-THOR- The movie (2011) Thread

That’s ALL mythology, though, lol.

And half is generous.

Yea but its REALLY bad with Norse myth. I mean i know there is worse but of the big, well known ones Norse kind of has it up the ass.

If you don’t mind me asking, but what are some of these contradictions.

It’s been a while i dont remember exactly but stuff like some character roles like that of Valkries, Some stuff about the different relms (Most info about the 9 relms is missing tho) and some gods personalities like Odin, tho Odin was also a shape shifter so that could account for that.

change in personality


He was banished, he was turned into a mortal, the meow meow didn’t deem him worthy to carry it, he believed his father died, he believed his mother had disowned him, which would mean his entire people also hated him, never boned Xena, oh yeh and he started a war which would bring about the end of his race

I think those were pretty damn good reasons to change your personality

Yo why you got to make a brother a doorman? What’s the deal with the rainbow? :lol:

But is’nt that more realistic, screw the old school hollywood love stories. It’s animalistic, she’s physically attracted to him, he is a mystery, and she is Natalie Portman.

I was also blown away by the costume design, it wasn’t good but campy like Watchmen, they all looked the part.

I want to know what training regime they got him to do to buff up so much, as I remember he was no where near that big in Star Trek.

Ninja Edit: Compound muscle training

Dude was in Star Trek?

Compound muscle training is very, very effective.

he’s kirks dad in the beginning of star trek.

can anyone explain compound muscle training cuz sumtin dont feel right 3 months and he was hulk size? i dont care how much training he did…no way he didnt have a roid assist.

lol. Personally, I wasn’t even thinking about her titans in the movie and she was uber-cute. She could’ve had B cups for all I care (thank Odin that she doesn’t)

It’s funny how on here and other forums/ reviews I’ve read there has not been ONE complaint about Negro Heimdall after people saw this movie.


If you can you should read some of the early Thor books from the 80s with Walt Simonson at the helm. He was the one responsible for incorporating more Norse mythology into the story and transformed Thor from some corny line spouting cheeseball with a hammer to a bad ass god of thunder with some actual depth.
His Ragnarok and Midgard Serpent story lines were epic on a Tolkien level.

Almost everything I do compound exercise, but I do eat very little.

So if they ever do a He-man movie (I hope they don’t) this dude will be top of the list

You know they will :rofl:

Isn’t thor supposed to be some 600lb+ norse god in the comics? aka he’s a big man, why the director wanted the actor to lose weight just doesn’t make any sense to me.

There is such thing has carrying too much muscle for your frame. He is 6ft 3, so he is able to pack on a lot, but at the time you don’t want him to look ridiculous. From what he said in the video they had already made the costume so he had to loose the extra weight.

Ninja Edit: What Rock said

I never had a problem with him to begin with, but I did go WTF at Asian Hogun, then again his outfit does seem somewhat mongolian in the comics. Mind you I didn’t have a problem with asian Hogun either; I thought that was just cool.

Yeah, I read something about him getting in the suit, and his arms going numb. lol

Movie was alright. I think it felt rushed. They set the scene for his transformation but it wasn’t really expounded on like how Iron Man handled Tony’s transformation.

Chris Hemsworth was awesome though. The movie was perfectly cast.

The other actor’s customes besides Odin, loki, and Thor looked like some shit you’d get from Party City.

I agree. I think the acting helped make them believable regardless, but I don’t know why Hollywood is afraid of making real armor with composite metals for a natural feel, not polyurethane Power Ranger stuff.

I saw this last night. It was pretty slow but entertaining at least. There were a few pretty funny parts at the beginning of the movie but it wasn’t very action packed at all but oh well.

Good action awesome romantic comedy the missus loved it

thor was good

chris hemsworth is an attractive man

“i demand a horse”

I’m sure that partially was the costume, and that they’re going for the “hollywood” look. But if the sequels are going to be having Thor against the Hulk or the Juggernaut then he’s going to need to increase his size or go CGI or something.

I dug the movie. I wouldn’t go watch it again by myself, but I would if someone offered. I like the 1st Iron Man more than this one but I still dug it.

I liked

  • The outfits
  • The scenery of the other realms (especially Asgard. very majestic.)
  • The jokes weren’t from the desk of a WWE executive
  • I wanna fuck Natalie Portman
  • Black Heimdall (Nigga was awesome. I think it was that Ibis dude)
  • Loki (His actor did a really good job)
  • The overall acting
  • Thor, Loki, Sif, and The Warriors 3 vs The Frost Giants
  • Thor using Mighty Strike, Mighty Tornado, and Mighty Thunder

Wasn’t a big fan of…

  • Loki wasn’t mischevous enough
  • Thor dispatching The Destroyer so easily (but I can overlook it. It’s a movie afterall)
  • No sign of Mighty Punish or Mighty Hurricane
  • Not enough big speeches (but I guess the kids these days don’t like speeches)

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying in his best Thor voice:

You would attack Thor, the God of Thunder with such a primitive weap… ZACK!