how about i drop kick you in the chest like Thor did and see if you actually get up from that?
That drop kick reminded me of this. [media=youtube]6HOFRGOzknQ[/media] 1:03
Best dropkick of all time because it’s a STANDING DROP KICK! Dude doesn’t even fall down.
How about you get off your high and mighty horse instead of using your perch as an arguing point, actually think about what I’m saying? I’m not expecting a Bourne Identity grapple takedown but if you’re too stupid to understand what I really meant was that the fight was “weak” from a choreography standpoint or even cinematic one. It seemed like the most flaccid end to a fight as of recent, especially considering it’s a warring thunder god, the best you can give us is a WWF kick?
To put it clearly and perhaps to still give you a bit of respect for your stupid comment, yeah I probably won’t get up from a kick to the chest if you attacked me like Thor, but it’ll sure as hell be more fucking cinematic and entertaining that what I saw in that fight scene.
You are being trolled, OC.
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Pretty much. I already knew he meant the choreography was weak.
Wow, this is the pussiest-ass backpedal I’ve ever fucking seen.
Backpedaling would imply that i’m taking my trolling statement back which i’m not. If anything i’m surprised someone actually figured out i was trolling with statement in the first place.
Avengers is Loki and Skrull and Kree
Avengers 2 would be Thanos
the movie kinda reminded me of watching a wrestling show
pretty entertaining though
i dont read much comics, can someone tell me if there is actually supposed to be an asian dude in the comics? that was wtf random
hogun is asian
so what kind of training did hemsworth have to go thru to bulk up that much?
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A scion of cleverness, you are.
He’s like Mongolian or something. Comic Asgard is weird.
Hogun didn’t start out as Aesir, he earned his way into Godhood.
I saw lots of asians and other non-white people amonst the Aesir people in the movie.
Have you read Ebert’s review?
In the first paragraph he knows that the movie is based on the comics, and mid rant he is comparing the movie with the myth itself. First time I saw Ebert reviewing with false info.
wow just wow, that guy is dumb.
In Kusanagi’s defense, I also don’t think too highly of Ebert, partly because he’ll sometimes reach a conclusion in some wacky, decidedly non-smart way, assume he arrived at that conclusion intelligently, and then defend the decision vehemently… and poorly. See: his “games aren’t art” rants.
In my defense, that isn’t me saying one shouldn’t compare the film adaptation of the comic book adaptation of Norse mythology to the original mythology.
In mythology’s defense, the Norse gods were really cool in that they had built-in flaws.
In flaws’ defense, everyone needs them.
In the word “them”'s defense, it really is needed in a wide variety of sentences.