^^^^^ See here is the thing… I am gon?na say it, some might not like to hear it… :razz:
Many of Cali’s major ST players/supporters (myself included, yes the truth can hurt) are a bit hypocritical. We say we love ST, get it back, no more HDR, ST> HDR, etc. etc. etc… But we don’t show up for events. For me it is difficult to make evens due to my life obligations. I think the intent is there. But when push comes to shove we just don’t do it. Not like you EC guys at least.
It’s almost like, if “they” can get the scene back, I am totally down to play it. But, I think some of us shy away when we see the amount of work it?s going to take to change the status quo.
DG&V gets mad props, they are trying their damndest to get the scene going, so they are not in the category. Many players seem to be a bit ambivalent about it as well, they don’t seem to have a preference either way (Skankin Garbage, Mad possum, BTC) , or they just prefer HDR (Milo, Aqua snake, EA Gameman). So it is tough to gain momentum.