits depending upon her speed, and I’ve maxed her speed out, yet even by maxing her out in other categories, I’ve never seen her be able to outbeat Squall in damage potential. Zell’s “could” be “more” damaging in a sence, however, the randomness of how many seconds you get makes it very unreliable, and he also does not deal 9999 every hit, unless it is his final hit. Squall’s LionHeart, although random as well, when it does come out however, it is guaranteed 9999 on everysingle hit, no matter what, because it ignores enemies defense.

who cares cid is statisticly better than cloud any wayz XD

What’s garbage is you resurrecting the argument again after more than two months has already passed. We’re just arguing two different things. You seem to think a tier listing of level 99 FFVI god-characters has actual meaning and that ideally one should only judge the characters at that calibur. I’ve repeatedly said that it’s fine to do so, but my main point was a tier listing such as that would have little actual merit or worth. At that point, nothing poses a challenge to you. The end result of Locke hitting for 9999 x8 is essentially the same as any other character hitting 9999 x4; as either would be overkill. The analogy I tried to show you was tiering which of these methods: atom bomb, missile, tank, gun is most useful in killing a ant? Sure, one could easily make a case for the most destructive weapon, similarly to how you keep insisting on the greatness of Locke 9999 x8. But the bigger picture is that a tiering at that point is ridiculous in and of itself. There’s never only one “proper” way to tier an RPG, especially one like FF6. Do you take Esper bonuses into account? Do you take Merit Award into account? Do you take glitches into account? Tiering at 99 is the easier, but it’s not very informative, and it’s definitely not the only way to tier that game.

On doing damage quickly, if that’s a reference to Locke’s “speed” being some sort of superior asset in FFVI, I have already extensively covered why Locke’s speed is quite overrated. Active Time Battle takes into account battle animation, and thus while Locke may have the chance to strike first, unless you purposely take time out and power-level, Locke isn’t doing anything spectacular that first strike that someone else couldn’t do better just 1 or 2 seconds later. And anyone who thinks Locke’s high speed is going to allow him to “lap” other characters in battle and gain extra turns really doesn’t know how the battle system of FFVI works.

Your analysis on the multi-hitting attacks of FFVII+ in comparison to FFVI is flawed. See, while Cloud is doing Ominslash for 9999 x15; Squall’s Lionheart doing 9999 x20-something; Tidus/Wakka/Passedo doing 9999 x whatever, in those games, there are eneimes with HP values in the millions. These multihitting attacks are good because a lot of these enemies require several of these heavy damage dealing attacks, and thus a combination of good speed + powerful multihitting attack = good in THOSE games. In contrast to FFVI, no enemy has HP into the millions. Kefka, the last boss, has the most at what, 64K? No other regular enemies comes even close. Most barely have their HP breaking the 30K mark. Locke hitting for 9999 x8 (near 80000 damage) isn’t much different than Setzer hitting for 9999 x4… the end result will be the same. Plus your tiering neglects pretty much on how the characters faired throughout the entire game. Your tier listing is more of an endgame, obsessive power-level ranking. If you want to rank FFVI on who provides the most overkill, I’m sure your tier listing is the best choice. My only criticism is, and always was, that a tier such as that is essentially pointless.

1: Did you max out their sources from the Gelnika crash?

2: Critical hits.

3: See video.