I definitely hope this thread continues as some great points of discussion have been brought up.
Papasi: The newest FBA emulator found on GGPO doesn’t have input delay…however there is still one huge variable that is often neglected…the joysticks/pads in relation with a pc. Everyone’s pc is different, thus they handle joysticks differently. I’ve talked to quite a few people who experience input delay when they use their TE sticks on both XP and Win7. On my end, I’ve tried my TE stick, Hrap3, hrap2 with (pelican & sumitomo adapters), and my arcade stand (which uses a wired 360 pad), yet I still experience button delay compared to playing on console. Mind you, I’m talking about offline emulator play with several LCD montiors (Asus included). The only definitive way to truly minimize input delay on the PC, regardless of what brand of pc you have would be to get an older pc with XP Service pack 1 that has a parallel port. You would then need to use the parallel port driver in conjuction with having your stick/pad modified with a parallel port. All this under the assumption the actual driver recognizes your current pad/stick…you have to remember that those drivers were last supported over 5 years ago. I’m sure someone will mention the idea of increasing your usb poll rates. There were numerous threads on this site (tech section) and others about how that didn’t always work and led to unforseen consequences for all other usb devices.
IMO that’s why using an emulator is not a practical option. At least with console, they are fewer variables to control (just the monitor).
Also, regarding the Jamma adapter. The adapter only supports Psx hardware, what about the players who play 360 pads? Not unless a player is using a 360 to ps3 adapter and then still has to find a ps3 to ps2/ps1 adapter…and hope there’s no lag. The wiring for all of that would look like a mess ~_^ assuming it can even be done.