-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Duh, it was magical Norse armor that felt as comfortable clothes! j/k I don’t really believe that that’s a good excuse, but it did seem like magical armor when Odin depowered Thor.

I’d say only see it in theaters if you’ve got cash to burn and are into visuals. Matinee prices would be a better deal. If you just want to know the story for the Avengers movie, wait for a rental.

Massive Villain Spoilers

[details=Spoiler]does anybody remember for sure if the Infinity Gauntlet was shown in the theatres? Cuz I don’t remember it from the version I downloaded. And on top of that, it’s being reported the scene was cut, and will be cut from the DVD

oh, and because I can’t find the fucking Avengers thread since the forum reboot:

Seriously? Red Skull, Loki, Skrulls, AND Thanos, in one movie

that can’t end well :frowning:

Thanos should have got his own fucking movie. Or at least have em all going after the Cosmic Cube, then Thanos gets it and uses it to figure out about the IG. Because if they fuck up the Infinity Gauntlet, I will be mega mega MASSIVELY pissed the fuck off [/details]

Thanks for spoiling it Sovi3t =/

For real…

The not taking off the armor bit reminded me of Excalibur, where nobody ever took off their armor, not even when fucking.

Shit saw it a 2nd time and didn’t even think that Jeremy Renner was Hawkeye until I said “Wait, was that Jeremy Renner?” I looked through the IMDB listing and saw he was listed as Hawkeye. Dunno why I didn’t think about it the first time.

in a few months you’ll see a billion posters, trailers, teasers, and everything else. It’s not like this wasn’t a secret, I discussed half of it AGES ago, just the Thanos thing was supposedly gonna be the sequel.

no their was aspects that wasnt official. and thor didnt commercials didnt spoil half the shit that went on in the movie…you dun fucked up.

I kept my eyes peeled for the IG while watching the movie but couldn’t see it. Apparently it’s in the weapon vault but I must be for a brief flash if it’s there at all. That being said I found this movie a pretty fun watch and Natalie Portman was super cute in it.

And with regards to the supposed Avengers villain cast I hope it’s nothing more than a rumor. I’d be all for see Thanos in a movie (IG being one of my favorite comics put to print) but I’d prefer it if he had his OWN movie.

That villians list for the Avengers looks like pure speculation. Red Skull and Loki seems like a more probable teamup than mixing in Skrulls and Thanos. Need to save those guys for another movie. Hell Marvel needs that Fantastic Four and Xmen license if they want to pull off an Infinity Gauntlet epic movie.

I’m so torn on the idea of an Infinity Gauntlet movie. I’d love to see it put to film but at the same time I would super picky about the final product.

man if i had a suit of body armor i’d be wearing that shit all the time

like yo homeboy check out my baller ass chain mail

This is how I feel too, I dont think a movie would do it justice :shake:

Yes, but thor commercials clearly told you who the villains were (Loki and Destroyer). All I did was mention the villains. No other ‘aspects’. Same as how people know the villains in Batman. Grow a pair of balls, then rejoin this discussion (aka Man the fuck up)

[spoiler=Villain spoilers]

Thanos is the only iffy one. He may just show up at the end. I can’t fathom how they can fit him into the movie, unless it’s a last ditch effort thing, and he barely shows up (and is saved more for the next movie). Skrulls, and Loki are guaranteed though. I keep hearing both sides of the argument for Red Skull though. Sometimes he’s in, sometimes he isn’t.

and I completely agree with the thoughts on IG. I already know how this is gonna turn out (to a certain degree), and I don’t see them doing the IG up to par with the comics. I really don’t see them adding all the important characters, such as the Gods, Galactus, Doctor Strange, Wolverine, Spider-Man, etc etc. It’s just gonna be the Avengers vs the Mad Titan. Hollywood will bastardize the Infinity Gauntlet, like everything else.

And yes, Thanos needs his own movie. Explain how he would ever consider something like the Red Skull to be a teammate. This is a guy who’s gone toe to toe with Galactus and his first herald. This is a guy who conquered EVERYTHING, not just once, not even twice, but THREE TIMES.[/spoilers]

this has nothing about growing a pair of balls, this has to do with with respecting people who didnt want shit spoiled.

Soviet. Use spoiler tags. That’s what they are made for.

1 hour of thanos doing shyt, HAlf of hour of him playing with it, 1 hour of people dying…

5 minutes of him being DOOP’D by Adam Warlock

Oscar and thanos at the MTV movie awards haha

I personally see Marvel holding on to that Infinity Gauntlet story until they have the rest of there license back and establish some of the other heroes like Doc Strange and such.

i still fail to see how COMMON KNOWLEDGE is a spoiler. That’s like spoilering that Zod is in Superman, or that Joker would have been in Dark Knight, or that Bane is in the new one…this is stuff that either the studio has released, or it’s been on the web forever, existed as rumour, and was eventually verified. I sure as fuck haven’t seen the movie, so I’d love to know how I am spoiling a yet to have been filmed movie. Nobody bitched about the other stuff, it just seems to be here. I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned about David Tennants role in Fright Night. It’s been reported everywhere, pics exist everywhere, everybody with ANY knowledge of the movie knows it, but the trailers never showed him. Should I just wrap EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING in spoiler tags?

but whatever, people cry, I’ll listen. I ain’t angry about this, just hope you see my point.

anywho, I also forgot about Adam Warlock. Leaving him out of the infinity gauntlet (LET THERE BE…DISHARMONY!!!) is a terrible tragedy.

start here i guess?

[details=Spoiler]Yet another reason I hope Thanos is just a bit character rather than a main bad guy. He deserves his own movie. The guy took on Galactus for shits and giggles, why the hell make him part of a terrible gang of stupidity??? I hope to GOD that Marvel has a lot of power over the studio’s when it comes to The Avengers

*I really hope so. If they’re smart, they find out about it in the first movie, and then Thanos can kinda show up and grab a discarded gauntlet from a fucked up asgard or something…fit him in properly, show he’s better than the villains in the first movie…then wait a bit for licenses to come back (when does Fox lose X-Men rights, or when can Marvel at least use them in other productions?), and wait for Doctor Strange to finish up. You seriously need to at least have Silver Surfer, the Avengers, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Cyclops, Adam Warlock, and the pantheon of cosmic beings (or at least a few of the good ones) in it. The IG event was something that affected EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING was brought in to deal with him. Limiting it to the Avengers is just a slap in the face to all things Marvel that were involved and not on the team. Also, Thanos not trying to kill half of all life for Death, is a very important aspect of that storyline[/details]


I’m avoiding clicking these things and I think I already have the gist of the discussion.