-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Thor’s “Ye-olde-that’s-totally-not-how-a-Norse-god-would-speak” speech pattern hasn’t been prominent is 616 since the JMS run. It’ll occasionally crop up, either as a parody, or from writers who don’t work with the character often, but for the most part, he speaks standard English now.

Ain’t nothin’ wrong with some “I say thee nay!” in the movie though.

Everything i’ve read lately has had them speaking a mix of thou/art type speech. I’m not saying he shouldn’t speak like that somewhat, again…“ultimate thor” But i sure as heck don’t want to see them try to pull him speaking like that the whole movie while everyone else around him speaks common.

Also it depends on how they’re gonna do this movie, will it be strictly taking place in asgard…( thor’s orgin, everything with his brother and family and friends) or Is it strictly so Thor can be in the Avengers movies.

I dunno its to much to try to put in one movie imo… And it caters to two different crowds, In in the comic book circle its split up a good bit, there are those that hate the whole Asgard stuff and those that love it, so it’s gonna be even worst for you average movie goer. I personally don’t care for it in the marvel universe but i do like thor and loki.

I kinda hope the go the lord of the rings route and keep it purely in the realm of fantasy, otherwise i hope they go the ultimate route just so thor doesn’t flop. They can save the script of “man out of place/touch with reality/current event” for captain America

Also are they doing a antman/wasp movie? aka hunny i shrunk the kids?

Can’t see them having a avengers movie with em…

wut are u talking about? i just picked up book 1 of vol.3 its all over this book.

They should have him talk like Beowulf did . I mean THOR was a god of legend I can picture him boasting about his feats.

Nah, Iron Man in the movies is closer to Ultimate Iron Man than 616 Iron Man. While they take bits and pieces of both, Ultimate Stark never gained the slight bit of maturity that 616 Stark did (even though they immediately shredded that up once the movie hit and hit big). The biggest thing is the public identity. Ultimate Stark never really kept the whole Iron Man thing under wraps. 616 Stark didn’t publicly declare that he’s Iron Man until the Civil War.

I have a feeling Captain America is gonna be the man that humbles those two egos . He is a superhuman based off pure skill and willpower ( add in super soldier serum). He is gonna gain their respect in some crazy way.

Marvel is starting to pull out a lot better characters then before. The Captain America movie is the one I’m hyped up for. I’ll definately check this out too though.

Cap WAS the Avengers leader for a reason. And him and Stark were always at odds (hence their fight during Civil War).

Anywho, as for Thor, he STILL speaks similarly in the comics. He may not use olde english as much, but he still speaks in the third person frequently (ie Frost Giants crumble before the might of Thor). Just youtube some of the Thor videos from various cartoons, to know how he speaks, and will speak.

And you can’t have Thor without Asgard.

you forgot the best hero in JLA, ELASTIC MAN!

tadanobu asano plays hogun?

These two are gonna be skeptical of him because he has no real powers and is the second weakest member of the team with Hawkeye coming in 1st.

well i cant see thor caring at all. he’s all about that asguard unless he changes during the thor movie.

Idris Elba as Heimdall? :wtf:

Jive Out!

real talk/co-sign.


Wait, what? The Punisher is Volstagg?

heck ya
stevenson is such a kick ass actor

I wonder how Nick Fury will find his way into this movie. Will people be afraid when they see Thor at first, or will their reaction be more to like Superman’s? He’ll probably be scene as crazy at first when he walks around in the public.

hes not in this movie according to sam jackson.

Damn i was looking forward to some epic quotes…

Sam Jackson - "What the Fuck is that"
Thor - "Mjolnir, a hammer forged from uru metal. A gift from my father Odin. Its Unbreakable!
Sam Jackson - "Unbreakable, i aint no fucking Mr. Glass
Thor - "You are an angry one my mortal friend"
Sam Jackson - “Shut the fuck up”

wtf who???

Cap is the PERFECT human. I am kinda bored by him, to be honest, but he still could put up one hell of a fight vs hulk. Thor and Hulk have a great battle for #1, but even Tony Stark isn’t THAT far out of it (look at his Hulkbuster armor during World War Hulk).