-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

:lol: I know right, of all the movies that deserved the 3D treatment Inception didn’t get it :confused:

You have a point. As a mesmorph, I started working out by doing bodyweight exercises, and built up a pretty solid base rather quickly. I wasn’t gigantic or anything, but I had some size to me. I didn’t touch a weight until I played football in HS and the transition was easier for me than others.
I guess I didn’t consider that just because Hensworth didn’t lift weights, doesn’t mean he didn’t keep in shape. Plus he has the advantage of having a small army of trainers and nutritionists to bust his balls 24/7 . That has to suck… no wonder actors fall off the wagon hard after they stop training for a role. Ever seen Toby Maguire between Spiderman movies? There was a reason people started calling him “Tubby” Maguire. lol

I think it depends on the person, if they have been athletic all their life they are far less likely to fall of the wagon. I remember after 300, Gerard Butler said that after they stopped filming he was addicted to working out he couldn’t stop going to the gym, same with Will Smith.

Yeah, those endorphins are a hell of a drug. :tup:

Sorry but I have to do it :rofl: [media=youtube]iMjG2s6UOaw[/media]

that shyt is fuckin classic

FUnny how people are surprised if Hollywood uses steroids, lmao, they prolly support it/supply them!
Gotta understand… 3 months is a loooooooooonnng time and can easily change your body
Just look at the p90x videos, now imagine being paid to do that and having trainers and the whole 9! fuckin cake! haha…

this movie is tight… especially all the hammer action (nigggaaaaaa) haha…

I especially like when he spins it as he is fighting to but he is still swinging it regularly! so ill, gotta see it! (Frost giant battle)
also he spins it, and hurls rocks at the giants! haha, he hurts them.

I don’t understand the lack of speeches, HE WAS talking to humans, haha…
every1 talks pretty good, Loki was ight, kinda sick of the lil bitch villain.

Your posts are always a guilty pleasure and a challenge to read. :rofl:

i find reading them with the voice of a 5 year old boy makes them even more entertaining.

My cousin points out that Natalie Portman really face-sucked that kiss. Guess being vegan dont cut it: bitch needed her some BEEFCAKE.

The movie runs about 114 mins, so all that stuff was probably cut from the theatrical release. I’m positive there is a lot to be shown in a blu ray extended edition. The movie flies by so fast, I can easily see myself sitting there at the theater watching another hour of these characters interacting. So enjoyable

Am i the only one who found it funny that this thread was started by Odin?

Is it really that hard to pronounce mjolnir? Bitch said “meow meow”, really?

i was laughin so hard when she said “we have to get his meow meow back”

Just reppin’ my son.

thought the movie was good. I thought the loki guy was ok in terms of acting. Also felt the whole relationship thing between hemsworth and portman was a little dry.

I found it adorable.

For those that haven’t seen it, don’t expect much from the decent reviews. It has a thin plot and characters and not much action. It’s just not that bad when compared to the worse Marvel movies. I think the first X-men movie had more entertaining moments.

haha I noticed this too. For a second it looked like Thor was going for another hand kiss and walk away like a G, but then she swallowed his face. Guess Thor watched Hitch before coming down.

I know enough about Marvel comic book movies to know that this movie would be an absolute piece of crap. Not going to see it.

This movie is farrrrrrr from bad. I don’t know people expect out a action movie let alone one based off marvel comics Thor.

Like I said it was a solid 7/10

CorsetBoy91 is just a bad troll. Ignore.