-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Just saw the film in 3D… good film I was dreading this would be a bad film, but i wasnt disappointed. Good portrayals all round. Heimdall byakugans ftw.

incorrect ma’am

I was surprised that it was actually good/entertaining. I didn’t have hope for it because I was never a Thor fan, would only pick up his issues if it was a major crossover. I felt Thor like superman is one dimensional, but they pulled it off. Everything I thought was fine except Thor’s arrogance in the beginning, and he just becomes humble a little later.

I don’t know if his character has a history of arrogance, because I didn’t collect it as I said, but whenever I did read him in a book he never acted like that.

Thor started arrogant then was humbled by Odin, so that’s all good.

Also, Superman isn’t one-dimensional. “Powerful” != “Shallow.”


… Sorry. Usually I can silence the screams.

Superman=Too powerful=boring
Put on glasses and everybody is fooled.
The way he has been portrayed there is hardly any sense of danger for him. I mean Doomsday storyline was great, but there are hardly any memorable stories I can think of that I cared about. He was created at a time, and his character couldn’t evolve without weakening him.

I’m no psychologist, but people don’t usually have sudden character change like that, that easily. He went from being a clown, to being ultra serious. Unless being banished is like a near death experience for him.

I’m being critical on what I didn’t like, it was still a great movie.

You’re oversimplifying a complex issue and confusing shit with other, different shit.

First of all, a character’s power level certainly influences his character, but that doesn’t inherently lead to stronger characters being shallow. Thor and Superman are complex characters with multiple layers of depth. Jubilee is a rather shallow character (by comparison, at least), and she’s bottom-rung when it comes to formidability. Going “fuck that Hero X, he’s not Batman, I can’t relate to him, because Batman’s human, even though Batman’s ‘humanity’ is way better than real life’s” doesn’t make your argument correct, or even relevant.

Second, what the fuck does psychology have to do with a weakened Superman? Certain canons used a weaker Superman, but in the well-written stories, the essence of Superman’s character never changed: he’s a country boy raised to help others, he’s a little petty, he’s very emotional, and he wants to see the good in people. Even Red Son Superman, who was on the side of Soviet Russia, exhibited these traits (albeit in a contextually relevant way, which is why that comic is superb).

Its not like he didn’t have a good head on his shoulders he was just too cocky.

Being striped of power and made to live like a common person might just have that effect…Its not far fetched at all.

Going from a mansion feel with family and friends to a 1 bed and bath apt on a continent might make some people think twice about there priorities

edit: I dont like superman either I feel like he try’s way to hard to relate to a human and the human struggles. Dude has Nothing to worry about for the most part and never will.

Thor both cast and suffered INDIGNATION!


Enjoyed this movie quite a bit. Cool visuals.

Lol at someone saying he doesn’t like Superman and Supes fans getting offended. Happens 100% of the time, people just don’t like him. It doesn’t magically change the text of his comics if someone on the internet dislikes him.

Thor was good, but I think they could’ve used another half hour film time. The interaction between Portman and Thor was barely there. I’ve spent the night with plenty of women and I’m not a new man afterwards. They should have showed a bit more time with the two, or use a scene to show that time has passed by with them together or something. Or on the flip side they could have played the “love at first sight” card by just having them gaze at each other for a second or two when they see each other for the first time. Playing the crazy man was hilarious but it took away from some of the credibility of them falling in love for such a short time. One or the other would have worked for me.

Loki was great, when I saw pictures of the actor I was like “Oh God here we go…” but he did a VERY good job, as did the rest of the cast.

Saw this. This movie was great! I was afraid it was going to be a little bit cheesy, but it was done well overall. It was unique how they started it out and progressed from there. All of the jokes except for 1 wasn’t unfunny. The action was good and overall entertaining. It did seem weird to me thought that were was Idris Alba and an Asian guy in Asgard, but I got used to them.

after credits


Dissapointed to see that Loki will be the main villain of the Avengers movie.

^^^ i’m pretty sure it will be red skull. loki may be a side character though.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they had some involvement with Loki, he’s who originally got the Avengers to form.

To the person who said I wouldn’t like it if I don’t like Spider-man you were way off. I don’t even see the comparisons of Spider-man and this film.

I guess I should have said not very impressive action?

I mean…


the battle on the ice world was cool. Other than that there was the break in to get the hammer, the battle with the Destroyer, and the fight with Loki. They all struck me as quick and not very thrilling; like something I’d see in a good episode of Smallville lol. Definitely not on the level of Iron Man or Spider-Man 1 & 2, which I recall having more or at least longer action sequences.

I’ve seen girls go out with guys they felt were crazy or “out there”, adds intrigue. It’s also why serial killers get love letters in prison.

The battles were pretty Catastrophic but THOR TOOK CARE OF IT! haha…
I think he Kinda DBZ and Level up from boy -> Man…
I didnt think the FIRST thor should have a beard… bothered me…

there was a lot ryding on the battles too!
Member, Thor stuff is usual more EPIC and fuckin awesome and bitch ass tony cock loving starks! (Maderine got them nice ass ring though)

One had the fate of the Ice people and asgard, the other Prolly a good portion of Earth and Loki set the army down, lol


Well we are talking about Kenneth Branagh here, of which I don’t think is the most classically versed in making the action sequences. However I do think he is what was needed on a thing like Thor. The acting wasn’t spectacular, mainly because I sort of see as Anthony Hopkins as dialing in his every role since 5 or 6 years ago, but it wasn’t the worst that is usually associated with comic book films. I guess it was partly due to being based on mythology which ties into fantasy, of which seems less hokey compared to most comic book terminology, but any action sequences involving special effects was badass…any mortal based ones were fucking ass. When Thor stormed the facility and fought the big ass hench, it was probably the weakest fucking fight I’ve seen in a LONG time. I mean you finish off a guy with a WWE style drop kick? FUCK ME.

But other than that, a real decent film. Kind of interesting how they tried to make the film multi-ethnic which I don’t know what basis was required for that since it’s based on a Norse mythos; BUT it sort of erased that credibility when they made the fucking Jackie Chan reference.


Ray Stevenson is the actor that portrayed Volstagg, who was Thor’s burly buddy with the giant red beard. He also happened to be the same guy that played Frank Castle in Punisher: War Zone! Ray Stevenson - IMDb