-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

Hey no bat-talking in this thread.
This thread is only for superheroes with superpowers.

LOL it’s Ham!

Completely forgot which of the AD cast is in this movie

What did Thor say about magic and science :stuck_out_tongue:

Looks like he discovered milk shakes to me. :rofl:

He said something about Batman being a dude with gadgets.
You don’t see me calling Data from the Goonies a superhero.

I was under the impression that Nolan didn’t particularly care for CGI. I’m curious how they’ll do this then.

I think he doesn’t care for CGI when practical can be used.

Science and magic are one of the same. So if Batman defeats you with science, he can also learn how to harness Thor’s wizardry!

Well talk to me when Batman actually uses science to permanently enhance himself like Cap.

That’s cheating, Batman doesn’t cheat

The God Damn Batman needs only Prep Time.

holy shit that’s sig worthy…damn

Stfu about DC
even though the green lantern trailer was fuckin sick

Thor was awesome! SO much shyt and and everything meshed well together
All the SFX were amazing
All the Asgardians are badass and Hopkins was brilliant… (sucks he can’t be huuge, haha)
movie is fuckin sick
I have no back story about thor or prior knowledge except for the basic stuff, but this movie is awesome

Natelie Portman is okay for a jew, hahahaha…
Queen amadala is nice, but I hope Enchantress comes With the T n A!

Saw Thor on opening night. Was a pretty decent flick, perhaps a smidgeon on the Good side. I dunno if i’d rate it on the same level as the Iron Manmovies though.

Overall, it was good. Great special effects, excellent portrayal of Asgard, great Odin & Loki too. Thor was alright to although his personality could have been a bit improved…

Anyone read those comics where Thor shows up onto the scene of the big Villian and says something to the effect of, “I say thee…NAY!” and pummels the guy with his hammer?

Yeah this thor does not do that stuff. He just shows up and whips ass, without any of the dramatic, commanding dialog & other elements that comic Thor is known for.

lol people hype this movie up like the second coming of jesus… so… worth watching?

Second coming? Naaa i thought the iron Man movies were a tad better.

Still, if you’re a comic fan and usually enjoy the other marvel flicks, this is well worth it.

Even if you’re not a comic or Thor fan, its a still pretty cool fantasy/action movie.

Its a good movie,


this is how he comes off to me. basically why use cgi creatures when you can use muppets. basically he’s the bizzaro george lucas lol.

Oh and much respect to Anthony Hopkins for not worrying about BS like “acting cred” and being eager to do a comic book movie role.

he played a badass Odin
I really couldn’t think of anybody I would have rather had.

I do however lol @ Renne Russo being the Queen and doing pretty much nothing but get knocked aside like a bitch.

I kinda got to thinking today though…they never really explained the Odinsleep well. I know it myself, but to people who have no idea of Norse mythology or Marvel’s Thor comics, it wasn’t explained well. Hell they didn’t even discuss the Casket of Ancient Winters or Destroyer either…would have been nice :frowning: