- roids or gh.
Reverse that.
i.e. roids or gh + (whatever else).
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Yeah, it’s a good bet that there were some “enhancements” going on espeicially since he said he had never lifted weights before.
To get that amount of muscle in that short of time, he was either “juicin’” or he has god-tier genetics.
But still, steroid, gh, whatever won’t get you big by themselves, he still would have had to put some serious work in to get those results.
We might as well call it the “Christian Bale effect”.
Hemsworth does look like a mesomorph though, so it’s entirely possible he reached his level without drugs. When you’re a mesomorph you don’t have to try as hard to gain the appearance of significant muscularity.
:u: Was thinking the same, he said he has been atheletic all his life, same as Christian Bale (remember Psycho)
thing is if you never used weights before its easier to build muscle.
But it ain’t 18 inch guns in three months easy.
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wow, so he was actually bigger before the movie and they (sadly) told him to slim down!? wonder if there are pics of that… he couldn’t have been much bigger than captain america chris. plus movie thor looks like he could be rather larger
chris evans doesnt look that big…so i can easily see thor bein bigger before filming. some people really just have that genetic assist.
chris e looks bigger than chris h. imo this movie thor is too thin to match up to the usual depictions of Thor.
I was just talking about chris e because I was wondering why they asked chris h to slim down when chris e looks bigger than him. isn’t thor supposed to be bigger if going by the comics?
It’s ok, his height will trump any muscular shortcomings.
All this talk has gotten me curious about Bane
waits in anticipation of the poetic, if obvious Scott Pilgrim referencing comeback
I’m with the furious one on awaiting pics of bane…or at least the actor before getting all grossly bane-like from costume/CGI
Tried to explain this character to my gf. “he’s a comic super hero, but also a god. They didn’t make comics about him for awhile because he died but recently they cloned him and brought him back”
they wanted him to get more cut when they say he was too bulky not that he was too big muscle wise.
It’s not like Comic Book Thor has a realistic physic guys…
I was thinking Arrested Development [media=youtube]5posU08HjXg[/media]
When did they announce that?
LMAO - I like that one better, but my joke is better suited, given your handle.