-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

pretty amazing cast i must say, anthony hopkins as myself is pretty nice
and the movie should be fantastic too, marvel doesnt fuck around anymore
leading up to the avengers movie, im really really excited

here are some leaked pics

Destroyer Armor

Click here for spoiler regarding other MARVEL movies

And at the end of Iron Man 2, after the credits roll, there is a scene where a bunch of SHIELD agents go to the desert and one of them procalaims “We found it” and the camera pans to Thors Hammer on the ground. http://i40.tinypic.com/rac7pl.jpg [/details]

i just feel like hes too skinny to be thor.

I am so hype for this

HHH isn’t Thor?



pegrees Loki

  • :bluu:

meh, should have got crixus to play Thor.

Dude just doesn’t say Zuko to me one bit…they even ‘lessened’ the scar…
I have semi0decent hopes for the Avatar movie, but I can already see them fudging it up.

  • :bluu:

Captain Kirk is Thor??? I don’t know about that

I couldn’t see the pics…but the dude from the last Star Trek movie is Thor?

…I see him playing the part well, but not looking it…granted I always thought Thor was kinda lame…I have to cosign the HHH as Thor comment…it’s too perfect. Fuck a norse accent, just go around pedigreeing muthafuckas and holding onto the Avenger Championship belt for like 4-5 years.

I dunno, there is swole thor and skinny thor, there is rough n rugged thor and pretty boy with long hair thor…I’d rather them choose acting over looks since this guy will prolly reprise the role in the fourth coming and prolly shitty - Avenger’s movie.

  • :bluu:

Chris Pine was Captain Kirk in the Star Trek movie…Chris Hemsworth is playing Thor.

i think he played capt kirks dad

Oh damn…you be right there.
George Samuel Kirk

Ryan Renolds is the Green Lantern?

Meh. He’s a douche.

Brad Pitt would have made a much better Captain America.

you have to remember that capt America will be 23 years old in his movie

So how many movies do we need before they could officially start and avengers movie sereis? So far all we’ve been givine in the Hulk, Ironman and now Thor. Don’t we need a decent Captain America movie?

That avatar is straight classic. I never read anything about Thor, not sure if I will by the time the movie will release, but I’m hoping the movie will be pretty clear and do a good job of adapting the comic to film. I had some worries about it and Captain American since it seems like Marvel is really releasing a lot of comic book movies as of late and just by that nature all of them can’t be good, like Punisher Warzone.

capt america and ant man is all that needs to come out after Thor
then the avengers movie

Anthony Hopkins as a one-eyed Norse god? Gotta see it.

Thor’s armor looks too plastic.

Plastic armor can look good in a highly stylized setting like Coppola’s Dracula but for a fucking Viking god who walks around smiting people with a hammer? I want fucking steel armor. Eat, sleep, kill, even fuck in it like this is fucking Excalibur.

Anyway, I hope Branagh doesn’t stone it as he hasn’t directed a completely watchable film since 1989.