Superman, Batman, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Flash and Wonder Woman is all they need. Fuck Aquaman!
like somebody in the iron man thread said, imagine if Hercules existed now, but he only turned into hercules when he touched a magic hammer made my Odin (the chief Norse God). Oh and he can control lightning, and hits like a fucking truck.
Without a doubt, everything you need to know about Thor
pretty much every major thing he’s done in comics is linked there too
Watch this to find out something of what Thor is like: [media=youtube]IGq5ASuNrfk[/media]
video’s been removed
i kinda hope they hand it like they did ultimate thor
Where he’s all pro earth, and people think he’s crazy etc etc…
thanks for the link. reading through it now.
cant wait till marvel gets rights to surfer again from FOX

amazing deviant art pic
original is here
funny, i saw that book at my comic book store today
that would be crazy stupid. Stick to the normal Marvel mythos and it’ll be fine.
lol cuz they stuck with that for iron man.
ultimate iron man is so different
with that stupid blue skin and shit
They stuck with the Normal Marvel 616 mythos for the most part. In Ultimate marvel the guy is dying of a brain tumor and consistently drinks.
wut part is normal 616 mythos cuz most of it seems like ultimate and bullshit. lol discovered vibranium?
his origin in the first movie was basically like the 616 comic but instead of vietnam its afghan.
oh thought u were talakin second movie.
yeah, that site is fucking incredible, for the amount of info they have on all characters. Pretty much scanned and uploaded EVERY comic u need to see, with all the crazy battles and examples of their strength (the Wolverine thread is incredible, to be honest) shown to you.
that “thou art” stuff will be mad cheesy on the big screen. it might work well in a comic or animated but i def don’t want to what marvel: clash of the titans feat thor and his marvel friends There are a few good things that came from the ultimate universe. 1 is black nickfury, spiderman, and the 1st run of the ultimates. thor/hulk/hawkeye.
the way they did thor in the ultimate’s universe would be perfect for the movie and its already modernizes and wouldn’t require much changing. Like they WILL do
lol 10 bucks says thor runs into ghetto black people…i can almost gurentee it. lol im saving this post so i can come back to next summer for racist hilarity.
Thor has to speak like Thor. Thats like asking Wolverine to not call people Bub, or growl
its a fuckin must…I was already pissed that scarlett johansson didn’t even bother to have an accent in Iron Man 2, the fuck if nobody tries to do the accents in Thor
he did at sum points but basically sounded like she forgot.