Thoughts on ST in Tougeki SBO & Japan

Cool thanks. Say if availability were not an issue, what verison do you suspect would be used the most, or you would see as the best version to use, the DC I presume? I’ve only played the DC verion a few times at SVB, but I like the idea of it. Seems like an official update to ST that addresses certain issues without messing with too much stuff. I really gotta get a DC someday.

Would people like that or do you think they would still not take to it because “it’s not the arcade version”?

Capkore AE with only Super and SuperX characters is a fine substitute and was used in several tournaments. The only glaring problem is N. characters not being able to tech O. characters throws. Aside from that it’s fine to play ST using Capkore AE restricting the character selection to Super and SuperX. NKI agreed when I asked him.

Without the DC version, and some people disliking HDR graphics even with old sprites (understandable) I like using it.

Personally speaking I believe I do what I can. Running online tournaments but at the same time promoting offline tournaments to online players - No-one’s said it to me directly but I think I’ve already helped encourage quite a few people to come along to UK HDR stuff already. I’m a big believer in grass roots development. I wish the HDR game itself facilitated a lot more of things, but Capcom don’t even do the things that I believe they should be doing with SFIV so there’s very little hope (well, none) for them to do anything for SFII, so yeah, doing what I can at least.

If you know about offline events, message your online friends to let them know. It’s surprising how many people simply do not know what is on and are quite interested when you tell them. :slight_smile:

i don’t really see this much anymore… i mean, sure in forums there’s usually an abundance of abrasive behavior, but overall, people are pretty helpful when it comes to learning the game. i’ve had people give me pointers and vice versa on online matches many times especially when i’m trying to learn a new character. i’ve never been afraid to ask for pointers from anyone while playing or after the match is over.

one problem is how many people don’t do the research or put their time in. you look at the people complaining about paying a few bucks for dlc. that’s nothing compared to what many of us used to spend on a weekend night in the arcade. how many people out of the new schoolers actually sit down and practice the “juice kick?” it’s a waste of time if the majority of those “trying” to learn the game don’t put in the effort.

another major problem (to the newbies’ credit) is the online reversal window. it isn’t something you can really learn since 1 frame reversal is pretty much impossible with online lag. nothing is more frustrating than practicing and playing a game where lag has such a significant influence over something so integral. by no means am i suggesting giving a larger reversal window for online play, i’m just saying how difficult it is to learn the game when lag makes the game so frustrating.

a zang player can just spin his controller around many times and piano the keys for a reversal and have a significantly higher percentage of reversals than someone who is trying for a reversal with a dp motion. charge characters are ever worse off with their one-shot deals. how do you convince someone this is a better overall game when there exists this much disparity in online gameplay? if you can’t convince them about online playing, forget about convincing them about offline.

hopefully fiber-optics eventually makes this a moot point. i’m also hoping that capcom takes another look at this game. it obviously still has a major fanbase both here and in japan so the potential for making money exists. with digital arcade gaming, i don’t see why they couldn’t create an hi-def ST version without bugs and make money in the process.

I like the Capkore AE most because DC has the same problem of CPS2 (hard to get DC + stick + game).

PS2 is as ubiquitous as PS3 and PS2 stick/pad are widely available.

And the game is still available for $25 bucks

Buy Hyper Street Fighter II: The Anniversary Edition (CapKore) (PS2?) -

BTW, get it while it’s still available. The training mode alone is well worth it.

N Char can’t soften throw is only a problem because o.sagat exists. I wouldn’t mind giving the other o. characters a little tiny edge, since the o. characters were treated unfairly to begin with. (My preference is to ban o.sagat haha)

As for EVO, I would imagine that they prefer to use PS3 because they run SSF4/Tekken on PS3 already, so it is very convenient to also run HDR/classic mode on PS3.

BTW PS3 sucks. It’s already shown that it has additional 2-3 frames lags compared to SF4 Xbox/Arcade.
How do people tolerate that is beyond me.

I would imagine that it is highly likely HDR on PS3 also has additional lags.
Maybe someone care about HDR enough should use a 60fps video cam to do some tests and post it.

You might be old but definitely not the oldest when you go to EVO.

Some of these guys look way out of place when they compete along sides 16 yr old :). That’s why Arcana Heart or melty blood will never be successful outside of Japan. Even grown up don’t want to be associated with cartonish teenage girl characters. Imagine a 40 years old dude owning at Arcana Heart :slight_smile:

Percentage-wise, yes, it’s about the same. The difference between ST/3s (or even KOF98) and SF4 is that there are people still playing the game after 10+ years while SSF4 will be lucky to last more than 5 after the release of the next version.

I sample the rooms in 3s, KOF98 and ST and the number are almost constant over time. There are always people going back to the game even they took a long break (you know who you are :).

Agree. I still see some people having that attitude of not sharing information even to this date.
BTW, don’t take the internet forum too seriously. Most of the new players that I met, they discover ST not through SRK nor they know about the forums. They discover ST through word of mouth.
A lot of good players don’t even frequent this forum.

The people who are attracted to ST/HDR forums are the same junkies that are addicted to the internet (point to self) lol.

The best way is to let them try the game out offline.

Keeping ST/HDR under the spotlight of EVO / major also helps.

Having a comprehensive guide available won’t hurt either.

I’m having another idea right now and I’ll make a sample for one of the characters to see how it goes. But this project will take way more time than the hitbox image project.
But at the same time I hope that will help people level up faster (including myself).

^^^ They returned O.Sagat to his old form in the Capkore AE as well. His FB was WAY nerfed in the US/JP AE Xbox Verison and the Orginal PS2 Versions. The Capkore has his ST-O.version 37 frame recovery.

Dutch ranbats were just announced to kick off next month. Last time we used Capkore AE, this time we’ll be using HDR Classic mode on 360.

Just thought I’d post what we are doing with out little sf2 community.

Curious, what kind of turnout are you getting? How far are people traveling to come? Have you ever tried using Remix mode, and if you did what was the turnout?

You realize the Super option is different that O. Characters from ST right? There’s a code to actually select the real O.characters from ST (with the exception of a nerfed O.Sagat in most versions).

True, other than the O.Sagat vs. Super Sagat differences another I can think off the top of my head is O.Fei being able to cancel almost any poke into Rekkas (where Super Fei can’t).

O.Chun can do her command normals while holding forward or back and pressing the respective kick. It makes her flip kick cancellable into a fireball, at the very least, something actual SSFII Chun can’t do.

The code for Hyper SFII, by the way, is to simply hold the Start (1P/2P) button as you select your character version, before you select your actual character. The SSFII symbol will become the SSFIIX symbol if you did it correctly.

The same code works to give Honda, Chun Li, and I believe Claw the store properties of their applicable moves back if you select “SuperX” instead. (Thanks SRK Wiki.)

IDK why the ST designers decided to make the O.characters different than their Super counterparts. IMO this is the biggest reason I disliked ST (other than Ken, Sagat and Dhalsim not having reversal Supers). I also never understood why N.Ken had 3 different motions for his Crazy Kicks. 3 different motions! WTF?! No wonder N.Ken is almost unusable in clutch situations. Wanna punish a whiffed poke by an opponent? Just hit d and a Kick. Oh wait, you hit b first, so you get a Crazy Kick instead of a sweep. LOL LOL Not so funny when it’s a tournament, and definitely not funny when it’s the biggest tourney in the world.

I’m not hating on ST, I’m just stating what I wish could have been different. ST is a game where half of the characters are an inferior version of their other self. So what’s the point of having the other version? The only O.characters that I thought could exist equally with their N.versions was Ryu, Ken and Chun Li. O.Sagat is miles better than N.Sagat, N.Zangief is leagues ahead of O.Zangief. Why doesn’t N.Fei have O.Fei’s capability of cancelling almost all normals? Seriously.

Remix alleviates all of N.Ken’s problems, including the reversal Super bug, and to hear players like damdai say that Ken “doesn’t need a reversal cuz his DP is already good enough and can’t be safe-jumped anyway” is incredibly astounding. I can’t believe it. You don’t know how stupid you sound when you say that. It’s ok for 13 out of 16 characters to have a reversal Super but not Ken, Sagat and Dhalsim? What kind of logic is that? And BTW, Dhalsim actually does need a reversal Super, since his reversal Teleport is garbage, it’s the only option he has against grapplers and aggressive Bisons and Vegas. Don’t give me that “he doesn’t need it” crap. And Ken and Sagat also need their reversal Supers. 13 out of 16 characters have it (which is a majority BTW), and so do they.

Discussions between expert players and intermediates/beginners are not the same. Unfortunately this site consists primarily of intermediates and beginners, which is why you never see any experts posting. I’m the idiot for still poking my head in occasionally. Blitzfu, you have no credentials. I don’t understand where you muster the confidence to speak.

I can say for myself though, that random crazy kicks for me are very rare, and i do alot of walking and sweeping against gief. Crazy kicks are a non-factor, and I’m not very good anyways.

It’s a free country brother.

I assume you’re not trolling…

The behavior changes are due to engine changes. Not changes to the characters. T. Akiba has some info on this. Old forum posts also explain the reasons why.

It definitely can be more newbie friendly if they don’t overlap with hcf/qcf + punch (fb), forward -> down + kick (walk up rh swipe). Same goes for sim (yoga fire / flame), cammy (Cannon Drill/Hooligan).

But I don’t think these hinder any high level play at all. Maybe when you’re learning them it could be a little frustrating at first.

Except o DJ & o claw, I think I saw every o character getting used even at high level.

They might be inferior in some area, but they are better in other ways.

Whether the trade is worth it, is up to the player to decide.

Far HP, Cr. MP, Cr. lk, Cr. mk. Balance changes? I don’t know.

Are you sure you want to call that opinion stupid?

Without super, out of all 16 characters, which one would you hesitate most to safe jump at???
Ken has the most safe and powerful reversal.

Actually if ken has reversal super and is being safe jumped, I would hesitate to use reversal super because if that safe jump is perfectly timed, reversal super will be blocked and get punished afterward.

fierce DP is good if the safe jump is perfectly timed. jab DP is best if the safe jump is not perfectly timed.

The only situation a super reversal can help him is when he is down to the pixels and someone is using a super to chip him to death. A super reversal can save him.

No one seriously complain about him not having super reversal. We can take a quick poll among the ken players…

There is no logic. That is a BUG.

Sim zones the fuck out of everyone when you are not close. If he’s going to have a reversal super, he can turtle all day after building the super.

I don’t know about you. But most people’s strategy against sim is to try to get a knock down (ume shoryu or what have you) and then rush the shit down (jump in/xup guessing game all day, offensive attack strings).

I said it before and I’ll say it again. It is very lucky that ST has this reversal bug with SIM. Otherwise sim will be as good as or better than o.sagat, and the game will not be as enjoyable as it is now since there are 2 characters that are obviously better than everyone else.

If they add 2 more frames to o.sagat’s fb recovery, I don’t have any complaint to the game (ok, maybe dive not knocking down).

I play both sim and ken.

Free to spread misinformation, wild speculation, and bad advice.
Freedom is great, but not so much when the majority is 1 collective retard.

No, this site consists of intermediate and/or expert players. No beginners here.

Yo damdai, you’re a cool guy and all, but when you post for the sole purpose of personally attacking people, it really doesn’t reflect well on you.

He was taunted. lol.