-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

The movie was good, but not great. It felt rushed; I wanted more Thor/Loki growing up time and more insight into Loki’s motivations and ambitions. A lot of very exposition-heavy dialogue; I know you need some of that shit in a Thor movie but it went overboard.

The dude what played Thor was perfect, as were the dudes what played Odin, Volstag, Heimdall, and Loki (Loki needed more screentime and insight but the dude what played him totally screams Loki). SHIELD’s role could have been more prominent, or less; they seemed plugged into the film purely to act as an obstacle and Avengers tie-in.

Scene after the credits was boss.

I suspect the extended cut of this film will be waaaaaaaaaaay better than the theatrical cut.

He was 220 in Thor.

At 6’3 that isn’t exactly huge.

Dude musta been 2 percent body fat, and hardly any legs…

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Ooooh I really hope there is an extended cut. I bet it would be fantastic.

sounds like it was rushed…it was filmed right after christmas…dang. thats a short amount of time.

2? I didn’t think it was that low. 2% is like Bruce Lee ETD ripped.

It kind of makes sense to not work the legs so much, films usual focus on the upper half of the body anyway.

I await the inevitable Thor vs Hulk battle in Avengers, with Cap and Iron Man assists. They’re saving all the cool superhero movie ideas for the Avengers movie

I agree with some assertions. I needed more action, and more Asgard.



Thor gets the hammer, then kinda whirlwind fucks up Destroyer. Destroyer should have been on screen like 10-20 minutes more. At least the end shit with Loki was nice

And Specs I competely agree. Loki blew me away, no homo. I was not a fan of him when I saw trailers and pics, but DAMN did he sell that shit. Scene after credits gave me chills.

He did all 3 of his MvC3 hypers in the movie.

During the fight with all those Frost Giants: Mighty THUNDAH!!

Destroyer Fight: Mighty Hurricane!

Last Fight

Against Loki: A cherry-tap version of the Mighty Punish[/details]

That wasnt a hyper.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

That was an OTG.

He was extremely low in ETD, from what I heard and read it was the lowest he’d been, at time of death he was down to 1%. Which is pretty scary considering you need fat around your vital organs not just under the skin

Hogun has always looked extremely Asian in the comics, i think it was even mentioned before he was a Monogolian who earned the right to Godhood or something.

Ya Hogun was perfectly cast, same with Fandral.
I would have preferred someone actually fat for Volstagg.
Punisher is not fat enough. But I still like Stevenson as an actor.

The movie turned out better than I thought, because I came into it with really low expectations. Loki’s actor did a real good performance.

Saw it yesterday and went in with half expectations. I was very pleased with the end product though I was confused by the end credits because I don’t know what it was…(Anyone can explain it to me in spoilers because I was in the dark on that…it looked important). The guy who played Thor had that role down to a science making him sound exactly how he was supposed too. I love it when they put Superheros in normal everyday situations.

‘This drink is good…ANOTHER! KRSSSH

After reading some reviews I had some hopes up.

I saw the movie this afternoon as well, it was pretty good maybe 1 or 2 more scenes and it could have been Iron Man 1 status but right now I’d say it’s on par with IM2 which is a good movie. Definitely something I’d get a director’s cut for.

End Credits scene


It was the cosmic cube, something I’m not totally familar with either. Cosmic Cube - Marvel Universe Wiki: The definitive online source for Marvel super hero bios..

Ahhhhhh…that…seems…interesting. Though I’m not sure how I feel about it if it leads up to M.O.D.O.K. showing up on the big screen in some fashion. I can only imagine enjoying enjoying The Avengers when suddenly [media=youtube]JMc13A8LqaA"[/media]



I don’t think they will use MODOK, but rest assured, that Red Skull will have the cube in his possession during the Cap movie. Since every MARVEL end credits scene always leads up to another movie. The Cube is totally overpowered though, like one step under the Infinity Gauntlet, so I wonder how they will approach it.

Reading up all this stuff on it…I’m wondering how exactly it’s going to be approached as well. This will be interesting.

i don’t know


The cosmic cube recently hasn’t been that broken. During Brubakers earlier run on Captain America, the Red Skull was gonna use it for power but ended up restoring Bucky’s memories while also putting him inside Lukins body. Not something that i would say is overpowered.

Damnit I didn’t stay for all the credits, just the fancy ones where it took you through space clouds

I was going to go and watch this at the cinema, then I realised it was gonna be on SyFy for free! So just watched it on TV, loved the scenes with Kevin Nash, great film!