-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

I’m pretty hype for this movie. But I wonder if their even going to add Loki to the movie? And I remember seeing something about The Avengers movie coming out in 2012.

yea Loki is going to be in this movie.

never seen skinny thor. always buff everytime i pick that shit up…like hercules in comics buff.

lol@ idea of avenger belt.

Fuck you, Punisher Warzone was great.


Obv that one scene with the Abomination still as a human was a screen test for the Cap movie. Thors armor does need to look a little more metallic.

I second the Fuck you, Warzone was fucking badass. I mean the intro alone where he snaps that woman’s neck in the dinner table haha

Yeah i also agree with other peeps…Thor looks way too skinny, the armor looks to modern looking or even futuristic, could use touch of gold in some places, & the beard i’ve seen some women sport a manlier beard then that here in WA.

Yeah Crixus guy from Spartacus would have been nice. Look at these arms http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BMjExMzQ3ODAyNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTY4MzI4._V1.SX480_SY385.jpg

wtf…when was that taken? that shit dont even look right hahah. crixus aka ivan drago’s son.

No HHH, no interest.

Stringer Bell is Heimdall!! THAT’S going to be interesting.

What kind of character is Thor? Would it be like watching those old boring medieval epic tale movies?

no and yes at the same time

depends on what road they are taking
could be like thor #600… or could be like the 12 issues leading up to it

i heard its thor wit that doctor as the alter ego.

well thats all nice and dandy
but my post was regarding whether it will be a long talkfest… or an action packed romp haha

no way its gonna be a talk fest.

ya, i dont think so either
it will be fucking awesome

im sorry i just cant stop laughing at ur screen name right now…in this thread lol.

im just supporting my son, be easy

Dear Odin,

Is it true that you also go by the name Wednesday?

P.S. Why isn’t the movie about you, since you are much cooler than Thor anyhow?

It’s hilarious how simple Marvel are making it look to do an Avengers movie, but DC couldn’t make a JLA movie if they had twenty years.

cause who the fuck is going to see an aquaman movie?
DC has a one trick pony in batman
thats it