Thursday 10/22 6pm SF4 session + Garou in Mill Creek/Bothell

I might head over tomorrow at around 7pm if that’s ok.

I might stop by as well if its cool with you. This is Channa btw.

Seeing as how 1. My brother hasn’t come home yet
and 2. I’m on the tail end of pulling an all nighter for my two midterms today

I think I’ll be forced to sit this one out and use the rest of the day to recover and focus on the bucketloads of shit I need to do for next week -_-

Sorry Brent

I’ll try and make it out but maybe not seeing as I get off at 8 and it takes an hour to get there but… we’ll see.

omw out now! be there in 30-45.

Wow that was a surprisingly large turnout. Good games and props to Pablo for beating me in the Garou championship and taking the Mucho Mango Trophy.

Nice one everybody. Good shit to you too Riki. Garou was hella fun even though only a quarter of my moves came out. I like it like that, makes it more interesting. Also, your Mike Bison is very scary now. Add another one to the list of people I need to watch out for.

LOL yeah seriously me and Sean where talking about how bad the X arcade sticks are. Anyone know how to mod those with new parts? I would definitely be down to buy new gauges and new buttons if someone could help me put them in.

My fight money!!!

Good times, thanks for hosting and the slice of pizza!

Garou was tight, X-arcade totally gave me some wins :smiley:

so who won sf4?

Duggish, can you show em the flash?

it was paullee vs channa at the end, but thank god they didnt play sagat dittos. They played Ryu(PL) vs Dhalsim(CH) and Paullee took it in the final round, with four seconds remaining, with a jump-back roundhouse after chanto had just teleported.

We then played some casuals for a bit and I whooped on some foos with my shitty balrog. Then Paullee killed my balrog with his own balrog. It was all good times.

Good games yesterday, thanks for hosting this Riki-oh! If you host another session, plzblv I will be bringing Fist of the North Star with me.

I think you can just drop in **Happs** parts; you just remove the microswitches from the buttons/stick, take the buttons/stick out, put in the new Happs parts, and re-connect the microswitch to the new parts. Not a real complex job, doesn’t require any soldering.

Yeah man we can swap that bitch out easy, free.

Jodonnel = Abel player with sweet 40 fighter custom stick?

Yep, that’s me, thanks!

Not trying to be rude but… it’s Channa not the chanto.

My bad man, I only saw it written on the paper and it looked like an O at the end.

I’m going to call Channa Chanto for now on because is sounds way more badass.

Also, I will most likely be buying new parts for my stick then calling one of you to help me put em in. I will provide a Mango Juice to however puts in the buttons once I buy them :wow:

Call me the Lone Ranger, then. :smiley: