-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

You can’t take a comic book series and successfully turn it into a stand alone movie, its predestined to fail. Mahvel should compeltley avoid the IG at ALL cost, it also delves too deep into aspects of the Mah-vel universe that have been completely ignored…like really imagine them trying to integrate ‘galactus’ in his FF4/2 form into something like that.

  • :bluu:

Given Marvel’s track record so far, i don’t think they’ll open the can of worms of the IG unless they have a solid story.

Saw it today. Had to see it in 3d because they dropped the non-eyestabby version 2 weeks ago. It was okay, I would have preferred it in 2d I think(and not just because I need my actual glasses to read anything on screen).

They’ve been showing off the IG at conventions, and it’s been discussed on any website with even the tiniest shred of credibility, it’s pretty much a guarantee for Avengers 1 or 2

I didn’t. If you’re talking about the IG, see above.

in case you didn’t know


Osama bin Laden is dead too…seeing as some of you apparantly live in caves

Sorry that I came into the Thor thread wanting to read about opinions on the movie Thor which I just watched instead of being spoiled on the possibility of other, non-Thor movies. Maybe that’s a bit too fucking hard for you to comprehend.

I know little about what’s planned for movies. I keep it that way so that I’m pleasantly surprised. I don’t follow movie threads or websites, I’m not the type. I just like watching movies. I also like discussing said movies without the discussion being plagued about speculation/rumours/confirmation about other movies/franchise.

It’s not like the topic title goes -THOR- The movie (2011) - NEW AVENGERS TIDBITS REVEALED (there actually is a place to do that, btw which I’m sure you’re aware of now: Avengers movie thread and even if there wasn’t you could’ve…kept it spoiled but still relevant or start your own thread…)


Here’s my short piece on Thor since I got distracted the last time I was in the thread.

Loved Thor, great “action” blockbuster to me that didn’t actually have that good action. I think it just went at a really good pace that hid its shortcomings. Loki and Heimdall both stole the show.

Thor himself was fun, but I kinda missed him doing a speech of epic proportions. Didn’t care for the Portman romance (it seemed very abrupt even), but man she really wanted his tongue.

The more I think about it, the more I feel Thor would have been five times better if the Asgard shit didn’t happen right at the start.

Let the humans, and the audience, think Thor is crazy for a while.

The Asgard “prologue” was bloated anyway, and its tone much different – and jarring – compared to the rest of the film. It could have referenced more briefly in flashback, saving some extra minutes for the character that needed it most: Loki.

Also, not to jump into the “spoiler or not” talk (which is totally what I’m doing), but Tapatalk doesn’t recognize spoiler tags. FYI for anyone using the app.

I’ve noticed this, and hate it immensely