Thoughts on ST in Tougeki SBO & Japan

My head just exploded, Johnny Cab style. Why do I get the discipline talk? He started it ;p

Thanks papasi. I’m not entirely in the twilight zone.

Damdai’s appeal to authority is baby-zone.

When Damdai says you have no credentials to be discussing ST it probably means that you don’t. What’s sad Blitzfu is that your misinformed comments about N.Ken in ST are not new at all. You left a similar post in the ST forums and JohnRambo had to point out the flaws in your post yet you clearly didn’t read his post because above you just repeated those same flawed points. You are not an intermediate player in ST and you have clearly almost no understanding of ST whatsoever. All you seem to do is theory fight about ST without actually ever playing it. Take the time to go on GGPO or see if anyone is playing HD Classic Mode and try actually properly learning ST and N.Ken before you comment on them.

And by the way. The reason that guys like NKI, Nohoho, or Damdai, don’t post strategies or post at SRK about SFII anymore is because low level SFII posters have created too much noise on the forums. Before HDR came out lots of top players would post their strategies and thoughts about SFII. Now we have posters like Blitzfu drowning out the voices of top players making the site worse for SFII players overall.

Blitzfu. When you post about ST you contribute absolutely nothing because you don’t play nor understand ST. And worse is that when guys like Damdai, guys who have lots of tournament success with SFII, see your posts, it makes them want to not post on SRK about SFII. If HDR players are going to continually talk about ST then at least play ST and not just theory fight and pretend you know about ST. And same goes for the other way around of course.

Since it’s not getting locked can someone at the very least move it to the ST section so all the ST knights in shining armor can whine about the terribly uninformed and non contributing HDR players somewhere else.

Yo this is HDR forum. Who da ya think Thelo’s favorite child is? Just j/k. Please don’t take it seriously.

And shari is trying to bait everyone yet again. (hahahahaha will be followed)

Ugh, what happened here? :rolleyes: You know things have gone south when VFF posts (LOL). I was hoping we could continue the brainstorming about growing the SF2 community but we go right back into the ST v. HDR bullcrap. Sigh. I’m starting to think there is no future for SF2. I’m not into SSF4 at all, when does Gears of War 3 come out? I give up on fighting games. LOL.

**Fulaani **- Did you see my questions about your ranbats? I’m actually really curious and they got drowned out by the nonsense.

What will happen if at **Season’s Beatings **the HDR side tourney has way more numbers than the arcade ST tourney (I know ST is a $50 high stakes official tourney game so it’s not a direct comparison). What if its the other way around and no one enters the HDR side tourney and the ST one is huge. Will it mean anything or not? What if it’s basically a tie (which is very probable).

You have to keep in mind that many ST players have historically participated in HDR tourneys anyway, whereas the reverse oftentimes isn’t the case, so that would skew the results further. If you’re looking to see which camp SF2 players at SB fall into, an accurate test you could perform would be to take a poll of all the players who enter either ST or HDR and see which version they prefer (no ties allowed). If you could list the results afterward, I think it’d be interesting for online folks to see.

That’s a good idea, I’ll also ask if they would have traveled if whichever version they prefered was the only one that was offered (I know for me I’m more likely to travel if both ST and HDR are at a tourney since I don’t really play SSF4 and only play casually most other fighting games).

You won’t be there Ganelon? If not that’s a shame. And if not, would you have entered the HDR side tourney (I already know which version you prefer, obviously)?

I honestly think you would be happier if you didn’t read these forums, am I wrong?

VF, you know I love you man. But these forums really aren’t busy at all. All this talk of NKI or NH2 running scared because they see some people posting beginner stuff just doesn’t seem realistic to me…

Why don’t we all agree, that until america revives arcades, the ST/HDR scene is pointless in the grand scheme of thing. Actually any fighting game for that matter.

Yeah, that’s bullshit. There was barely any activity on the ST wiki before HDR came out. If anything, there’s been a lot more than average activity on both the ST and HDR wiki since HDR’s release.

Can someone please ban VFF from the HDR section again? All he does is clutter up threads.

Ok guys, I really don’t want to have to use my mod powers to delete posts and such. Can we *please *keep it civil?

Also, I’ve said this a couple of times, but debating the bugs/changes between these games will get us nowhere. None of the ST guys care about the bugs, random input windows, throw loops, O.Sagat/Claw, etc. None of the HDR guys care about people not liking 100% of the changes, easier inputs, Fei plays differently, etc. You can keep spinning around in circles on this if you like, but it’s only going to make you dizzy.

Blitzfu: The reversal super bug isn’t as cut and dry as you think. Like the stored Super/Ochio/Flip Kick bugs, people don’t really care that they’re bugs any more. They only care about balance and how it affects that characters play style. With Ken, it doesn’t help him stop people from jumping at him, it just ups your damage if they’re stupid enough to do so. For Sim, nobody would argue that his wake-up game is good. They argue that the rest of his game is so good that he deserves a garbage wake-up game. For N.Sagat…well, he just sucks. :rofl:

Damdai: Dude, you’re cool and all, but maybe take the arrogance level down a notch? There’s no need to insult everyone on this board just because you got into a heated argument. In reality, the very top players rarely posted back on the ST boards too. It wasn’t Choi, Valle, Watson, Cole, etc. constantly discussing things. It was up-and-coming top players like NKI and others that kept it lively.

I think this is a much more constructive topic to talk about if anyone would care to. Anybody have any thoughts or ideas about how to do this?

Excellent, it’s always good to have a clearer picture of the current scene. And yeah, I have a late Sat. wedding to attend next week so no need to brush up too hard on wall dive defenses.

If I were able to come, I would enter both tourneys because even though the timing feels quite different to me now, that’s still 2 chances to perform well. In my current mindset, I probably wouldn’t have the motivation to come for only HDR though. But please don’t count me in your list; by not attending, I should matter as little in this situation as your common online player who doesn’t show up to tourneys.

Anyway, I’ve been pretty busy since returning and haven’t been able to practice any SF2 so maybe this scheduling conflict was fortunate.

About Season’s Beatings, to be honest, if the entry fees were equal and there were no controller issues, I would expect a majority of players to enter both old ST and HDR, because hey, while they’re there, why not. That’s mostly my own reasoning for entering the high-stakes ST, anyway - I already traveled a thousand kilometers to be there, so it would be a waste to refuse to enter a game I know how to play.

At the actual Season’s Beatings tourney, though, I except some players to be turned away from old ST because of the high entry fee (and possibly because of the arcade controls?), and some to be turned away from HDR because they don’t have an Xbox stick handy (though I hope players won’t be shy and accept other players using their sticks for the tourney). Both of these are kind of a shame.

I can’t speak for other players, but I’m personally very unlikely to travel to a tourney if HDR is not featured (see: NEC). However, I’ll enter any old ST (or Virtua Fighter) tourneys if I happen to be there already, since at that point, the entry fee is absolutely dwarfed by the cost of travel anyway.

I found a fucking good quote from Oichi today:

Versus City ? Blog Archive ? 10.10.2010 ? A Perfect Storm

So instead of everyone else bitching about their game not being featured ,

(silver0007 & thelo and co getting all defensive when SBR make ST official and push HDR to the side, and others hoping ST arcade can come back to EVO, which I think that HDR is the best bet for SF2 to stay at EVO main)

Why don’t we just be happy that fighting game in general is getting a revival as one of the popular e-sports, along side with FPS and RTS? And as a side effect we’ll have more potential players adding to the pool as we convert them from ssf4 (what a piece of shit).

I think it’s a unrealistic goal to revive SF2 to back to its golden day while there are so many other things that are getting people’s attention and time.

Sort of like TV doesn’t have as powerful a influence as it has before the internet boom.

A more realistic goal is to convert one royal SF2 fan at a time.

As long as there are still modern platforms (PC / latest generation console) to play the game on, there is still hope that the number can maintain over time and probably grow a little by little. (and people who dropped the game still come back to it, I’m seeing apoc and rekkaken these days, cigarbob was like wtf? but he’s also guilty as fuck)

Realize that SF2 has no marketing behind it now (unlike tekken / SSF4) so I guess we are doing a fantastic job and hats off to people like DGV who fight for both sides.

For me, personally. I don’t really mind EVO not featuring ST given their constraint. It’s like SBO, ST is not their main game. When they have it, excellent. Xmania is what ST is about anyway.

I hope that one day one of the majors in US will be like Xmania to ST as SBR is to marvel.
So every year all top ST heads will gather together and battle it out.

And if SBR is to marvel and I hope EVO is to HDR, and every year we can see all top HDR heads battle it out while current/ex-ST player can jump in and spice it up and let you fools know that ST folks can play HDR head to head / shoulder to shoulder any day but not the other way around :slight_smile:

Despite what I said above, I’m a shark and I’ll continue to advertise my opinion that ST is the better game and corrupt all HDR-only players if I have the chance. You are welcome to do the opposite and corrupt ST players to your side. I like my chances :slight_smile:


BTW john choi is spreading the words that there is no more SF2 the coming EVO. So people from both sides should make as much noise as possible if it is official and let them undo their wrongs.

If they ask for a poll, make bogus accounts if you have to because SF2 cannot be beaten by BB / AH or whatever)

Papasi, L?O?L?

Link? Anyone high up care to comment?

Great post Possum (we SSF2 fans always seem to think alike lol). You brought up some interesting questions that actually mirror mine towards the upcoming majors in Cali. Would using Classic Mode for Socal/NorCal/Warzone Regionals produce a better turnout than the prior year with HDR (Socal Regionals excluded since this is the first year of its existence)? In the Pacific South thread, there was a group of guys who created a thread about organizing local arcade ST gatherings. Many of those guys were actually ggpo regulars. I’m curious if they, along with other West Coast ggpo players, would actually attend a Classic Mode regional event…and before someone asks…I’ll definitely pass on the word to them about the Denjin Ranbats and Wednesday Night gatherings in SoCal :smiley:

Sorry for introducing more questions then answers, but I’m curious to get the opinions of west coast players since we have 3 big events coming. Would you guys be willing to try out ST/aka Classic Mode in order to see if we can garner a better turnout than the usual 30-35 players per event from the past? I also thought about going the side tourney route for ST, but (haha another question being asked) would guys be willing to drive out just for a side tournament? Comments…please :karate:

Papasi: Hopefully that stuff is just a rumor; granted Evo 2011 will have alot of competition vying for the remaining spots (obviously SSF4,MVC3 are givens). If necessary we all should just visit the old SF fansites (which were mostly SF2 based), xbox SF HF forums, etc… and just tell them to register and vote…instilling wise words…“a vote for SF2 is a vote for all things good in this world” :wgrin:

you know what ever you guys decide to do im all up for it, I have traveled many miles to play Super T/Hd Remix, showed up to tournaments that were over 800 miles for me to travel to show up to a 12 man tournament… I love this game and i do everything possible to try and get people off their asse’s and stop talking shit behind a monitor and actually come show up and support your game…

It’s very frustrating sometimes… Come join us at Denjin if your near by we will be there this sat Oct 9th @5pm for Ranbat 3.4 sorry just venting a little…

As for st gathering in Cali that would be dope, you guys know denjin arcade has a working st cab for .25 a game we can all meet there have casuals get dinner nad have fun, but people hate traveling and rather sit at the comfort of their own home and play…

DGV: honestly i dont think classic will bring more people… its the honest truth and we need to accept it, if anything we got more people with hdremix and it seperated both communites. We now have the HDremix crowd and all the people that talk crap about it on GGPO its soo funny