You’re really complaining about crazy kicks? wow. The new HDR motions do make more sense, but really it’s not a big deal. just hold the kick button. It’s really a non-issue.
And reversal super really is not a big deal. Ken and Sagat both have good wakeup games and Dhalsim’s super is already incredibly buff. If he had a reversal super he would probably be broken.
Well, never mind about the me doing the info gathering at Season’s Beatings, now I can’t go. I found out yesterday that my car repairs are going to be over a grand so now I’m broke. I also found out yesterday before leaving work that the place is shutting down in a couple of months so I’ll be losing my job just after Christmas. Kind of a shitty day.
I know it sounds kind of hypocritical not going while I try to help to get more people to show up for offline events, but I have to take care of the family first. I do show up to a lot of the local events that have ST or HDR even though I have twice the amount of responsibilities that a lot of the younger players do, so I try to do my part (even though traveling is pretty much out for me most of the time).
If someone else going to SB could ask around during the ST and HDR tournies the questions I mentioned earlier, I think it would be very informative for everyone. I’m sure I could at least get the total number of entrants for each one from Thelo or Ghaleon.
Thelo - Sorry man, but since I can’t make it I won’t be able to bring my 360 and the two 360 sticks for HDR I was going to bring. I’ll see if I can’t ask around from some of the other guys around here that are going if they can help out (or if someone reading this is going that might be able to bring some stuff). I was looking forward to meeting ya as well, Sumo power! LOL.
Damn, that sucks about the car repairs and the job. I hope things turn out ok for you in the end, and while I’m bummed that yet another HDR head can’t show up at SB, I totally understand.
First Silver, then Jiggly, then Mad King and now you too, man, SB entrants are dropping like flies here.
I just want to clear some things up. I have nothing but admiration for damdai and his contributions to the community (such as Supercade and Tonamento). I don’t take any pleasure in attacking any top players, I was only speaking my mind. I realize after some reflection that my comments may have been out of line. If they were, I apologize to damdai and to the community. I still stick by what I said, but I could’ve maybe worded it better without the personal attack. The last thing I want is more division and hate.
I also realized that it’s not really what damdai thinks of Ken’s reversal Super that bothers me (tho him using N.Ryu instead of N.Ken at SBO proves my point not only about the reversal Super but the Crazy Kick motions as well). I realized that my anger and resentment comes from the fact that damdai never actually congratulated Snake Eyez on his EVO win. Not once. Unless I missed it in a random post somewhere (someone please correct me if I’m wrong). What happened would be like damdai winning EVO and Choi or Valle posting that he won cuz of his overpowered character who is babyzone. I’m sure damdai would not be happy to hear that if he were the champ.
But even the salty talk is not the real problem. The real problem is the hate and division. From the beginning of HDR’s release, some ST players have been hating on it. Some players were classy and intelligent about it, like NKI, but others have done nothing but deride, bully and put HDR down.
tl;dr version:
In the interest of community union, it would be nice if HDR haters would tone down the rhetoric and actually try to discuss things civilly and without contributing to the divisions.
I both love and hate the babyzone comment. It’s a hilarious word and the fact that Damdai was so salty makes it all the more hilarious. But it’s also quite sad that someone of Damdai’s standing and calibre came into a congratulations thread to trash the character used by that year’s Evo winner.
The “babyzone” comment also personifies a certain viewpoint in the ST vs. HDR debate, which is that essentially HDR is too easy and not a real man’s game like ST.
Blitz - I agree with your comment about NKI. No-one can argue that NKI isn’t hardcore, and he played with HDR Chun and didn’t like what he saw, so he switched to Dic. That’s a pragmatic, calm approach that should be admired.
I think that’s too broad a brushstroke. It seems to me that quite a number of people who prefer ST are still passively -or even actively- supportive of HDR.
I congratulated snakeeyez in person at EVO. I have nothing against him. What I had a problem with was people comparing him to the Japanese gods in the realm of ST.
Me using Ryu at SBO proving your points about Ken is as ridiculous as saying me using T. Hawk at SB:R proves that Ryu sucks without a fake fireball. I go through evolutions with different characters. I started with Gief, then Ken, then Ryu, now I'm enjoying Hawk and Fei. If you watched our ST stream this past saturday, you would've seen me pressuring Dhalsim with walkup sweep all day without ever getting an accidental crazy kick.
How the hell does that prove anything? Really I have no idea how you make your logical leaps.
You really think that Ken’s super glitch and crazy kicks is why Damdai chose to use N.Ryu over N.Ken? You dont think it has anything to do with Ryu just being better and him being better with ryu?
i just want to say that i am someone that got hooked by HDR. i eventually got an arcade ST cab for fun, and i now play on GGPO. i prefer ST over HDR now. as soon as i feel i stand a chance against top players, i may go to some tourneys. glad im on the EC where ST lives!
I’ll co-sign this. No matter how good the net-code is, it’s easier to get away with some things online. Playing offline really helps you understand which gimmicks you can and can’t rely on. It’s also good to become comfortable in a tournament atmosphere. Plus, it’s just a lot of fun! Most people are really chill and friendly in person.
Like Rufus said, you also have to consider that many of the players who have come to disregard HDR are the same ones who have been the biggest supporters of HDR where it matters: on the offline battlefield. I know you attended a Canadian tourney, blitzfu, but maybe if you and others saw the impressive rise and then disheartening decline of HDR in tourneys like US EC players did, you’d hold a different viewpoint now.
I agree that there are a few players who’ve criticized HDR and haven’t played offline, which doesn’t reflect well on their attempts to make fair judgments. But in the same vein, there are many online who praise HDR yet have never acted on it and ought to be holding themselves more responsible.
Since damdai was brought up, let’s consider his credentials (outside of a reputation for bitterness): he has likely attended more HDR tourneys than anyone in history. Since he’s been the biggest real supporter of the game, I think he has every right to say anything about HDR he wants. Although I know I wasn’t labeled in the hate group, I’ve participated in over a dozen HDR tourneys and that’s why I also post about the game without hesitation.
In the online vacuum, it’s easy to assume that things were going great and that the ST fans are preventing the game from rising with our complaints. But that’s confusing the cause and effect. Rather, it’s the game falling that’s drawing our efforts away from it. In the end, the only way to show your conviction is to show up. That’s what Cali has done and why their group of players can be admired. HDR seems to be working well for them and I’m happy for that. But for everyone else (well, apparently not in the midwest, sorry), the scene is still waiting for you.
Sorry for the break in fatboy’s clever and appropriate slideshow but I just wanted to keep drilling that point in until everyone realizes that it’s on their shoulders to support the point they want to make. There’s a lot of offline discussion that never pops up online, and which sometimes seems to cause online observers surprise and consternation when acted upon.